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Title: $$$ Buyers Beware on EBAY $$$

Scotimier - November 7, 2005 05:18 PM (GMT)
Has anyone else noticed how overpriced items on ebay are becoming? It used to be great to find odd parts for anything at reasonable prices, but now there are so many people trying to make a living at selling stuff on ebay that it seems they are overinflating prices. Example theres a 20 year old used stator for my bike on ebay right now for a buy it now price of $124.99... I had bought one off a local salvage yard for $20 and I just bought a brand new stator for $151.00 from dennis kirk. I have an old coworker who quit his job and sits at home trying to sell used motorcycle and Car parts on Ebay, and even he now thinks everything he touches is worth big $$$$. I really want to warn anyone just getting started buying parts from ebay to do your research before you bid on anything, which would you rather have a 20 year old part that was checked by god only knows who (if they checked it at all) for $124.99 plus shipping, or the new one for $151.00 with free shipping and a reputable name. Don't get me wrong, there are still deals to be had on Ebay, just pay attention to what you are really getting. I have another friend who buys and sells classic car parts on ebay, for example he buys old 1960's Chevy impala steering wheels for about $20, spray bombs them and usually sells them for around $150.00, yeah they look great in pictures, and not that bad in person, but what are you really getting? a $20 steering wheel with a $5 paint job... :blink:

negbrian - November 19, 2005 08:21 PM (GMT)
Yep your right, Ebay has become a real business for alot of folks. If someone has feedback over a few hundred, it's a business. It's truly amazing. Just be careful of whom your buying from, check the feedback, payment and shipping details. Ebay has alot of untrustworthy individuals stalking the ignorant. I had the same problem with Yahoo Auctions once upon a time...the guy ended up doing time and paying me back 80% of what he stole. Thanks to the FBI ;)

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