Title: Should I buy?
Da Puff - June 18, 2005 02:19 AM (GMT)
Hello all.
I am thinking about buying a 1982 XJ550 Maxim. I'm going to take a look at it soon, and was wondering what I should look for when I see it. Apparently there is a small oil leak between the engine and the transmission. Any other areas I should look at or pay attention to during a test drive?
Thanks for your suggestions.
The ad for the bike is
capymotiv - June 18, 2005 10:42 AM (GMT)
You will probably want to check the front forks to ensure the seals are not bad as this can be a bit of an expense to repair.Also look between the head and jugs for any sign of oil discoloration as they are prone to leak.Check your carbs, make sure it is warm before you ride to insure the carbs are in good condition, no hunting( uneven idle),sticking or having to use the choke to ride.
Hope this helps.
Da Puff - June 18, 2005 02:41 PM (GMT)
Thanks Mike, that's exactly what I was looking for. A test ride should be fun.
KTA - June 20, 2005 03:33 PM (GMT)
When I buy a used bike I always like to pop it up on the centerstand and check all the bearings (wheel bearings, swingarm bearings, stearing head bearings). Fork seals are good to check out too, as well as looking for rusty cables and worn brake pads. I check all the general maintenance stuff, then as long as it starts and rides well then it's usually a pretty safe buy.
Good luck.
Da Puff - June 20, 2005 03:40 PM (GMT)
So there's really no XJ specific things I should be looking for? These bikes don't have any special problems I should be aware of?
Ryan from Ohio - June 20, 2005 08:32 PM (GMT)
Boots between the jugs and carbs.
Cost me $110 to replace...
capymotiv - June 22, 2005 01:29 AM (GMT)
The xj has been a pretty stable motor as far as reliability.Every bike has it's shortcomings but engine wise they have a pretty good rep. I have an xj700 I drive 30 miles + daily, bought used in fair shape and pretty much change the oil and changed the clutch cable.I prefer american made bikes but have found the XJ to be one of the best bikes I have ever owned.
One thing to look for.....see if the petcock has a prime mode.If it does and has been on that setting a while, the carbs have had a constant gas flow to them and might require a rebuild.