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Title: Tank bags
Description: Where to purchase?

crowe - August 30, 2005 04:22 AM (GMT)
I was wondering what everyone does for storage. I currently have a cargo net that I use to hold a knap sack on the passenger seat if I need to carry anything. I was thinking about getting a tank bag and was wondering if anyone has a particular type they would recommend. Please include the make and model or where I could order. Pictures or links to pics would be even better. B)

chevy45412001 - September 1, 2005 06:06 AM (GMT)
tank bags can be bought at almost any bike shop. Swap meets,etc. the range from like 25-200 depends on what exactly your looking for.Dennis kirk is another source.go to dennis and order the metric bike catalog. It's huge and has a very lot of parts.

singingotter - September 13, 2005 01:48 AM (GMT)
For the money I have been eying the Nelson Rigg MG950 Motorcycle Tank Bag. It is magnetic, but they also offer a strap-on version, the Nelson Rigg STB750 Motorcycle Tank Bag. Both run between $45 - $55 plus shipping. I am leaning towards the magnetic version because it seems easier to pack up and go with.

woot - September 13, 2005 01:23 PM (GMT)

Tank bags are great - but what I do is slightly different... I use a hockey bag for the times I really need space.

user posted image

Between a cargo net, bungees, a Rubbermaid 13L box and the hockey bag I can take just about anything with me.

Certainly the tank bag is the way to go - esp if you have a passenger or want to have a map visible when you're riding. Also great for toll money.

The magnet tank bags are really good.

madd-maxx - September 14, 2005 12:23 PM (GMT)
plus you can just take it off!

u dont leave it in your bike ujust pull it off!

sounds real cool ima gonna buy one soon! :ph43r:

singingotter - September 14, 2005 11:24 PM (GMT)
I also just bought a Nelson Rigg CL100 Sport Tail Pack which is big enough for my helmet. What eludes me though is a windshield bag... :(

singingotter - September 22, 2005 03:12 AM (GMT)
So the Nelson Rigg CL100 Rear Luggage pack went way beyond my expectations. It came with a shoulder strap, rain cover and both hooks & buckles depending on how you want to attach it. I went ahead and ordered the MG950 tank bag. Soooooo....along with the front tool bag, side luggage bags; rear luggage bag and the tank bag...oh, and my full set of leather motorcycle luggage, I think I'm set for the longer trips to my brother's that I want to make next year (585 miles one-way).

Now if I can just work out a windshield bag and a hydration setup...oh, and a 5 gallon plus tank! <_<

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