View Full Version: Any members in Louisiana?

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Title: Any members in Louisiana?

armyvet75 - November 1, 2005 09:53 PM (GMT)
Are there any members in Louisiana besides me? Fairly new to the saddle and looking more someone to get some pointers from, and maybe ride with a little.

Ride On - November 2, 2005 10:56 PM (GMT)
howdy over there. i'm over here in Lubbock, Texas. this fourm has helped me with my 82 750seca that i have had since 1985 hope we can help ya

BlueMaxim - November 4, 2005 02:00 AM (GMT)
Where in Louisana? I'm just over the river in Vicksburg Ms.

armyvet75 - November 4, 2005 09:29 PM (GMT)
I am in the northwest corner, Shreveport/Bossier City area.

BlueMaxim - November 4, 2005 11:47 PM (GMT)
Well you will at least have to join us for next years North Texas Carb Clinic. We hold it in Dallas. Me and a buddy join forces to tune bikes and help with rebuilding carbs. So which XJ do you have? I have an '83 Maxim 750. Former basket case that I restored and customized.

armyvet75 - November 6, 2005 05:38 AM (GMT)
I have an 81 maxim 650. Excellent bike, I bought from original owner who got it from the showroom floor with 3 miles. Now has 26k and looks great. I wish the carb clinic was very soon, I know mine have to be resynched because I checked mileage today and it has dropped in the last month from 42 to 31 today. Other than that bike is a dream. Hope to get carbtune and colortune delivered by end of the week so I can get her back in top shape.

BlueMaxim - November 9, 2005 12:32 AM (GMT)
Let me know if you need any help. I have a 14mm colortune with experience. The carb clinic is not until May or June of next year so maybe a little tweaking will suffice for now.

Metalshade - December 1, 2005 01:31 AM (GMT)
Cool deal. I live in Dallas.

So, what is this clinic about, or how does it work?
Do a bring a tool box, or a pad & pen, or money, or what? B)

BlueMaxim - December 6, 2005 04:16 AM (GMT)
Oops! Forgot to check this thread so sorry for the late reply. The carb clinic is set for June next year , final date will be set in May. Most members bring their tools such as colortunes, carb sticks, YICS tools etc. It is hosted by Rex Smith whose web site and forum is at:

Rex is in north Dallas. He hosts and we tune. Last year I tuned about 6 bikes. There were 8 or 9 total. Rex's site has pics of the clinic. It's just a bunch of gearheads getting together having a blast. You will be amazed at how quickly Rex can remove a set of carbs from a bike. He is a whiz. So just bring your XJ and we'll have at it.

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