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Title: XJ "lite"
Description: No more Seca

eatatjoz - March 9, 2005 01:16 AM (GMT)
Well, being the nice Sunday it was in Arkansas this weekend, I was out in 65 degree weather, enjoying the sun, and becoming a spring riding statistic.
A kid in a mini-van decided to swap lanes with me by crossing a double-yellow, and keeping me from putting anymore money into my Seca. Of course I was wearing my gear, so I got away with some scrapes, bruises, stiffness, a cane, and Superman's POV, but considering what could have happened, all turned out pretty well.

This was my second 750 Seca, (first one died a firey horendious death when the timing chain evaporated at 45 mph, 10 years ago), and I think I've spotted #3 down the road under a tarp at a mini-storage that's been sitting for three years.

Basicly, this is my Public Service Announcement, Be carefull out there. The cages aren't thinking about bikes this time of year, and I don't want to hear about one of you guys dying, while a kid with a mini-van is on the evening news saying "I swear I didn't see him, he came out of nowhere!"

My bike, XJ750, commonly known as Seca, left this world sunday, March 5th by a murderious Chevy Astrovan. It's survivors are the twin children 250 Ninjas, and it's big brother, a Yamaha V-Max. Athough lost, It will not be forgotten.

'Tis the season for motorcycle fatalities.... Be carefull guys!

chevy45412001 - March 9, 2005 04:29 PM (GMT)
that blows. Glad you weren't seriously injured. And yes be careful all non bikers don't really care whos in there path. Bike safe all.

Nobby C - March 13, 2005 08:15 PM (GMT)
Glad that you were not hurt. Also pleased that you have other bikes to console yourself with.

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