I've just reaquired my first motorcycle I let slip away 12 years ago...1981 Seca 550! Unfortunately, it's not in the same shape I left it. I'll begin a restoration soon and would like to know:
1. How many of you own a 550?
2. Where are the best forums for working on this bike? (besides this one)
3. Where can I expect to get parts for this bike...dealer? Catalog? Ebay? Internet shops anywhere for XJ's?
4. Anyone have any spare parts for the XJ?
Thanks again for accomodating a newbie here!
I've just reaquired my first motorcycle I let slip away 12 years ago...1981 Seca 550! Unfortunately, it's not in the same shape I left it. I'll begin a restoration soon and would like to know:
1. How many of you own a 550? 2. Where are the best forums for working on this bike? (besides this one) 3. Where can I expect to get parts for this bike...dealer? Catalog? Ebay? Internet shops anywhere for XJ's? 4. Anyone have any spare parts for the XJ?
Thanks again for accomodating a newbie here!
Be carefull on this infactuation. You will never get your money back from this old bike, and Love causes people to do strange things and spend lots of money! (be it a woman or a bike)
Love is a strange thing, it can make a blind man see, but it can also put rose colored glasses on someone that has 20/20 vision.
I'm not trying to deter you at all, I am very fond of these machines, but being the pesimist that I am, I can envision easily spending three grand in a $100 bike.
Sign up on Micapeak, find you a breaker (cycle salvage), get the XJ CD, and check ebay often.
Enjoy your high school sweet heart :)
Oh, and welcome to the forum!
(where's me edit button?)
Thanks for the advice. This was the first motorcycle I bought and registered back in '89. I loved her. Then in college I sold her for an '86 Ninja. It was amazing that the guy I sold it to still had it 12 years later. She hadn't been started in 7 years. I couldn't resist the temptation of throwing a battery in and firing the starter. Of course I checked the gas tank, lines, oil, drained the carbs and fuel, and the air filter. She started! Didn't run her long, she was stumbling at this altitude (5800 feet). But that was a relief that I know at least the major parts work. Body and chrome can be fixed. I can't wait to get started! Oops, should have bought that 3 car garage so I could work on it! Oh well, I'll make the room somehow.