View Full Version: It's Cold!

Xjowners > Anything goes > It's Cold!

Title: It's Cold!

spinalator - August 11, 2005 06:51 PM (GMT)
Darn cold front moved in, rain and +15 C outside. Feels like fall! Yuk!

woot - August 11, 2005 07:00 PM (GMT)

Trade ya - ;)

We're stuck in a dry spell - lows of 17C, highs of 30C. Even on the highway with all my vents open it still feels warm. Night time riding is absolutely beautiful - just watch out for the fauna. ;)

I road home last night and in 18km I had to stop and clean my visor - looked like a meteor shower running through swarms of moths. Very beautiful. It was one of those ultra smooth rides where you're running at 70% speed but every move is as smooth as butter - flicking through the S-turns watching the headlight dance from 30 degrees one way to 30 degrees the other.

Alright - the deal is off... I'm loving this weather. :p


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