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Title: Awfully quiet
Description: What are you all up to?

woot - November 1, 2005 08:05 PM (GMT)
Every time I log in to see what's new here - I see 2 or 3 other people doing the same thing. I check for new posts and there aren't any. This makes me a very sad panda ;).

So I thought I'd up my noise to signal ratio with an update.

It's a beautiful fall Canadian day - well over the freezing mark and some of the best riding of the year.

I recently did an oil change. Prior to the oil change my oil filter had a slow but steady drip. I kept topping it up thinking that when I had reassembled the filter in the spring that I must have got a peice of dirt under the big rubber gasket. When I did the oil change I didn't bother to lift the gasket ( I was a bit cold and in too much of a rush )... I should have. It is still leaking and now I'll have to do it again because I'm getting tired of it. That's my plan for next next weekend - this weekend???

GUY FAWKES NIGHT ( 4th of Nov - 7pm )

If any Canadians (specifically Nova Scotian's) want to experience a British tradition drop me a note off list -- we always do a big bonfire on the friday around Guy Fawkes night, fireworks, and potluck desserts all welcome. We try to get about a hundred people each year and it varies a bit depending on the weather. Rest assure I'll be there with proper fire lighting gear B) and there will be a big FAMILY FRIENDLY party... outdoors so dress for the weather.

(For the Brit's wondering why friday - we get weather here that means we have to postpone sometimes - so we do friday with saturday as the postpone date - sundays don't work for kids as they have to go to school the next day.)

Open invitation to XJ people.


Darrell Dean - November 2, 2005 04:43 PM (GMT)

Wow ... it has been a long time since I have heard the term Guy Fawkes night. I lived in Newfoundland for seven years in my teen years (father was RCMP) and I clearly remember the bonfires, food & fun. In this part of the world they have never heard of Guy Fawkes. Thanks for the memory!

The weather here has gone to the dogs (snow & slush). In looking at the long term forecast, it would appear winter has arrived. It is time to do the oil change, stabil in the tank and put the bike to bed for the winter. I have really enjoyed the site and have learned a lot from the posts. My winter projects will be a new seat, running lights, oil leak in one of the cylinders and a rear tire.

All the best!

mick fahey - November 2, 2005 06:45 PM (GMT)

When I was a boy Guy Fawkes night was a big thing. All the kids in our street would spend weeks on the scrounge for anything that would burn then it would be piled up on the bombsite and guarded against the thieving little sods from other streets. We also used to make our Guy Fawkes from old cloths rags and paper put him in a pram and hang around bus stops rail stations etc, begging I suppose.
Grownup's must have got really fed up with gangs of scruffy kids chasing down the road screaching "penny for the guy".

On the 5th Nov everyone would turn out and make for the debris, every family had their own fireworks which were let off whenever, no organisation at all but a lot of fun and surprisingly few accidents.

Nowadays I often wish old Guy Fawkes would come back and do the job properly.

Mick Fahey

woot - November 2, 2005 07:39 PM (GMT)


This is a one off in Nova Scotia - a few Brit's living here so we decided to have a big fire and shoot off fireworks from one place... it's a good laugh.

We don't get to do the traditional begging for money... it's just not a big thing like it used to be. :-/ Ah well - we'll hold on to it and see what ingenious way we can light the fire this year. ( My last fire lighting incorperated a 5 gallon bucket of diesel and motoroil - under a 15' tall pile of building scraps and trees. In very short order we had a nice cosy fire ) ;)

Cheers all - great stories!


xjgurp - November 3, 2005 03:49 AM (GMT)
QUOTE (woot @ Nov 2 2005, 12:39 PM)

This is a one off in Nova Scotia - a few Brit's living here so we decided to have a big fire and shoot off fireworks from one place... it's a good laugh.

We don't get to do the traditional begging for money... it's just not a big thing like it used to be. :-/ Ah well - we'll hold on to it and see what ingenious way we can light the fire this year. ( My last fire lighting incorperated a 5 gallon bucket of diesel and motoroil - under a 15' tall pile of building scraps and trees. In very short order we had a nice cosy fire ) ;)

Cheers all - great stories!


That sounds like FUN! I'll be playing in Drumfest 2005 Friday and Saturday, which should be fun on it's own. Have a great time.

woot - November 3, 2005 10:48 AM (GMT)

Hey cool! I think I might have seen you play then! Are you one of the large group of people who play everything from trash cans to pots and pans?

If so - we have really enjoyed your show several times.

maybw next year you can make it out to our craziness - starts at 7 but there should be a fire for 3 hours anyhow... I'll be out there till 1 probably.

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