I need some feedback, please.
From old friends to people stopping me outside stores; people keep complimenting my Maxim and then ask if I will go riding with them.
I respectfully accept their phone number and say I will try to find time.
The fact is: I like cruising alone. Just me, God, and the wind in my hair!
I am wrong for this?
These people usually own a Harley or Ninja. Something shiny or new.
I personally think that Harley owners just want to be seen on the bike. It seems to be all show to them. A way to boost their ego. While I simply like to have fun on my Maxim. No set path or group of people to slow me down. I do not care who sees me riding. It is all about me having a good time.
Again. I am wrong for this?
Thanks for your imput. B)
I agree. I love me a Harley but it is mostly from the amount of retro-fitting available and the fact that it is American.
I LOVE to ride alone. Cruise a road I have not been on before, ride in the country, just go. I find it very therapudic. It is very relaxing and a heck of a way to relieve stress. You get on a road and all you care about is keeping the bugs out of your teeth. I don't mind a nice set pressed against my back either now mind you.
Nothing wrong with liking to ride alone. Most of the time I do too. Now - I have been a ninja rider, but not in the stereotypical sense.
Next week I'll be riding my maxim down to meet up with some of my old ninja buddies. I'll be leaving on Wensday, riding down to Mass. on Thursday and taking the really long way to a place a little north of PA in NY on friday. I'll put 2000 km on solo and 1000km on in a group. That group ride is different than what most people expect. We ride in packs with a known destination. If you want to go faster or slower you do that. We meet for breakfast, lunch and back at the host's home in the evening. This ride is more to meet the riders than for the ride. Although the rides we will be doing will be fantastic rides through the catskills and around the resevoirs. Riders in that area have truely been blessed.
I'm not a big R religious person and I personally don't find God in a church - I find a higher power riding alone. Looking over the bars of the maxim it's hard not to marvel in the beauty and contemplate some reason for it. I find commradery in group rides. Both have their place for me, but in my example I'm riding most of it solo with all that it entails.
Now - I have been on some horrendous group rides. Infact I've left group rides before. If that has been your experience then I can fully understand your not wanting to ride with others. On the flip side - some of the best friends I've met are on two wheels it's just a matter of finding those that can appreciate simular things.
I understand how you feel.
I like riding alone for the choices I get to make, and not that of others. Sometimes I'll take a different path just because it looks better than the one I'm on. I also like short pit stops. Who wants to spend an hour in the gas station as a dozen or more bikes and their passengers fill up, relieve themselves, fill up some more, have a snack...man, that's not where I want to be. I want to be on the road, and then hit & run at the gas stations only I need to stop at. Those parking lots can get hot! When I see all of those Honda Goldwing guys wired for sound I worry just how much different that is than having a cell phone stuck to your ear. It takes a different kind of listening to - and I wouldn't want that to interfere with my ride. The heartline communicatioins aren't too bad, but a group talking between themselves...jeeesh.
I have yet to cruise in a group, but know I don't want to. I've seen enough go by and plenty sitting in the gas station parking lots. Maybe I could join a friend for a ride to a restaraunt on a nice summer evening, but not to sure about anything else.