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Title: New member and carb probs
Description: New member and carb probs

2fast - September 27, 2005 12:26 AM (GMT)
I recently bought an 82 XJ650 and I'm posting here for the first time. It has been sitting a few years and is in kind of rough conditition. I got both front and rear brakes cleaned and freed up, they were both pretty stuck from sitting. The carbs have been cleaned and reassembled, good enough to make it run and driveable, however, the floats are in bad shape and have some bits missing. I have not found a parts source for them. I found new float needles, seats, bowl gaskets, etc, but no floats. Any body have any used ones they would be willing to sell?
Looking forward to having some fun with this bike, I always like a new project. This site looks like it will be a big help.

woot - September 27, 2005 01:15 AM (GMT)

Hey a 250 rider! :) You should (if you haven't already) swing by ( and Good crew of people and it is pretty active.

On the floats - I did see a complete set of carbs on ebay for ~50 bucks - might be an easy spot to get some... I don't personally know of any for sale at the moment. Might try a wreckers - or the local stealership (dealership really - I've had good luck with mine... again good crew at

2fast - October 1, 2005 08:59 PM (GMT)
Thanks for the ebay lead, but they went too high for me. All I need is floats, and I would imagine someone might have some trashed carbs with good floats.

winterhawk - October 2, 2005 06:27 AM (GMT)
I have some floats that will fit I think. PM me and let me know which bike you need then for.

2fast - October 23, 2005 10:30 PM (GMT)
Just sent you a PM and noticed you have a 78 XS11E as well. Are you on the XS11 forum? I am with the same handle.

chevy45412001 - October 27, 2005 05:43 PM (GMT)
try mikes not sure if they have floats but are devoted to the xs650 line of bike. Hey 2fast and winterhawk... :ph43r:

iczer - October 29, 2005 02:39 PM (GMT)
I have some decent floats, if you haven't already found some. I actually have a extra set of carbs, so I'll have any carb part you need.

2fast - October 30, 2005 08:30 PM (GMT)
I sent you an email cause I am still looking!

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