View Full Version: 1100's

Xjowners > Bike Talk > 1100's

Title: 1100's

chevy45412001 - August 20, 2005 12:11 AM (GMT)
i know this is a xj site,but am i the only one with the xj1100 on here? i hear a lot of talk on the baby and mid bothers 650-700-or are the 11's just harder to obtain?Just currious. i started on the 650 maxim myself.

PopRock - August 22, 2005 05:03 PM (GMT)
Hey, Chevy, I have one. 1980 SG, Pacifico and hard bags, The King of Kong. I began on a Maxim 650 -- still miss it but I couldn't afford 2, and it's no contest. Did a 2600 mile trip on the XS this summer, traveling with an 82 XJ 1100 and an 81 Special.

winterhawk - September 11, 2005 03:14 PM (GMT)
My 1978 XS1100E
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chevy45412001 - September 11, 2005 05:22 PM (GMT)
suttle differences.i also like the XS but it is truely not the XJ
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