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Xjowners > Bike Talk > turbo?

Title: turbo?
Description: can it be done

RACER626 - February 3, 2005 07:32 AM (GMT)
can a XJ750 be turbod

i got a 1982 seca that is in desprat need of more power and i think a turbo would be kind of fun

chevy45412001 - February 11, 2005 06:34 AM (GMT)
how much coin ya got? anything is possible. didn't they actualy make a turbo seeca? if they did parts can probly be found. :ph43r:

mr.fork - February 12, 2005 01:07 AM (GMT)
You might be able to rig it up, but you might not get much of a performance gain. The Most XJ bikes are pretty quick to begin with as long as they're tuned. At least mine as as fast as snot. It's an 83 Maxim 750.

eatatjoz - February 17, 2005 02:02 AM (GMT)
I thought about the same thing, but decided that without lowering the compression, you probably couldn't run more than 3-5psi.

Just a guess though.

Vince - March 1, 2005 05:53 PM (GMT)
As an owner of a Seca turbo, I can tell you the task would be difficult, spendy, and accomplish little except bragging right. Seeing that the turbo version has known problems with the pressurized carbs, and access to parts is vanishing fast.

Even turbocharged, a newer normally asperated bike will blow your socks off, and have twice the handeling and braking of these older chassis

Enjoy your ride for what it is, as it was good for its day. By modern standards any attempt at making an older XJ keep up with anything from 1990-on is pure fantacy and flat out dangerous.


chevy45412001 - March 2, 2005 03:03 PM (GMT)
i really gotta go with vince on this one. And i got 1100 maxim. Even a 600cc sport bike will tear ya a new one.I'm not up on the 750's per cey,but the shaft drive is our biggest down fall.(no gear selection) i would like nothing less than to kick some sport bike butt,but have come to the realization that it isn't going to happen without winning the lottery. :o

eatatjoz - March 9, 2005 01:29 AM (GMT)
...And don't forget the turbo-lag irritation of older technology.
Now that everyone has tried to talk you out of charging your bike, have you considered a 4:1 exhaust, jet kit, a set of pod filters, and a 16" Virago wheel? You may be supprised as to the grin power of your Seca.
You'll have a hard time trying to beat a new R-6, but, if you ask me, it's always been more fun to make an old, slow bike really fast, than it is to ride a fast bike slow.
Just my openion...

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