Hi all.
Got the bike running well enough to take to the road for the first time. Then a bite on my leg turns nasty and I have to spend a frustrating week in bed followed by another glued to a chair with herself screeching get that leg up everytime the foot touches the floor. Still, only another day or two now.
If Dwayne Verhey is out there I will be putting a cheque in the post for a copy of the xj cd, can't email you to confirm when I click to do so and the machine locks up tight.
Question: Should the air filter element be oil soaked, on my xj700maxim it's dry except for the bottom half inch which seems to be oil coated.
Mick Fahey.
Mick. To the best of my knowledge none of the XJ oil filters are oil coated. If the bottom has some oil on it then it probably has come from the crankcase breather.
This may be normal but I'd take some other opinions on this. My guess is it is way overdue for a new filter.
The K&N uni-pods are supposed to be oil covered IIRC... perhaps their drop in replacement filter should be as well...
If you can't remember replacing it then it is probably time to do so (unless it is a K&N which I understand can be cleaned and reused)
Oil in the airbox is usually a symptom of hard riding or too much oil... something to check into.
Heal up that leg and get back on the road!
Oil in the air box is no good. Over filled? Clean it up, new filter (if paper) and check oil level hot.
Hi all.
Oil level low if anything am awaiting a new oil filter and will do a complete change once that arrives. Have also ordered a new fuelcock diaphragm, the fuelcock drips a little when in the prime position.
Hoping to get to try the bike out over the weekend, providing I can get past her indoors without a fist fight.
Thanks fellas.