View Full Version: 1981 XJ650 Starter or Horn Button

Xjowners > Bike Talk > 1981 XJ650 Starter or Horn Button

Title: 1981 XJ650 Starter or Horn Button
Description: Anybody got a spare?

singingotter - August 10, 2005 02:24 AM (GMT)
Of all the silly things to break on a motorcycle...

After tearing up the asphalt with my newly installed NGK Iridium plugs and parking it for the evening, I went out later to move my bike and cover it before the rains come, and in the place of my starter button is a little spring sticking out. I'm thinking "This isn't good" but I pick a small stick up off the ground and push the spring in and vrrrrooom! Whew! So I move the bike, cover the bike, go inside and have a beer and think to myself "This really sucks!"

OK, so on the Yamaha & Bikebandit sites they don't even show the button as a replacement part. Does anyone out there in XJ650 land with the round pushbutton have a spare button? It can come off the horn or starter button as they appear to be the same. I'll be switching them tomorrow and making a makeshift one for the horn out of nylon, it'll work but it won't be pretty.

On the lighter side, The NGK Iridium plugs are great! I gapped them at .030" (7-8mm) as recommended in the Yamaha manual and it definitely fires better. I had to lean out the mixture a tad as the plugs I removed were sooty. Now I'm waiting for my Colortune to arrive and take the tuneup to the next level. Tomorrow I adjust the valves.

Thanks for all of your help.

Metalshade - August 12, 2005 04:09 PM (GMT)
Ebay is how I find discontinued parts for my Maxim.

I also check out the Motorcycle salvage yards.
I know of a couple in North Texas and couple online.

I will check my box of spare parts for you, but I doubt if I have anything.
My Maxim is a XJ750J. B)

Beer Runner - August 14, 2005 05:55 AM (GMT)
in the place of my starter button is a little spring sticking out

Mine too, what is it with the starter buttons on this bike? Now I use a push key to get it going, so far that works. :huh: B)

spinalator - August 17, 2005 04:33 AM (GMT)
Here you are my son. I have spent lots of money on here with my $hitty kawasaki. Electrical Parts and More and more!!

singingotter - August 19, 2005 12:24 AM (GMT)

I'm not real keen on my temporary horn button set up. It worked when some lady with a cell phone in her ear didn't even signal or look and cut me off. I hit the brakes and horn and she just missed my front tire.

Can anyone recommend a louder horn that mounts in the original bracket, or one that mounts elsewhere and looks good? Send me a pick if it mounts elsewhere so I can get an idea of mounting locations.


Metalshade - August 19, 2005 04:03 AM (GMT)
I would also be interested in a louder horn.

A pickup truck cut me off on the highway. I could not hear my own horn due to the loud truck and wind noise. Later, I had to honk my horn just to be sure it was working.

Everyone watch your back and stay out of other people's blind spots. B)

spinalator - August 19, 2005 03:53 PM (GMT)
Louder Horns: FIAMMs or an old Dodge truck horn. Ugly but loud. I picked up a FIAMM low tone at the auto supply store and have a high tone motorcycle horn and it is loud! One of my VFR buddies mounted a Dodghe truck horn and when he blasts it it scares most cage drivers and they look around confused. :D

laskey - August 26, 2005 07:50 PM (GMT)
I broke mine when I moved from Ontario to Alberta and the bike shifted a bit during the move.

I went to Look under switches. I got a brand new starter/horn button, for something like $9 US. You get the button, and the spring behind it. I still had my old spring so I re-used it. It works great. The guy was real nice too.

I figured that yamaha wouldn't go to the trouble of designing a whole new starter button for a bike with the difference being 2 instead of 4 cylinders, and my hunch was right.


singingotter - August 28, 2005 01:21 PM (GMT)
Thanks for the info. :D The other site I was given, the part was backordered.

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