View Full Version: New Member

Xjowners > Bike Talk > New Member

Title: New Member

guywiththeshaft(drive) - November 25, 2005 11:12 PM (GMT)
Hello everyone. Just wanted to say hello. New to the site. I have an 82 Maxim 650, which I absolutely love, and I see alot of useful info on here to help me with a couple of winter projects.

Is there somewhere on here where members post pics of their rides?

guywiththeshaft(drive) - November 29, 2005 12:05 AM (GMT)
Okay, then.....hmmm.....never mind!


xj700 - November 29, 2005 12:33 AM (GMT)
WELCOME! somehow i managed to overlook this thread :huh:


CTSommers - November 29, 2005 08:32 AM (GMT)
I know you can post your pictures at which is another XJ web site. I think the lay out and features of is a little nicer than here but they have a lot less membership over there. Sorry about the lack of replies I think it's just the thanksgiving weekend that all.

guywiththeshaft(drive) - January 2, 2006 03:49 AM (GMT)
Got new intakes for my maxim on the way. Going to replace them when they arrive. Anything particular to keep in mind when I do it?


BlueMaxim - January 3, 2006 02:04 AM (GMT)
Yes there is one thing to keep in mind when replacing intakes, the bolts are notorious for breaking!!! Soak those babies in penetrating oil like PB blaster or Liquid Wrench for days before trying. Use an impact wrench! If one does break then an ez out may work. Starting with an impact is the best advice I know of.

guywiththeshaft(drive) - January 3, 2006 10:10 PM (GMT)
I'll do that. Thanks alot!

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