Was the 85 xj700 a 1 year only bike. I have been able to find nothing for this model and year bike.No service manual, swap info or anything. The only thing i know is what I hear by way of ear. It is a FZR motor. Anyone know where I can get literature for it? I have look for a clymer and anyother service with no luck. Running out of answers and in need of service before a serious breakdown occurs.
AFAIK they made the XJ 700 (air cooled) and the XJ 700 X (liquid cooled) in 85. They made these 700cc in the US version because of the import tarifs being levied against imported bikes above 700cc because they were trying to support HD. The US dropped the tarif in 86 but I believe they still sold these as 700's.
These are effectively the same as the non-US XJ 750's.