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Title: The weather
Description: Rain in Calgary

John H - June 7, 2005 02:30 AM (GMT)
Well I just finished a weak of holidays and didn't get to ride my bike once. I went camping with the family and it rained the whole time. Good for the farmers, bad for us.

Do you ride in the rain?

Rain rain rain rain.


whisperer - June 7, 2005 10:21 AM (GMT)
I ride in the rain, but not on purpose..... I bought a snowmobile suit (insulated coveralls with full leg zippers) and have them stashed in my bag on the back when the weather looks iffy.

Metalshade - June 8, 2005 01:12 AM (GMT)
I am strictly a good weather, weekend rider these days. But back in the day...

My first bike was a Maxim 650. It was my only transportation, and I was a very energetic kid. I rode through everything North Texas had to offer year round. I narrowly missed a mattress once. Jumped quite a few railroads. Popped a wheelly or two, but not on purpose. Hit the front brake too hard in the rain once; crash! Rode through flooded roadways. The water was almost over the gas tank. Once I started sliding down a hill in icy weather. I just kept my legs stiff and slowly slid to the bottom. Countless adventures on the back roads. We will not go into my old party habbits. I'll just say: Thank God for helmets!

That is only a few things that I am reflecting on right now.
Man! Those were the days!

But now, I say...
Let's here it for all us old fuddy duddies! Yaaaaa!

I took my digital camera with me the other day. Nothing but beautiful scenery on my ride, but I just did not want to stop. Hehehe. B)

Metalshade - June 8, 2005 01:16 AM (GMT)
I just saw these words and had to comment.

"Never ride faster then your guardian angel can fly."

That is a cool motto.
Good thing my guardian angel is equiped with nitro! or I would not be sitting here today. B)

whisperer - June 8, 2005 06:25 PM (GMT)
:) ...... My guardian angel seems to have no problem keeping up with me. GOD knows there's times I give her a pretty good race.

chevy45412001 - June 8, 2005 11:16 PM (GMT)
i don't take off in the rain, but if it pours while i'm out oohh well. :D

nsigary - June 11, 2005 07:12 AM (GMT)
Been there done that! Would best describe it. I have rode in the rain, sleet, EVEN SNOW on my XS1100 Special. Fliped over the handle bar grabing the front brake to hard in the rain. Layed her down on wet leaves. Pulled a few wheelies and did a whole shot at the same time. While taking out my first gear! Its AMAZING what these muscle bike can do. as for my gardian angel I thought she quit my ass a long time ago. But fortunitly she's smashed me in the back of the head a time or too and calmed my ass down. Now I only ride in the rain when I get caught in it. Then I just sit under a bridge and wait an hour or 3 before I say Hell with it I need to get home. Thank God for Cell phones to pass the time while I wait.

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