Yamaha XJ750RK 1983 VIN
Axel Front & Rear 4H7-251(3)81-01-00 $8 each
Battery Box (holder) 5G2-21240-00-00 $10
Bracket Left/Right Footpeg 5G2-27442(3)-10-00 $15each
Brake Rear Pedal 5G2-27211-00-00 $12
Cable Brake 5G2-26341-01-00 $5
Cable Choke 5G2-26331-00-00 $5
Cable Clutch 5G2-26335-00-00 $5
Cable Speedometer 2G2-83550-00-00 $5
Cable Throttle 5G2-26311-00-00 $5
Calipers Left/Right+pads L3-25810-2(3)0-00 $29each
Camshaft 1/2 4K0-1217(8)1-00-00 $35 each
Carbureator assembly $99
Chain Cam 94500-02120-00 $10
Clutch Boss Clutch 4H7-16371-01-00 $10
Clutch Plate Pressure 2 4H7-16351-00-00 $10
Clutch plates Friction 4H7-16321-00-00 $15
Clutch plates Pri Drvn Gear 4H7-16150-10-00 $15
Control Clutch side 5G2-W8281-50-00 $39
Controls Brake side 5G2-W8282-40-00 $39
Cover Cranckcase Left 36Y-15411-02-00 $25
Cover Cranckcase right 99999-02157-00 $35
Cover Cylinder Head 5G9-11101-00-00 $45
Cover Oil Filter 4K0-13447-00-00 $25
Cover Oil Right 36Y-15426-00-00 $10
Cover Pickup Coil Rotor 36Y-15416-00-00 $25
Crankcase Assy Top+Bottom 4K0-15100-03-00 $59each
Crankshaft 5G2-11411-00-00 $49
Cylinder Block 5G2-11310-10-00 $49
Diode Assembly 4H7-81980-M0-00 $8
Disc Rotors left/Right 5G2-25831-0(1)0-00 $25each
Drive Shaft $99
End Grip (handle bar ends) 36Y-26246-00-00 $10
Engine General Parts $please write
Exhaust Common Collector 5G2-14615-00-00 $35
Fairing Panel L/R 5G2-2171(2)1-00-1U $69each
Fairing Tail 5G2-84716-00-1U $39
Fender Front Comp 5G2-21510-00-1U $39
Fender Rear Both pieces 5G2-21611-00-00 $19
Flashers Rear x 2 $15both
Flasher Canceller unit 1A0-83395-03-00 $19
Frame Main 5G2-21110-10-33 $29
Fuse Box Assembly 36Y-82170-01-00 $12
Fuse Holder 3H5-82150-00-00 $10
Gear Unit Speedometer 4H7-25190-00-00 $12
Generator (Alternator) 4H7-81600-10-00 $69
Handlebar 5G2-26111-01-00 $19
Handlebar Cover set Upper 1 G2-26143-00-00 $20
Hold Bar rear (Stay Rear) 5G2-21645-00-00 $24
Horns x 2 and Bracket 5G2-83371-20-00 $19pair
Ignition Coils x 2 4H7-82310-60-00 $49
Ignitor Unit Assembly 5G2-82305-10-00 $69
Lever Left/Right Clutch 36Y-8391(2)2-00-00 $12each
Rear Light Lens Assy. 5G2-84540-60-00 $15
Main Switch+Tank cover+Lock G2-82508-50-00 $69 complete set
Master Cylinder Front Brake 5G2-25850-01-00 $39
Mirrors $12each $19 pair
Neutral Switch Assembly 2H7-82540-00-00 $9
Oil Level gauge 5G2-85720-00-00 $19
Oil Pump 5G2-13300-00-00 $25
Pickup Coil+Rotor 5G2-81671-10-00 $35
Pipe Exhaust x 4 5G2-14611-00-00 $49set of 4
Pistons Complete set 4 5G2-11631-00-00 $40
Rear Arm Comp 4K0-22110-00-33 $49
Rectifier Regulator assembly 4H7-81960-50-00 $25
Reflector Front Assy. 3G1-85110-00-00 $4
Relay Assembly 4U8-81950-02-00 $25
Relay Flasher Assembly 4H7-83350-70-00 $39
Relay Headlight Assy 3H5-81950-00-00 $15
Relay Side Stand 4U8-81950-00-00 $15
Relay Starter Assembly 36Y-81940-00-00 $25
Relay Starter Circuit Cut-off 12R-81950-00-00 $15
Shocks Rear 5G2-22210-01-00 $49Pair Clean
Shift Shaft Assy 4K0-18101-00-00 $19
Stand Center 11M-27111-00-R4 $15
Stand Side 5G2-27311-00-R4 $10
Starter 4K0-81800-50-00 $49
Starter Switch assy 22U-81940-00-00 $19
Stop Switch Rear 1E9-82530-00-00 $12
Switch Side Stand 5G2-82566-01-00 $12
Tank+Petcock Fuel M Assy 5G2-24110-00-1U $99
Tensioner Assembly 5G2-12210-10-00 $15
Tool Bag Original 5G2-28100-00-00 $30
Transmission $99
Wire Harness Assembly 5G2-82590-50-00 $29complete
Miscellaneous please write
I have a 350 positive ebay feedback rating, my ID is Tcmpolaris, I invite you to take a look. I also invte all questions and concerns at LGMAB@HOTMAIL.COM . I accept Paypal and Money orders, I have several refernences available.
PLease write with requests acceptable offers are always accepted.