Hi all.
Been looking for new air and oil filter's for my 85 xj700 and just looking for other bits just to see how scarce they are. I find quiet a few parts for maxim's and seca's but not so many for just 700's which I assume mine is since that's all that is on it's UK registration document. What are the differences between 700's and maxim's and will some parts fit either.
Also I bought a manual from a firm called Zedder is that the same one as I keep seeing mentioned on here?
Mick Fahey.
Here in the states the xj700 is part of the maxim family but the 700 was only available for a couple of years and not alot of parts cross with the others (I have the same bike and feel your pain!) A lot of the body parts are close to the xv? (virago) but everything else is hard to come by. And the same years there was also the xj700x (liquid cooled).
Hey mich I take it you have a XJ700 Maxim and not the XJ700 X maxim which is water cooled. For your air filter option I would go K&N air filter they do make a filter for the XJ700 and the part number is YA-7080 and can be fould at
http://www.mawonline.com/kandn.htm for $42.95 K&N Stock Air Box Filter #YA7080 Mfg.#: YA7080 trust me this the best price around
http://www.knfilters.com/search/product.aspx?Prod=YA-7080Also you oil filter can be found at
http://www.denniskirk.com You may also want to take a look at
http://yamaha-factoryparts.com/ for those hard to find parts like trim bits and so on.
Oh yeah the manual that alot of people use is the Haynes manual you may also want to look into buying the XJ CD.
CT's got the goods. Check out the places he mentioned, along with BikeBandit.com 's OEM parts section.
Good luck!
I also have an 85 Maxim X, and I know what you mean by having a tough time finding parts... The K&N filter is the way to go, Yamaha wants $30 for a stock filter, and I think I paid $45 for mine 3 years ago, just follow the instructions for cleaning and maintaining them, I've had one in my 99 mustang since new, and its holding up fine. The positive side is that more and more parts are becoming available aftermarket, Dennis Kirk now sells New stators for the xj700's for about $152... 3 or 4 years ago your only option was to buy used ones and hope it worked.