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Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Massey

Discussion in 'XJ DIY How-To Instructions' started by RickCoMatic, Jan 2, 2007.

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  1. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    The Old School Method.
    By: Rick Massey
    Revised, edited and corrected.
    January 1, 2007
    © All rights reserved.

    (The Carbs which are the specific focus of this article, are the HITACHI Brand Carbs which were Standard Equipment on most XJ-Series Bikes.)

    Pull the Gas Tank, Plastic’s and Beauty Pieces to get ready to remove the Carbs.

    Get the Carbs off the bike. This part is a major pain in the ass; and will always be. Undo the clamps on the BOTH the Airbox – to – Carb boots and the Carbs – to – Intake Manifolds.
    (Don't mess with the Intake Manifold’s Allen Head - Cap Screws trying to remove the Manifolds. It’s best to leave the Manifolds alone. Snap-off a Cap Screw and you're screwed.)

    Push the rubber Air Box Boots right back into the Airbox. Note the grooves in the Boots that fit the Airbox outlet air ports. Observe the locating tab; too. This method makes the tedious job of REMOVING the Carbs a whole heck of a lot easier. Getting the air-box boots back in the Grooves, later, requires a little fight! But, believe me … you'd much rather fight with the Rubber Boots than need to remove the Cylinder head for a broken-off manifold Cap Screw’s drilling-out.

    Undo the Cables and Cable-end holders next. Clear the way to removing the Carbs out from the LEFT side of the bike.

    Separate the Carbs from the Intake Manifolds.
    (Use a pry bar taped-up or dressed to not mar any surfaces. Or, add an Old School Tool to your toolbox. A long, sturdy, hardwood, hammer-handle for a 20-Ounce Framing Hammer)*

    Throw the Hammer-handle in your toolbox. Use it to pry things on the bike where you don’t want metal-to-metal contact.*

    Pry the #-1 and the #-4 Carb’s back and free all the Carbs from their Manifolds.
    Draw the Carbs straight back into the room you made by pushing-in those rubber Air Box Boots into the Air Box.
    Bring the Carbs out the Left Side of the bike.

    Get a large, rectangle bin to use for cleaning the Carbs. Wire-up and suspend a small cooking grate (the wire kind) from a toaster-oven to set the Carbs on. This allows you to spray Carb Cleaner on them and have the cleaner and grime drip right off the Carbs into the bin.

    Set the rack on the grate and spray-off and brush-off all dust, dirt and grime.
    Hit the springs, adjustment screws, idle rod and the sync screws – real good so they will respond to tuning adjustments, later.

    Get two muffin baking tins – 12-holed – to set side-by-side – forming four columns of divided bins to store each Carb’s component parts without mixing them up with others.

    NEXT: “We go where others fear to tread”

    Your Carb-Cleaning Adventure – BEGINS!

    Fuel Bowl Removal and Lower-End Overhaul

    "OK, Troops ... we're going-in!"

    Remove the four Cross-head (Or Phillips) screws holding the Fuel Bowl to the Carb Body.
    Set the four screws for Number - 1 in the bottom of your lined-up Muffin tin.
    Go ahead, take-off the Float Bowl.

    Spray some cleaner in the Float Bowl letting it accumulate half-way ... set the bowl down -- level --and let the Carb Cleaner work on the Fuel Bowl's metering ports at the bottom.

    There's the business-end of your Carb exposed. The float is hinged. In the middle of the hinged part you'll see the "Float Needle Attaching Tab." There will be a tiny wire across the tab. That's a spring that is attached to the Float Needle Valve. Hold the Carbs up and get a close look at how the Needle Valve attaches to that tab.

    Between the two float sections are the two numbered Jets, and hidden from view by the large Main Jet is a long, multi-ported, internal emulsion tube.
    ***(Emulsion tube will be referred to as NOZZLE in this article.) ***

    Below the Float Needle Tab is the Float Needle and the Float Valve Assembly.

    Slide the hinge pin out; drop it in the Float Bowl and let it soak in cleaner.
    Carefully lift off the Float ... bringing the Float Needle straight up and out.
    Take the Float Needle and the Float itself and place them in the next empty bin.

    Being mindful that it is BRASS ... use the appropriate socket or boxed-end wrench and remove the Float Valve Assembly. Slight impact on the wrench will loosen the Valve Body allowing it to be turned out.

    Do NOT allow a Float Hinge Pillar to become damaged during cleaning processes.
    Depending on Year and Model the Float Valve may be:
    1) Threaded.
    2) O-ringed and just pushed-in … or,
    3) Attached by a little forked holder bracket and a screw.

    Upon removing the Float Valve; examine the end that was inside the Carb. On most Factory Valves, there is a little, tiny, "Beanie-looking" filter screen. The filter screen does snap off for removal. Only take it off if it's rusted-out or you plan to lose it!
    Otherwise, ... just shoot cleaner through the body to blow out the whole thing. Keep a close eye on the filter screen when you shoot the cleaner through it!

    Put this Valve Body in the bin with the Float and Needle ... store these parts together and don't let them get mixed-up with other Float parts as you clean the other Carbs.

    On the high post is the Main Jet.

    Wipe off the bottom of the large Main Jet. Read the engraved numbers on the bottom of the Main Jet and write down what that number is in your Note Book.
    There is a copper washer that the Main Jet holds in place.
    Remove the copper washer and store it with the Main Jet, in the next bin up. If the storage bins on the muffin tin are fluid tight; spray Carb cleaner in it and let the Jets soak in Carb cleaner.

    The Lower Post:
    Smaller Jet than Main Jet.
    Wipe-off and record the number.
    Pull this Jet and let it soak, over in the same bin, with his buddies!

    Near the frame rail -- you'll see a very small diameter brass tube sticking-up from the Carb Body.
    That's the Siphon Tube. This tube supplies fuel up to the Cold Start Enrichment Circuit. The tube has a very small fuel metering port at it’s open, bottom end. That tube extends into the special well designed for it in the wall of the Float Bowl.

    The Siphon Tube, having such a small metering port, and extended into the Float Bowl well -- supplies fuel to the top end. It's size and the relatively small volume of fuel within its supply well allows fuel to be drawn-up the Siphon Tube with the relatively low vacuum drawn on it when starting-up the engine.

    Probe the opening on the tube and insure that the metering ports supplying fuel to the special well the tube extends into, on the Float Bowl, are clean and allow fuel to fill the Fuel Bowl’s well. The fuel drawn-up through this narrow tube from the small well is the needed supply for cold starting. This is the Cold Start Enrichment Circuit’s vital fuel supply.

    Well ... you cracked the Bottom-end and removed those parts ... Not bad. Everything needs to be cleaned, now. If you’re lucky ... there isn’t much to do. On the other hand, if it looks like a Highway Crew passed through that Fuel Bowl and Bottom-end and did a nice job with putting-down tar or varnish ... its all got to go! Clean everything until all surfaces are 100% Clean and look Brand New.

    "Overhauling Everything Topside"

    Before we even touch a screw to begin the work on the top-side; let’s get the notebook and make a sketch. Believe me ... you WANT this sketch.
    (Or do a non-Old School trick and take a nice close-up picture of the 4-Hats, clips and hold-downs -- AND -- Especially, how all the linkage to the four ENRICHMENT VALVES is oriented.

    (Tech Note: Enrichment Linkage -- Right to Left -- as viewed from the TOP of the Carbs with the Enrichment Circuit linkages UP -- Carbs oriented 1,2,3,4 as you look at them on the bench.)

    The 4 Enrichment Circuit Pivot Arms TOP.
    ROD extending through the four PIVOTS with 4 - FORKED, Valve-opening "fingers" BELOW the ROD ... and attached to the ROD with SET SCREWS, which fit into DETENTS drilled to keep the SET SCREWS from slipping.

    Orientation of Parts:

    Right - to - Left

    #-4 Fork with set screw <> Small Nylon Bushing <> Pivot Arm <> Large Nylon Bushing <> Cable Pull Bracket <> #-3 Fork with set screw <> Pivot Arm <> #-2 Fork with set screw <> Pivot Arm <> #-1 Fork with set screw <> Pivot Arm.

    This mechanism is what is inaccurately called "CHOKE" by YAMAHA. But, since convention dictated that "Choking" was necessary to start a cold engine ... and, because CHOKE was easier for everybody to understand ... it’s called the CHOKE.

    You can now call it what it really is: The COLD-START ENRICHMENT VALVE CIRCUIT.

    Mark for Identification:

    Center Punch a dot at the RIGHT end of the ROD ... right in the middle of the flat spot at the very end. The center-punched "Dot" ... is to identify the RIGHT side of the ROD. The 20-seconds it takes to Punch the dot on the end will save you a lot of time trying to figure-out which end is what ... when we put everything back together. This is Old School Technique ... tape and marks from marking pens will be long-gone after the ROD is cleaned and overhauled. Your center-punched dot will be right there ... no mistakes ... next time; too!

    Remove the 4 - SET SCREWS attaching the FORKS to the ROD.
    Note the way that the CABLE PULL ARM attaches to the ROD. ("Reversed letter J")
    Draw or photograph how this is attached for accurate reference.
    Remove the SCREW attaching the CABLE PULL ARM to the ROD.

    Slide ROD to the LEFT.
    Collect and save, in order, all the parts, which are attached to the rod.

    (Editors note: Those setscrews can be replaced with aftermarket standard hardware. I prefer small ALLEN CAP SCREWS -- most well-stocked hardware stores have them.
    Pimped: Black. Bling-bling: Stainless)

    Next time: The Enrichment Valves come OUT!

    "Your life is about to be enriched"


    With the linkage for the Enrichment Valves removed. The four Enrichment Valves are exposed, along with access to the Pilot Screws ... just to the left of the Enrichment Valves.

    There will a Chapter devoted to the Pilot Screws, later. Right now, lets get on to the Enrichment Valves and continue the Carb Cleaning process.

    The Enrichment Valve each have a rubber dust boot covering them.
    Remove the rubber dust boots, which are best cleaned with dish detergent, rinsed -- dried, and soaked inside and out with Armoral.

    After removing the dust boots ... Remove the Enrichment Valves in order.
    These parts are Brass and may be very difficult to "Get started" out.
    Hold some torque on the wrench and whack the wrench with a hammer handle to supply impact to get these fittings moving out.

    The Brass housing comes out.
    Sometimes the complete Valve assembly will come out.

    The Enrichment Valve is a Brass cylinder with a tapered seat and a Pin-like protrusion on its business end.
    The upper section has a spring around the shaft of the valve stem, which pushes closed the valve when the valve is closed by the relaxing of the cable controlling the linkage.
    The stem has a "T" shaped top that is channeled to allow the forks to open and close the valve.
    The valve should move very smoothly within its cylinder.
    The Top Hat -- "T" -- should be square at the top of the shaft and not deformed or bent. If it is deformed or bent ... great care must be exercised to straighten it. Roll the shaft on a flat surface and lightly tap in the "High side" to get the Top Hat squared-up atop the shaft.

    With the Enrichment Valves removed we move on to the Carb Top Covers.
    The Carb Top Covers are often called: Hats. They can be shining chrome ... or, ugly looking, pitted old chrome. The ugly ones can be refinished and painted to look nice, again.

    Remove the four screws attaching the Hat to the Carb Body.
    If the screws are frozen ... DO NOT try to muscle them out. The top of the screw will break-off and you'll need to do drilling and tapping to get the chunk out and cut new threads for a new fastener.
    Use a Hand impact tool if this is the case. Use ViceGrips on screws with ruined slots.

    When the four screws are withdrawn ... the Hat comes free and a long spring like a "Slinky" toy pops out like "Jack in the box."

    The spring is the Diaphragm Assembly return spring.
    Remove the spring and place it in your organizer tray.
    Exposed is the Diaphragm Assembly.
    Lift-out the edge of the rubber diaphragm from around the circumference of the Carb body ... noting that there is a locating channel for the edge of the rubber diaphragm machined in the top of the body ... AND a locating TAB for the diaphragm to be correctly placed back in the cylinder upon reassembly.

    Carefully extract the diaphragm assembly taking GREAT CARE -- NOT -- to bend or otherwise damage the long, NEEDLE VALVE at the bottom of the cylinder.

    With the diaphragm assembly's removed and safely stored ... the Brass NOZZLE -- into which the MAIN JET was attached at the bottom can be removed by inverting the rack and gently tapping the Nozzle -- UP -- through the TOP of the Carb body.

    Solid brass cylinders. Multiple tiny AIR metering ports. Some NOZZLES are "Slotted and Keyed" ... Others are simply "Press fitted" ... some are loose enough to fall out the top without even touching them.

    The NOZZLE is the POWER VALVE. Notice that there are 16 - 24 tiny metering ports drilled along the sides ... directly opposite from the ones on the other side. Hold the NOZZLE up to light. You must be able to see light through the ports near you coming through the ports on the opposite side. These very tiny metering ports can be clogged with dried-out gas that forms a hard varnish-like substance.
    SOAK the NOZZLES for 30-minutes, completely submerged in Carb cleaner before beginning to clean them with the correct fitting tool from the Welding Tip Cleaner set.

    Coming up next:

    Pilot Screw Removal ... Do's, Don'ts and "Don't even think about its!"



    There are three scenarios.
    1) Factory Anti-tamper Plugs still in place
    2) No Plugs. Screw slots visible and good.
    3) No Plugs. Screw slots visible and looking pretty shaky.

    As to #-1 above. There are pro's I know who will not disturb the plugs. They say: "They we're put there for a good reason. They get set right at the Factory and never need adjustment again." This is bullshit. All they want is the money from the next job without tweaking the one they should have.

    If you still have the infamous "Anti-tamper Plugs" in place ... remove them! Your bike cannot be fine-tuned with those plugs preventing you from making a precision mixture adjustment of the Pilot Screw.

    How do you remove them?

    I chuck a very small Number Drill into my Dremel Tool and go at that plug like a Dentist. The plug is about the width of a Dime or less! I touch the drill bit to the center of the plug very, very lightly. Once the tip of the drill penetrates through that thin plug ... you need to be able to STOP further penetration. The danger is doing harm to the Pilot Screw top beneath the plug.

    The slot of the soft, solid brass, Pilot Screw is right beneath that plug. Don't mess it up by touching the slotted top with the drill bit. Soft brass gets chewed-up by the drill bit really quickly. Faster than you can say, "Oops!"

    To get the plugs out; screw a sheet metal screw, or a dry wall screw into the hole and continue your Practice of Dentistry and extract it by pulling on the inserted screw with pliers, vice grips or a small "Slugging Handle." Wiggle and pull. The plug comes out and the Screw is visible.

    When you get the four plugs out ... oil the four holes with WD-40, or some other very light machine oil.
    Don't start throwing the confetti around just yet.

    Sound "General Quarter's" and get ready to do battle.

    The absolute, Number One Rule, for performing work on Pilot Screws is: "Use the right tool."
    If you have to run-out and buy a brand-new screwdriver, bring it home, and step right over to the grinder, to fabricate the necessary tool needed for Pilot Screw work ... so be it!

    You NEED a screwdriver that fits the slot at the top of that Pilot Screw with absolute precision. Make one. Grind, file, sand, shape ... do whatever you need to do to make the blade of the screwdriver fit the slot on the Pilot Screw with ZERO free-play. None.

    The wings on the top of the slotted screw are very soft brass. Unless the tool fits with such precision as to apply turning force to the entire mass of the screw, the WINGS will move without the main body of the screw moving along with them. An ill-fitting tool will allow the wings to move "toward un-occupied space" without the body of the screw moving with them. They will bend. Any attempt to unbend them will break them right off the top. Bad news!
    [/align]Game time:

    Bottom line!
    One way or another, the Pilot Screws need to come out.
    They may be:
    a) Simply withdrawn.
    b) Removed with some dexterity and effort.
    c) Extricated; using all available resources ... maybe even the "Jaws of Life."

    If you are one of the lucky ones who had these screws protected by plugs; this might go as smooth as silk.

    Dab-out the puddle of WD-40 with a Q-Tip leaving a trace in there to help the process. Using the proper tool ... and, with a Watchmaker's gentle touch ... turn the screw IN. Yes; IN. In and down until the Pilot Screw "Bottoms-Out." As you do so ... count the revolutions needed for the screw to be turned IN until it bottoms. (Generally, this will be approximately two and one half [2-1/2] turns. If the adjustment is more or less – write-down the measurement for using as your preliminary adjustment OUT when the screw is replaced after Carb Cleaning. Do the same for all four.

    If you are less fortunate and find the plugs removed; but the Pilot Screw slots are in good condition. Clean out the area above the top of the screw. Get the space meticulously clean. Use a generous amount of Carb Cleaner, and the point of a jumbo safety pin, that has had its tip heated and bent-over to be used as a surgical instrument. The entire space above the top of the screw needs to be meticulously cleaned -- with special attention to carefully scraping clean, the ULTRA-fine-threads above the screw.

    Once cleaned-out; flush out with Carb Cleaner ... re-oil and attempt to turn the screw IN and DOWN as stated above. Using great care, attempt to get the screw to move. If it does move, attempt to bottom-out the screw as previously mentioned.

    (If it does NOT move ... it is possible that someone could have left the screw already bottomed-out and not adjusted properly. If you are cleaning the set because the bike sat un-used for some time, runs like crap, stalls a great deal, was hard to start or would not idle ... it is possible that the screw IS bottomed-out and is the source of all that difficulty. If you suspect this is the case by comparing the height of the screw top to the others ... then, attempt to bring the screw OUT.)

    If that screw doesn't move either way under gentle pressure ... STOP!
    Don't fool-around and "Chance-it." Get-out the Propane Torch ... time for heat!

    Clean out the area of all the WD-40 with Carb Cleaner. When the Carb Cleaner evaporates apply several drops of -- >> OLIVE OIL << -- to the space above the screw top.
    The Olive Oil is a vegetable product; not a petroleum based product. The Olive Oil will not ignite as readily as a petroleum based lubricant will; and will boil-away that which is not brass or aluminum while also acting as a penetrating lubricant.

    Heat the surrounding aluminum area well. Sop-up the Olive Oil and make another attempt to move the screw. When it moves ... bring it UP into the oiled and heated area where it should begin to turn much easier allowing you to get it out of there. Forget about bottoming-it-out. At this point, you're better off -- "Getting them out."
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    "Rescue-One, Paramedic-One, respond to Hitachi Carbs ... reported severe head trauma ... Units respond Code-3"

    Now, we deal with the tough issue of getting-out Pilot screws that somebody really did a number on. There's good news; and there's bad news. The good news is that the Pilot Screw is made of Brass. The bad news is that the Pilot Screw is made of Brass, too!

    The damage is done. Before you arrived, somebody did a hack-job and "Screwed-Up" ... Big-Time. They messed things up good. You're mission is to UN-mess-up this situation.
    Don't begin working on this project if you are angry or frustrated. You need to be in total control and able to systematically perform the various steps we'll need to take to get them out.

    Job One is: "Get them OUT!" Period. We do what it takes to get them out and deal with all the other stuff -- later.

    Phase One:
    Take a shot. Your turn. Evaluate. If it looks like there might be enough of a slot left to back that thing out of there, or you might be able to do some Dremel Tool surgery to improve the situation -- have at it! Then, Olive Oil and heat it up good. If this gets things moving; back it out. Muscle it if you have too. The damage was done before you arrived. You might get lucky and the damn thing will give-in and come out.

    Phase Two:
    First "Drilling" procedure. Using a seven sixty-fourths
    [7/64th's] inch drill bit ... chucked into your Dremel Tool ... drill a small hole ... dead-center of the screw ... just deep enough to get a Number-2 Screw Extractor ... better known as an "Easy-Out" in the drilled hole ... and make your first attempt to bring the Pilot Screw out of there. Tap-in the Easy-Out to get the tool a good bite before you start backing it out.
    Yes? Celebrate a small victory!

    Phase Three:
    Just like Phase Two. Bump-up one size. Five thirty-seconds drill bit. [5/32nds] Number-3 Easy-Out. You should be victorious. When oiled, heated and coaxed-out of there with the Phase Three approach ... there is still the possibility that the Pilot Screw can be brought back from the dead.

    Phase Four:
    Drill the Pilot Screw with progressively larger bits until there is just enough brass remaining to protect the Ultra-fine threading on the Carb body from being damaged. Then, using a Dremel cutting tip score though the brass, length-wise, at 12 O’clock and 3 O’clock and "Pick-out" the piece you scored for removal. Followed by Picking-out the larger section, too.

    Keep your eye on the prize.
    Job One!

    If you don't have a Dremel Tool, the right sized drill bits and the Screw Extractor Set; you will, after you make sure your Credit Card is in your wallet and arrive back home, from Sears!

    The Home Stretch:
    > Pilot Screws and Enrichment Valve Components and Removal
    > Clean-Tuning and re-assembly prep.

    As we round the far-turn and approach the Finish Line for Cleaning Our Own Carbs; these final few procedures are where you “Earn your Stripes” and do what is necessary to gain the very Maximum of Performance from the bike when we've done all the cleaning and “Clean-Tuning” steps necessary to allow the bike to run – “Perfectly!”

    We need to extract all four of the Pilot Jet Mixture Screws and their internal components. We also need to extract all four of the Enrichment Valve Assembly’s and springs.

    Then, with all the Jets and Internal parts removed; clean and blow out the fuel and air passages before re-assembling the rack and tuning the Carbs to the very edge of their fine-tuning capability.

    > Removing the Pilot Mixture Screws and Component Parts:

    Because the Pilot Screw has such a very fine thread pitch they can be difficult (If not impossible) to move. Cleanliness is the key to their removal. The cleaner the area above their screw slots is; the easier they can be loosened and removed.

    As mentioned, many times before, use (or make) a tool that fits the slot with Watchmaker’s Precision. Keep the threads lubed-up with light machine oil. These are precision components. Handle with care.
    The hidden spring, washer and O-ring in the Pilot Screw housing are the tiniest parts on the bike. Take every precaution NOT to lose anything!

    Take the appropriate measures to work CLEAN, on a surface prepared for working clean and free of any place a small (Really, very small -- we're talkin' >Teeny-TINY< part might fall into or disappear. Spreading some old bed sheet or linen beneath the work is a good idea.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Each Pilot Screw must be withdrawn complete with its associated parts within the small chamber beneath the threaded head and stem of the Pilot Screw. Prepare for handling 4 (four), SMALL, easily lost, precision parts:

    1. The Pilot Screw and Stem with its pinpoint Precision Metering Tip. (One piece.)

    2. Pilot Screw Tension Adjustment Holding Spring.
    (May come-out surrounding the stem on the screw. Might need to be lifted-out if it remains in the Carb body when the screw is lifted-out.)*
    Visually check bottom of spring for tiny flat washer.*

    3. Very, very, very-small Flat Washer.
    (Might be stuck to the lower end of the Spring or remain, in -- at the bottom of the housing needing to be extracted.)

    4. A very tiny O-ring. About the size of this letter >: “o” .
    The flat washer and O-ring are usually found at the bottom of the housing. They might be lifted-out when the spring is withdrawn; so check the end of the spring.

    [My “Special Tool” for fishing-out the tiny Flat Washer and the O-ring from the bottom of the Pilot Screw housing is just a long “Safety-pin” that I heated and put a small angle on the tip.]

    > The Enrichment Valve Removal. (See! They're NOT Chokes)

    The Enrichment Valves come in a couple different flavors. There are Solid Brass Valves with a tapered seat end and a further narrow pointed shaft-pin seat; and there are some with a “Barrel-style Plunger” having a rubber seat attached to the base of it’s Barreled end, also-- shaft-pin ended.


    Remove the rubber dust cover. (Clean; let soak in Armoral)
    Loosen and unscrew the Hex-topped brass body.
    Remove the entire Valve, spring and brass body together. (Separate and clean individual components before re-assembly.)

    Once the Pilot Screws and Enrichment Valves are removed from the Carb Bodies, there are but a few “Air Jets” remaining in the Intake Port and beneath a screwed-on cover plate, where the rubber diaphragm seats; some models have an “Air Jet Cover” which needs to be removed to INSPECT these Jets. Others have had the cover OMITTED at the Factory.
    Many others have had the cover OMITTED during Carb cleaning and maintenance.

    Note: There is a threaded opening for the special screw, which serves to attach the Air Jet cover, if so equipped. If you are going to withdraw all the Air Jets for Air Passage cleaning ... SCRIBE an "X" next to this threaded hole so it will not be confused as an Air Jet Passage.

    The Air Jets are all slotted and threaded for easy removal. But, since the openings in the center of the air jets are large enough to permit the Carb cleaner spray tip to enter and shoot the air passages clean … you may (at your option) leave the Air Jets in place and spray and blow-out the passages without removing the Air Jets.

    If you MUST remove all the Air Jets, for dipping or sonic cleaning the Carb bodies … ID each Jet for > PROPER REPLACEMENT < Particularly the two Air Jets in the TOP cavity beneath the Diaphragm Assembly!

    Certain Workshop Manuals show these Air Jets replaced > Incorrectly < !!! Following the illustration and placement shown in the HAYNES Manual will lead to a situation which REVERSES these two Jets ... making adjusting the correct air mixtures impossible without actually having the right sized air jet in the right place. A tune-up troubleshooting nightmare!

    If you are using a HAYNES Manual -- Do NOT extract the Air Jets from this area UNTIL you have:
    MARKED the Jets and Carb Body for ACCURACY -> AND made the appropriate CORRECTIONS to any incorrect HAYNES TEXT and ILLUSTRATIONS before the confusion results.

    “Clean-tuning” the rack.

    "Clean-tuning" is the process of making the rack ready to accept all the cleaned component parts. There are a few very important “Clean-tuning” processes.

    1. The Diaphragm Assembly “Clunk Test”.
    Please read and review this “Clunk Test” and perform the necessary steps to prevent Diaphragm Assembly Sticking – or – “Stiction”. This test insures that you will be able to fine-tune your Carb's for MAXIMUM Performance!

    With the Hat off ... spring out ... and diaphragm un-seated to its locating channel -- LIFT the brass piston to the top of its travel and let it fall. The Piston needs to FALL! It absolutely MUST drop ... from being raised-up and let-go ... like a safe out a second-story window! If it chatters down, hesitates, acts like it being hydraulically controlled, is slow, stops and goes ... or, does anything, other than DROP ... like a wet bag of cement ... you've got a performance problem. SLIDE PISTON STICTION. Get rid of it. It's easy enough to do.
    Polish the brass piston. It should be a shining brass object a Marine Corp Recruit would be proud to show his Drill Instructor. You can polish the needle, too! BUT -- DON'T bend it!
    The Carb Body Bore is usually where the problem is. A film of oxidation forms on the Inside Diameter of the cylinder bore surfaces. This film reduces the inside diameter's already close tolerance to make the brass piston's travel become impaired. Elbow grease and finishing papers will restore the original shine to the alloy.
    Use # - 800 Wet-'O-Dry to clean the surface. Vertical motion only. Refinish the bore with 800 using WD-40 as the wetting agent. Using sections of 800 about the size of a pack of matches ripped in half ... refinish the inside diameter of the bore. Throw-away the 800 section as it becomes fouled. Refinish UP and DOWN ... moving ALL AROUND. Don't do anyplace where you think its sticking. Keep the bore round.
    Feel like doing another 15-minutes of work that will give you a Full Stage closer to RACE-PREPPED??? OK ... after you clean-up the bore with the 800 Wet ... Hit all the bores, AGAIN, with 1000 - 1200 and 1500 !! WD-40 is your wetting agent. When you are done, there should ZERO drag. Nothing preventing the diaphragm from raising the piston when vacuum is present. And, NOTHING from preventing that SPRING and NO VACUUM from allowing those slides to slam-shut for some ABSOLUTELY wonderfully controlled engine braking when you've got your Carb's - "Dialed-in!"

    2. The “Sync Screws” and linkage.
    While you have the rack where you can access all the “Moving Parts” and make sure they move as they are supposed too. Loosen each Sync Screw and oil the threads on the screw and linkage. “Exercise” each of the THREE Sync Screws, IN and OUT, within their mount on the linkage, until you are satisfied that you have attained the ability to make precise adjustments to the Sync Screws without any binding or getting held-up by rust-dust or other oxidation.


    You have reached the Summit. You stand atop the peak you dared to assault. But, getting to the top is only half the story. Now, you reverse course and head back down to where this all began. It’s a joy to have cleaned your own Carbs. You have absolutely NO doubts about their cleanliness! So, don't hurry the process of putting them all back together.

    ”Assembly is in the reverse order of taking them down and cleaning them” … the Books and Manuals always say. If there were no major complications getting you along this far … the process of re-assembling your Carbs, hanging them back on the bike, firing-up the bike and doing the REAL fine-tuning is just a matter of time.

    I'll follow-up this article with some “Do’s-‘n-don'ts and a few extra things to do to get your Carbs tuned-up better than they were, the day they were brand spanking new.

    That’s NEXT … after I get the feedback from what we've got on paper up to this point, here!

    Wishing each and every XJ-Bike Owner ... “Tuned-Up, High Performance" and …

    Happy New Year!

    Rick Massey

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Andrew Nichols and Ray like this.
  2. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    Add some detailed pictures and diagrams and I'll buy the book.......

    Thanks Rick, this is great! (as usual with your efforts). Do you type fast or just have alot of free time on your hands?
    Ray likes this.
  3. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Looks to me like the Carbs you are using for the photographs are MIKUNI's.

    Which can be very, very confusing ... because, although the Mikuni's and the Hitachi's share a great many features. There's just enough difference to have the incorrect photographs derail the learning process.

    I'm sure anyone who has lifted the Fuel Bowl off the bottom-end of a set of Hitachi's is confused -- already.

    The thought and effort is greatly appreciated ... the resulting product, unfortunately, is going to more harm than good ... I'm afraid.

    But, thank you very, very-much, for trying.
  4. daliumong

    daliumong New Member

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    San Jose, CA
    i'll take the pics down to avoid confusion then

    do most xj's use hitachi's? mine came /w mikunis
  5. blackxj650

    blackxj650 New Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    great article rick and will try it mysef.thanks
    Kenny Sulli likes this.
  6. MiCarl

    MiCarl Active Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas


    My Hi-Tots are still on the bench. If you think it would be helpful I'll snap some photos and send them to you for annotation.
  7. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    First of all ... credit where credit is due!

    daliumong's adding of his color photographs to the piece proved that adding the photographs really puts the SHOW in "Show and Tell."

    I'm delighted to provide the comprehensive narrative. I'm deeply appreciative of the favorable critiques and feedback.

    We need photos.
    I don't know how or where to store them ... just yet.
    But ... if anyone cares to contribute a photograph that serves to add the visual element to text ... I will welcome all contributions.

    I reserve the right to edit all copy submitted with the photographs and art, and remind those who care to submit their photos to indicate that the picture is your work by claiming it as such in proper format:

    Photo by: Your Name
    Illustration by: Your Name

    OK ... Let's run with and see where it goes.

    Hat's off to "daliumong"
    He started the ball rolling.
  8. FinnogAngela

    FinnogAngela Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    The birth of our "Tech Section" is approaching :)
  9. ohmega

    ohmega Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    Just want to thank you Rick for your great contribution. I always enjoy your posts. Well done!
  10. Hired_Goon

    Hired_Goon Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    FYI, Only the 550 AFAIK used the far superior Mikuni's. :wink:

    However, It does highlight the need for illustrating some procedures to cover ALL models for some general stuff such as carb cleaning.
  11. Leee

    Leee New Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    got a couple ?'s for you.
    1) can i use a set of carbs from a xj 650 82 ( hsc 32 5n800 ) in a xj 750 82 ( hsc 32 15R00 ) . If i switch main jet, jet needle, main air jet, pilot air jet.
    Im looking at the specs in the haynes manual.

    2)I have the carbs torn down per your post. they are still all connected together by the rails and the throttle adjuster ass. is still connected to the carbs as well as the vent hose. I have a 1 gallon can off carb dip can i just dip one end into there over night and then flip them around the next night.

    3)were should i purchase jets, pilot jet mixture screw o rings and so forth.?

    ok a few ?;s
  12. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    1) Yes. The 32's are the same set.

    2) It's not necessary to leave the carbs in a dip tank - overnight - unless there is a need to soften residue. If there is some significant residue that needs to be softened ... overnight's a good start. You might, in some severe cases, need to leave them soaking in cleaner all weekend.

    3) OldBikeBarn.com ... but, I KNOW there's got to be a Carb Speciality Outlet ... I hope someone else chimes-in to tell you where to get jets.
  13. Nick

    Nick Member

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    leee just a caution note!!

    If you dip the entire carb bank without a complete dissmantle you may mess up the fuel line orings, the butterfly shaft seals, and maybe the mixture screw orings.
  14. bosozoku

    bosozoku Member

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    Yes indeed...any thing not made of metal will turn to chewing gum after extended exposure to carb-cleaning dip*. Some metals will also either be etched or consumed the same way, so an overnight soak is not a great idea.

    *This softening can be used to your advantage if you're careful, as old hard rubber and neoprene parts can be made pliable again after a brief soak in the carb-dip.
  15. carsonschaos

    carsonschaos Member

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    Doe you recommend any special carb cleaner.
    Are some spray cleaners hard on the rubber parts in the carb.
    This is next step in my refurb.
    Oh and...
    Hint ---- Sticky, Sticky, Sticky, Sticky........
  16. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    I use the AutoZone Spray cleaner in the "Shop Size" can. After the initial washing-off; I recycle the carb cleaner sprayed-on parts by filtering it into a large container through coffee filters.

    After a little whille; there's enough saved-up cleaner in the can use for some brush-on or swish-in cleaning.

    You go through a bunch of coffee filters because the filtering is good and the filters need to be replaced often. You get to see the stuff that was on the carbs in the filters.
  17. Captainkirk

    Captainkirk Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    Have you used the Berryman carb cleaner (dip) in the gallon size? (also available at Auto Zone) I've used that with great success, but have been afraid to dip partially assembled carbs due to some of the nylon bushings on the shafts and such. It seems to have little or no effect on brass.
  18. irishladjbl

    irishladjbl Member

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    I have my carbs from my seca xj650rj down to parade rest just as described by rick but I have a few questions.

    1. The haynes manual has a picture of a "cover plate" (figure7.9a) over the air jets. My bike did not have these plates when I took them apart. I found some at a junk yard and would like to put them on, but Im not sure what they do. so... does anyone know what they do and if I should use the junk yard parts?

    2. The jets, needles and diaphrams look fine to me (not bent or mared in any way) but should I replace them while I am in there? I am thinking of putting one of those dynojet stage 1 & 3 on the bike but the bike has not run relyably sense I saved it from the scrap heap and I am afraid to make changes from stock before I do. Would the dynojet kit do me any good?

    3. Sense I have never had the bike running reliably, aside from the mixture screws out 2.75 turns, is there any other adjustment I should make to get the initial start up so that I can sync and colortune the bike?

    Thank you
  19. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    The cover plates are often missing.

    If you are going to add a kit; the time to do it is when the carbs are out and ready to be worked on. I've never done the Mod ... It's doubtful I ever will. I like to get the STOCK set-up running as smooth as it possibly can be.

    Bench sync the butterfly's using a tiny drill bit shank or a carb cleaner "Red tube"
  20. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Hey Rick, great write up! Just for clarification purposes---since there is no diagram in the factory manual on the idle mixture screw assembly----the proper order of the little pieces are as follows:

    Looking into the bottom of the idle mixture screw bore in the carb body, you would insert items into this bore in the following order:

    1) O-ring, then...
    2) Flat washer, then....
    3) Spring, then....
    4) Needle, gently, with anti-seize compound, and finally....
    5) Top cap, if desired.

    I realize that you can actually put all of these items onto the threaded needle, and then screw the entire lot into the bore, but I just wanted to clarify the order of fitment.
  21. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Clarification of the whole process is what I was going for.

  22. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    Rick, I was hoping to get a response out of you more than that!!

    I asked because I've always thought that the order which I listed it above is correct....but then on this page:


    (which, btw, is listed in this forum's Links section), the author says different:

    Obviously the article above is about Hitachi carbs used on Virago models, but I assume they're the same or similar to the HSC32 Hitachi carbs used on the XJ models. And I've never seen anything but a "version 2" style of pilot needle....no groove for an o-ring.

    It's always seemed to me that the proper order of assembly would have the o-ring in the bottom of the bore, then the washer, then the spring....this makes more intuitive sense.

    Your thoughts?
  23. Nick

    Nick Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    Hey chacal reading your last posts, I think they are both saying the same thing.

    Your first post is stating the order of the parts as being dropped into the carb body.

    The quote from "drpiston" is saying to put the spring ON THE SCREW followed by the other parts, then this would be put into the carb body.
  24. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    The O-ring is placed in the bore; first.

    The Washer is placed ABOVE the O-ring. The Washer seats the O-ring under pressure of an install tool.

    The Spring goes-in after the Washer. The Washer, beneath the Spring, gives the Spring a smooth, firm surface to move upon when the Screw is adjusted; rather than binding and possibly moving or pinching the O-ring.

    The SPRING is placed in the bore ... following the O-ring and Washer.
    Check the alignment of the washer and O-ring with a round toothpick.
    A good reason to grab a few of the celopane-wrapped one's, next time you leave the Diner.

    If you "Stack" everything ... and try to shove it all down into the little bore; the moment that the O-ring and Washer get loose, a little ahead of everything ... until, the Spring starts to be compressed ... puts you in position for wrecking the Tip of the Pilot Jet.

    The possibility of the O-ring and Washer not having been seated, first, might cause them to jam-up and damage the Tip of the Screw when the Screw is being turned-in and down.
  25. Chuckster

    Chuckster New Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    I'm just getting started on an '82 XJ650 that by all rights should be dead and buried. Anyway, I'll go ahead and ask my stupid question. Are you doing all 4 carbs at the same time? Manual I read said to do one at a time, but I'm assuming that's what the muffin pan is for (all at one time to keep up with everything?).
  26. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    If you are doing the set for the first time ... One at a time isn't a bad way to go. You'll build confidence as you go from one to the next.

    If you've got the room and skill ... do the rack. What you do ... you do "Times-4" and clean them all at once.
  27. Chuckster

    Chuckster New Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    Thanks Rick
  28. Chuckster

    Chuckster New Member

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    Atlanta, Georgia
    Rick, any advice to me on my first attempt. Should I do all the bottoms one at a time and then do the tops one at a time? Or should I do a bottom and then a top and repeat on down the line? Also, right to left first or left to right or it doesn't matter? Thanks for your insight (and instructions).

    I picked up a set of $30 carb screws from Tim on this forum (thanks Tim); but I hate to have to buy a carb rebuild kit too. My goal on this deal was to buy this bike for $350 and get it running. I hope by just cleaning these carbs I can at least get it to run. I finally got the rack off last night after cursing the air filter boots for quite some time. I finally had to get a hair dryer to soften up the rubber boots so I could get the boots out.

    My budget for my project is $500 and I will have close to that when I get a battery. The bike is pretty rough so I've pretty much stripped her down to her underwear. Lots of cosmetic work to do. But I enjoy tinkering so that's why I got it. I probably won't keep this one, but I've grown fond of it and will probably get another nicer example after I'm done with this one.

    I have a 2001 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 Classic that I ride most of the time. But there's nothing wrong with it! So I got this one to have something to work on. Bought a manual and I'm having fun. Thanks for your knowledge you've shared here.
  29. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Since most of the real "Tough" cleaning is going to happen on the LOWER ends of the Carbs ... go ahead and do all four of the Float Bowl Ends, first.

    Just be sure to keep the parts of each one separate from the other. Don't rush. A real clean set of carbs is a joy to get back on the bike and tune-up nice.
  30. Fraps

    Fraps Member

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    What do some of you use for cleaning carbs? Aside from actual disassembly of the carbs - screwdrivers, drill bits etc that has been covered all above, what do you use to clean them.

    A big can of carb cleaner is a given.
    Scotch brite pads? Diamond files? Old toothbrush? Hones?

    I'm sure lots of you who have cleaned carbs have some dos and don'ts to share when it comes to cleaning agents and comsumables.
  31. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    I heard a little birdy say, that he knew a guy, who had sticky fingers, the day he went-in to see the Dental Hygienist.

    The nice, stainless steel, cleaning and scraping instruments, on the tray, disappeared when he went back to get his sunglasses.

    Dremel wire wheel, steel wool, Exacto blades and Point ... If she ain't home ... I heard some guy uses the Pot Scrubbing setting on the dishwasher.

    "Not me, though ... I wouldn't ever, honest honey, no ... I didn't, that's crazy!"
  32. Fraps

    Fraps Member

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    Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
    Dental picks then. Usually available at your local surplus store. I worked as a Tool and Die apprentice many years ago - a lot of the guys I worked with would just ask their dentist for the old picks instead of having them throw them out. Apparently, many were happy to oblige.
  33. Alive

    Alive Active Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    Hey Rick,

    Why is is so important to put the same parts back in the carb they came out of?

    I have to swap some bits around, what are the do's and don'ts for swapping parts in carbs?

  34. Fraps

    Fraps Member

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    Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
    When you say "wire wheel" do you mean the little brass wire brushes you can get for a dremel? What do you use that for? Same question for the exacto knife blades?
  35. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    I've had emulsion tubes to clean ... worse than the one that was in that picture, the other day.

    Chucked a wire wheel in the drill and put the drill in the vice and went to town on that puppy.

    When you have to deal with gross neglect ... you need everything short of a Nuclear weapon.
  36. losifer

    losifer Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    I'm a couple months late, but:

    http://www.motorcyclecarbs.com -- I managed to find replacement pilot mixture screws (I've got a stuck and stripped one). Not everything is listed on the website, but they are friendly and respond to emails.
  37. Alive

    Alive Active Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    You still looking for photo's Rick?

    I now have a bit of a collection of both Hitachi and Mukuni pics.
  38. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Yes ... we still need pictures. But, I haven't learned how to manage them on this new computer ... yet.

    But, I'm glad you do have shots that will match text. That we do need.
  39. Alive

    Alive Active Member

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    I've already posted some Mukuni shots. I'll upload a few Hitachi ones tonight. :)
  40. Alive

    Alive Active Member

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  41. yamahamaxim1982

    yamahamaxim1982 Member

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    i got a 82 xj750 maxim and i want to soke the carbs is there ruber gaskets seals on the butter flys or is it safe to soke the carbs just take off the ruber parts i see and know about.do you thing soking is a must or spray carb cleaner is ok.thank you ivan.
  42. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Don't soak them until you have determined if the Cleaner will be harmful to Rubber Parts.

    You'll have to get that information off the label of the Carb Cleaning Product.
  43. yamahamaxim1982

    yamahamaxim1982 Member

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    rick the cleaner is harmful for plastic and rubber so should i just uer carb spray and prashuriset air.thay are in ok shape but the diafram cylinder things dont drop like a wet rag thay hazitat a litle. do you think i could clean tham up good with out soking tham i dont want to risk any rubber parts to go bad. thank you for ur reply.ivan
  44. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Don't soak them. Don't harm the butterfly shaft seals with dip-tank stuff.

    I have a cleaning tank that lets me collect the carb cleaner from the spray cans. I dump the cleaner just sprayed-on to clean parts into a Paint Mixing Cup ... I let the crap settle and pour the cleaning fluid into a second Paint Mixing Cup which has a funnel lined with a clean COFFEE FILTER.

    When the Carb Cleaner drains through the coffee filter into the second mixing cup ... I use that for "Pressure douching-out and cleaning"
  45. yamahamaxim1982

    yamahamaxim1982 Member

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    thank you alot of great ideas ivan.
  46. FinnogAngela

    FinnogAngela Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    So, finally got them back together - and installed 8) (bike didn´t start untill I thought of turning the petcock to prime :).

    Rick, as stated in another thread, your guide was an invaluable help. I wouldn´t have dared to try without it.

    My experiences and suggestions:

    "Cleaning Section": A warning not to expose o-rings, hoses and maybe plastic parts to carb-cleaner overnight, might be a good idea (I got a bit worried the next day, when I my mechanic told me horror stories of what carb-cleaner could do - knowing I had sprayed joint passages a.o. the day before).
    The final cleaning of the carb bodies in the rack I made with carb-cleaner followed by spraying with mineral spirit from a brush-bottle, and then compressed air.

    "Disassembling": After removing the first float bowl, I met a stuck screw in top/hat no. 2 - and turned out I had a couple more. Maybe it would be better to check for stuck top-hat screws before removing the floatbowls, it was a bit scary using an impact driver with exposed float-pin towers..

    "Enrichment circuit": I found it difficult to understand the left/right orientation - and ended up with relying on my picture of the carb rack, taken from the engine side (this seemed most logical doing "choke" disassembling).

    This also made it easy orientating the choke rod the right way, as the left side (from my working point of view) had the threaded hole for the lever-arm/cable pull bracket...(see pic 1)

    Other than that it was just step-by-step timeconsuming fiddling with parts (another warning-suggestion: This work is best carried out in the winter (or if you absolutely have to to get the bike running) NOT when it´s 20C and sunny outside (the 3 days I spend doing carbs in the most perfect riding weather seemed VERY long :).

    "Reassembling" (including "Setting the float height": I cleaned everything and before assembling the float bowls I tried setting the float height to Service-manual specs: 16mm +/-1mm above gasket mating surface (see pic. 2).

    This seemed pretty high (2-3mm increase necessary), as my fuel levels, measured with the carbs off-bike, levelled and with a hose were within specs, except maybe for one (which was my excuse for disassembling the carbs in the first place..).

    And sure enough; apart from a rapidly rising fuel level, which soon went out of the drain-hoses (I had forgotten to do my postponed using-the-right-tool-holding-the-rack-steady-not-to-damage-the float-pin-tower- retightening 8) - the fuel level was 1-2mm low.

    Back to the table, retighten! and setting the float height to 14mm (I twisted my brain a bit, and got help from the Factory-pro HP, to find out that a lower FLOAT HEIGHT (measured with the carbs upside down) would result in a higher FUEL LEVEL).

    Also, I worked with the carbs almost level upside down but checked the height turning the rack, to where the floats starting to slip the float-needles - the difference was below 1mm...

    Up with the carbs in my levelled setup, turning the petcock to prime - and while I was attending my coffee, I heard the unmistakenly gentle sound of gasoline hitting my cellar floor. Ups; shut off the gasoline and thought: "Now what"?

    Emptied all float bowls and used the drain hoses to blow out the last excessive gas; turned out it was remains from my previous overflow..phew..

    The following check showed the levels to be dead-on +/-½ a mm. YES!! (see pic. 3)

    "Reinstalling the carbs": I reversed the "take the carbs off" method and used a piece of 1"x3" covering all 4 intakes to get the carbs in on the one side - then prevented that end from slipping out with a couple of stops between the airbox and my pry-bar pulled the other side in place. (see pic. 4 and 5). And yes, I remembered to tie up the throttle linkage before reinstalling!!

    So, what can I say? The bike purrs like a kitten (all mixture srews out 3 turns) after a slight turn of the idle-screw. Can´t wait for tomorrows test-ride (and then, fabricating a YICS-tool for my borrowd Carbtune...Stay tuned 8)

    Again, thanks for a great help, Rick - those mixture screws, springs, washers and o-rings sure are tiny, aren´t they :)

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  47. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    Hey Finn.....okay, this is great info. I've always hated having to put the float bowls on, fill them up with gas, and measure with the drain tube before even beginning to set the float heigth, draining, taking apart, etc. What a convoluted, messy, time-wasting way of doing things...........

    SO............this 14mm float heigth that you refer to....was this set using one of the Factory Pro float gauges (with the sliding arm), or if not, what are your measurement points for this 14mm dimension?

    Although it's too late.....if you have a picture of that measurement that would be great!

    And those are Hitachi carbs, correct? HSC33's??
  48. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    Protect what you've done. Get a SMALL inline fuel filter working for you.

    Tiny??? They look like Wristwatch parts!

    Do they Clunk Test???
  49. FinnogAngela

    FinnogAngela Member

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    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Re: Clean Your Own Carb's - The Whole 9 Yards - by: Rick Mas

    I used a dial caliper and my measuring point was the farther end of the top of the float; aiming along the straight line of the top of the float, I rested the dial caliper´s "tip" on the edge of the carbhousing (the small one round the gasket in pic. 2). The yellow note-stickers provide a better background for equalling the dialcaliper-edge with the floats "top-line".

    Didn´t take a picture, sorry - and yes, carbs are HSC33-11 Hitachi
  50. FinnogAngela

    FinnogAngela Member

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    Copenhagen, Denmark

    Inline filter installed.

    Clunk-tested fine - with a nice heavy clunky metal-sound they dropped resistance-free to the bottom :) - Actually I was surprised to see how clean the carbs were; apart from a little crud in to of the float-valve screens and in the enrichment valves, there wasn´t much dirt inside..

    (except maybe for the "enrichment jets" in the float bowls - very hard to see, if they´re free from dirt. I tried sucking through them and they seemed to be clear - still haven´t tested the choke, though.

    A side note: Checked my float needles/-valves by letting the carbs stay in the levelled setup with the petcock on prime overnight (passed!). When I checked fuel-levels before disassembling, 2 was leaking after ½ an hour..

    A couple of more pics: A.o. a piece of rough nylon-carpet, used for cleaning surfaces, gasket areas etc.

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