I recently acquired what I think is a '86 XJ650 Maxim for free. It had sat in a back yard shed for at least 10 years--the owner couldn't remember if it had quit running or if he just quit riding. His wife wanted it ou of her way, so I got it.
I am by no means a mechanic beyond tightening things up here and there, or changing oil or battery on my pickuptruck. I know even less about a motorcycle. I have been told by some people to fill up the fluids, put in a new battery and plugs, and see if it starts.
Any advice before I spend some money on something I know little about? I just want to ride!
I would advise taking the carbs off and taking the bowl off and the tops and spray clean them WELL.
Drain any and all old gas. Fill with new, change plugs, oil and filter, rear end oil and add battery. Give it a go. If it doesnt run and you dont care to work on it anymore your out about $60...