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Title: first ride

Chevy Metal - May 18, 2005 05:31 AM (GMT)
so i got the bike back from the shop today... carb work, front caliper rebuild and 2 new tires. (bridgestones) rode it the 70 miles ( :o ) back to my house. great times were had by all. the first 5 miles were kinda shaky, but the last 65 were awesome.

thefox - May 18, 2005 10:21 PM (GMT)
Cool, sounds like you are ready for the summer. So what has wrong with the first 5 miles?

Metalshade - June 8, 2005 01:30 AM (GMT)
I like to pratice, myself.

I choose curvy roads with stop signs on purpose sometimes. It enables me to practice on everything. I espcially like balancing at the stop sign and then turning kinda fast. I like to see how "low I can go" on steep curves and turns. Being in control of my riding is exilerating. But then the long, scenic rides are just as awesome.

Cool deal! Glad you enjoyed your ride! L8r B)

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