View Full Version: NW Ohio SE mich?

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Title: NW Ohio SE mich?

Ryan from Ohio - May 23, 2005 02:01 PM (GMT)
Just curious to see if anyone is from the NW ohio or SE mich area?

I see some people from the XJ Relay were in!

Graves - June 2, 2005 06:58 PM (GMT)
Yeah man, I'm from Toledo myself. Whereabouts you from?

I heard that there's going to be a bike show in B.G. this Saturday. I hope it don't rain.

Ryan from Ohio - June 3, 2005 12:07 AM (GMT)
BG? sweet. About 20 minutes from there.

My bike is supposed to go into the shop Saturday to be synced although I dont think I need it?

Maybe I will be able to make it...

Graves - June 6, 2005 02:15 AM (GMT)
Well, unfortunately I missed the show. My bike has been acting up this past week. I got up early Saturday to check out the show, but I found that all my plugs were fouled. By the time I got done running around getting new plugs, seafoam and riding down to B.G. there were only about 5 bikes left still there. Damn the timing!

Oh well, I'm still looking forward to the "Thunder on the River" next month. Last year it was awesome. Cool bikes, cool cars, Big Dog and Triumph reps, bikini contest, stunts and even some cool local bands like Four on the Floor. You should check it out if you missed it last year.

Ryan from Ohio - June 13, 2005 12:44 PM (GMT)
Will be doing the Gub'n Suds in Elmore this year again. There is a HUGE turnout for that, many customs and HD's.

Good event with ABATE and a decent Poker Run. If I do this again it will be my second Poker run. Go with my Uncle and some of his friends. They all got Harleys except the one- so I sometimes feel out of place/inferior...

Time to buy a VMax :D

Graves - June 19, 2005 09:24 PM (GMT)
When are they having the Elmore show this year? I might try to make it out to that one if possible.

Ryan from Ohio - June 20, 2005 01:31 PM (GMT)
I will get with my Uncle. He has cordinated the Bike games for the last 2-3 years or however long this has been going on.

I will probably have sold my bike by then :( But there is always next year.

Graves - June 24, 2005 09:36 PM (GMT)
Why are you selling your bike? Looking for something bigger? My brother is selling his HD Sportster 1200 if your looking. It's a 2003? low miles, I think he's asking about $7500 for it. Just thought I'd throw that out there. If had money I'd consider it myself. B)

Ryan from Ohio - June 25, 2005 02:39 AM (GMT)
Well I want to buy a V Max truthfully.

Bigger bike thats easier to ride when slightly windy...

Just a bigger, nicer and faster bike :D

ChuckB - July 11, 2005 12:39 PM (GMT)
Greetings from S.E Michigan.
I just re-aquired my beloved '82 xj650Maxim(long story!)and I am in a world of hurt.I am unable to get it running again.Battery wouldn't charge,so I'm out to buy a new one today.Any suggestions,tips,anything would be most helpful!
I am not that mechanical,but willing to learn.Can you teach an old Dog new tricks?
Please HELP!!!

Ryan from Ohio - July 11, 2005 03:48 PM (GMT)
If the battery wont charge the generator is probably shot.

The brushes may be worn out also.

Take the case off the generator and have a look. Clean it with electric contact cleaner. MAKE SURE THE BRUSES ARE REMOVED. Clen the brushed by wipping them on a piece of clean notebook paper until not much black comes off them.

Dont let the contact cleaner get on them. It will soften them, glaze them and shorten the life of them.

ChuckB - July 13, 2005 09:36 PM (GMT)
Thanks for the info
I'll let you know the outcome.
Keep in touch re: rallies,rides,ect.I live about 25 min. North of Toledo.
Take care

jharris46 - July 13, 2005 09:51 PM (GMT)
I am in Oshkosh,WI. (not too far awsay from you guys...) about three hours north of chicago.....

Graves - July 20, 2005 05:38 AM (GMT)
It appears that the show will be held at the North Coast facility on Clark street off of 795 this year. This coming Friday and Saturday. Be there! for the lowdown.

Ryan from Ohio - July 24, 2005 01:27 AM (GMT)
Haha, I miss it all...

Havent been around much with GF, work, kid and a new beater car Im working on.

I guess the Elmore bike event will be in September sometime.

singingotter - July 24, 2005 05:48 PM (GMT)
Mike from Elmore Ohio here,

Hopefully I'll be able to make it for this years poker run. Never been to one yet, and when I use to ride 25 years ago, don't remember there being any.

Anyhow, don't let the big dogs (HD's) get you down. Knowing you can beat most of the 833's in a straight up race has got to put a smile on your face.

The big dogs have lots of bark but no bite, and our bikes are the quiet dogs that let you get in close then go in for the kill!

Maybe we can hook up some time and talk shop. Working on putting an oil cooler on the bike - lots of planning & fun. Looking to convert over to LED's on the rear so I can use the taillights as running lights.


Ryan from Ohio - July 25, 2005 02:00 AM (GMT)


Someone in my town has an XJ650 also.

Cool, we need to get together so I can have a look at yours. See if mine performance wise is up to par with yours?

Ive been wondering ig "this is it?" when I mash the gas or not.

Graves - July 31, 2005 05:35 AM (GMT)
Well the show turned pretty good as expected. Not much of a car show, however.
A few nice older bikes but mostly display choppers, y'know the 30 some thousand dollars Big Dogs, Iron Horse's as well as Indians and Triumphs. I rode out there with some old friends and had a good time. Countless bikes showed up just to be there.

singingotter - August 10, 2005 02:45 AM (GMT)
Because you asked...

Elmore, OH - Grubs & Suds Headless Motorcycle Ride - 9/10/2005



What kinda beater car you working on? I'm the guy in town with the VW's. Work on them some of the em. Easiest cars to repair. My van is down at the moment needing a new battery, head and exhaust. Also have a white 83 GTI Rabbit. I think I'm liking working on bikes better - not so much dirty oil all over you!

Graves - August 10, 2005 06:49 AM (GMT)
The headless ride huh? I take it the run goes down Portage-Slemmer road?

singingotter - August 10, 2005 07:37 PM (GMT)
Well, it depends on who's account of the accident you read. Fought Rd. (in Sandusky County) or Slemmer Portage (in Ottawa County) over Mud Creek is one version. Others have it closer to Elmore near an intersection of South River Rd I think the old bridge that use to cross the Middle Portage by Pete's Bait shop or further down by Hessville Rd. or Linker Portage South Rd. The story goes that he missed a turn or didn't see that bridge maintenance was in progress. I've wanted to research the obit at the Elmore Library to get the exact location, day (March 21st) and account. I think most go by hearsay and not the actual account. Hence, why do the kids flock to the bridge on Halloween and not march 21st?



Ryan from Ohio - August 10, 2005 11:46 PM (GMT)
I thought it was the 11th? Dunno but it can be found by searching the net rather quickly.

Hmmm not sure where your at there. I dont want to say exactly where I live as this is the net and the same name I use all over other message boards ;)

But Im in town if you know what I mean ;)

See your avatar is taken down at the school...hehe

Last year the poker run went nowhere around the bridge. Gibsonburg, Pemberville, Millbury (Cant remeber if genoa?) then back to town...

BTW its a black 89 beretta...

Wish me luck on it, will need it!

singingotter - August 11, 2005 02:31 AM (GMT)
I know what you mean about real life verses net life. I knew a Ryan that lived next to me in Elmore about 10 years ago. I've lived in Elmore 16 years, sent three kids to Woodmore, divorced one wife, and now I have a gf also (7 years now) and her daughter - sorta mine - who is also going to Woodmore.

I have always worked on my own cars as I hate to let them get the best of me. Started working on Vdubs while I lived in California when I was in the Navy, and have loved them ever since. Anyhow, if you need any help fixing the Chevy let me know. Besides, how many ill intent people do you know in Elmore? LOL. Well, at least none I know of.

As to motorcycling, started riding when I was 14, but didn't own my first until I moved to Elmore in 1988. Bailed a buddies 1978 Honda Hawk 400 out of the shop in return for the title. Worked on it until I found out the problem was a $900 alternator, and back then there wasn't even an Internet, let alone Ebay to find parts for it. It went to a couple of migrant brothers who got into a fist-fight in my front yard over who would hold the title.

My Yamaha came free to me as it was sitting in my GF's fathers backyard. It belonged to her stepbrother who had abandoned the family business and left Dad to fend for himself. Lotsa anger. Anyhow after it sat for a year in the backyard the dad asked me if I wanted a mototcycle cause if it was still ther in a week it was going to the dump. Well I got the hint and contacted the stepbrother who wasn't interested in it anymore since it was giving him nothing but grief and he was now driving a semi full time. Knowing that it had run and just had wiring and carburator synch problems, I had them bring it over and I have been puttering with it ever since. Today I have been working on the needle settings and trying to get the acceleration smoothed out. It flattens out at 6000RPM and starts missing if you gently open the throttle. If you're aggresive on the throttle and take it up to redline between shifts and it's alright until 5th gear and then it flattens out at 80MPH and starts missing.

Well, tomorrow's another day. Hope to meet you at Grubs &'ll know what kinda bike to look for! B)

Ryan from Ohio - August 11, 2005 07:26 PM (GMT)
No, but I know where to stop though.

Im going to take a stab at this and guess scott is your son. And Bill V is your friend?

If so then I got the right Mike.

I think the guy out at the corner of 51 & 20 has an XJ hes working on (where the permanet "gage sale" used to be)...


singingotter - August 12, 2005 03:45 PM (GMT) guessed it. Scot is living in Albuquerque, NM now. He manages the Sears shipping & receiving office there. His friends moved the computer web service they had there and he needed a change of pace. I get to see him when I go to classes in Phoenix every year.

I didn't see the Maxim down at "Busy Corners". I seldom go that way as I always cut down by the golf course to get to 20.

A little excitement here this morning. The city cut through the gaslines next door as they were digging the new sewer trench...gotta love Elmore!

Ryan from Ohio - August 12, 2005 09:18 PM (GMT)
Ahhh well then we already know eachother.

I usually goto Bills for Halloween or used to.


Small world. If its not raning later when I get home tonight or possibly tomorrow I will have to stop out. I ride by

singingotter - August 12, 2005 11:08 PM (GMT)
Ahhh...Halloween at Cousin Billy's house of terror! Yes, I am usually there as "The Executioner"!

I'll be here tomorrow after I head to Schiets in the morning. I need some mouse-eared clamps for my fuel hose. I added a small inline fuel filter after I seen what kinda stuff makes it through the petcock filter and into the float reservoirs.

Stop on'll be good to meet


singingotter - August 19, 2005 12:27 AM (GMT)

Thanks for coming over and showing off your bike. Let me know when it is convenient for you and we'll set up your idle mixture and balance your carbs. My Colortune arrived and works! I was able to turn my mixture screws in 1/8 turn and it does make the bike idle better.



Graves - September 12, 2005 12:30 AM (GMT)
I tried to post this as a new topic but the site wouldn't let me. So here goes...

STOLEN BIKE! Be on the lookout for a stolen black Yamaha xj750maxim. Was stolen from my friends driveway in Walbridge Ohio a couple of weeks ago. Could be in the N.W. Ohio area, but word on the street indicates the possibility of it travelling all the way down to Tennessee the weekend that it was stolen. We have a good idea who the dickless culprit was, but alas nothing can be proven.

If anyone is offered a bike such as this with no title, please inform the proper authorities.

I'm sure that it's long gone by now, or in pieces, but you never know.

Ryan from Ohio - September 14, 2005 09:02 PM (GMT)
Details please?

Were over in Elmore and will keep a lookout for it.

Got a license plate number?

How did they steal it?

Graves - September 15, 2005 06:01 AM (GMT)
The bike was surprisingly recovered today in Pemberville. It's a little bit worse for the wear but at least it's home again.

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