View Full Version: Price for an 85 XJ X ?

Xjowners > Buy-Sell-Trade > Price for an 85 XJ X ?

Title: Price for an 85 XJ X ?

xjgurp - December 5, 2005 09:44 PM (GMT)
I have an 85 Maxim X that I plan to unload - it was running last time I tried but I have the clutch apart at the moment.

I put in new steering head bearings and a new Mac 4-1 exhaust and just had the carbs cleaned and serviced at the dealer. It needs new tires and I cannot find replacement clutch springs. They are at the wear limit. I have a new clutch cable to be installed and new friction plates too.

The bike had some slopping handling for a while and I haven't road tested it since the new bearings. Tires will probably make a diffy too.

At one point I thought maybe it had a bent triple but I doubt it because it used to handle just fine and I had no drops or bumps or anything that would have caused an issue.

It's a very fast machine, but obviously needs some work; a good winter project. I also spray painted the whole thing black once but have cleaned it up a bit. The tank has an amatuer yellow paint job. Not sure what else to add.

1) What's a reasonable price to ask?
2) Anyone here interested?

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

CTSommers - December 6, 2005 11:52 AM (GMT)
I looked up the price for my zip code 19087 on Kelley blue book,

1985 Yamaha XJ700X Maxim X
Suggested Retail Value $1450 US.

But given that you have the rather rare 750 X and not the run of the mill 700x model you may be able to sell for more

woot - December 6, 2005 06:11 PM (GMT)

Selling her ? :(

( I went and checked out your page - you have an arby's picture with my zx600r in it - don't happen to have any originals? I've been missing that bike lately - must be the weather )

The clutch springs sound like the biggest problem. I wonder what we can do there - certainly worth more running than in its current state.

I'm only interested in it for the learning experience - my next bike is only going to happen when I have significantly more expendable income and hopefully will be one of zzr600, ninja 650, vfr800abs, 919... or a streetfighter project I've had in mind for awhile...

Good luck with it - I know the X is very popular around here - did you know Rich rode up to northern ontario ( want to say thunderbay but can't remember) to buy an X? There must be someone locally that would kill to buy it.

No idea on a price - sorry. Everything I see in the paper I think is selling high for an older bike but it seems there is a huge demand for bikes so I guess it is reasonable.


xjgurp - December 7, 2005 11:13 AM (GMT)
I would be more interested in knowing it went to someone who can fix it up than in worrying about price. Basically I just have too much going on to deal with an old bike... she's been in that shed for a full year now and my schedule won't be any lighter next year so I plan on getting something a bit newer and bigger and in better shape. At least I'll be able to ride in the spring.

Yeah I know the X is a rare bird and another bike won't have that powerband rush and nimble handling, but then again neither do I anymore :-)

I was thinking around $1000 picked up as-is. If you know of anyoneone Woot let me know.


woot - December 7, 2005 01:41 PM (GMT)

Sure thing - could you pass along the clutch spring information? IIRC you went to freedom cycle and they found the wrong springs or couldn't find the right springs?

I'll keep that info in mind and see if I know anyone that could take it off of your hands. I have a buddy looking for a beginner bike but he was looking for something up to a maxim 650. I'll see who else is around, but I have a few ideas. Fingers crossed.

If you do get a shinny new bike don't be thinking your too good for us here! ;)


capymotiv - December 23, 2005 12:19 AM (GMT)
Sure wish you were a little farther south.....Still beating on my 700 n...need new project.....

xjgurp - January 4, 2006 11:51 AM (GMT)
OK I found a buyer who plans to restore her. He did a 1965 Honda Superhawk last time - it's immaculate and runs like a top, so the guy seems to have patience and skill. So long XJ - a helluva bike! I wish I had teated mine better :-(

I plan to hook the guy up here, and with someone who wrote that he is an accredited mechanic with XJ specific experience...

Now I'm off to Toad's Cycle Works to see what he might have in his back room :-)

Budget around $5K


woot - January 4, 2006 12:30 PM (GMT)

Whatcha looking for?

They've got a zx6 for 5500... although if I was going that way I'd be looking at the new Ninja 650 :D

xjgurp - January 5, 2006 04:53 AM (GMT)
QUOTE (woot @ Jan 4 2006, 05:30 AM)
Whatcha looking for?

They've got a zx6 for 5500... although if I was going that way I'd be looking at the new Ninja 650 :D

That VTX 1800 sure is nice but a bit above my budget (maybe ;-)... I wonder about the 2000 Vulcan 1500 too... anyway I'm in no rush so that's helpful... I'll let yoy know what I find out.


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