I have an 85 Maxim X that I plan to unload - it was running last time I tried but I have the clutch apart at the moment.
I put in new steering head bearings and a new Mac 4-1 exhaust and just had the carbs cleaned and serviced at the dealer. It needs new tires and I cannot find replacement clutch springs. They are at the wear limit. I have a new clutch cable to be installed and new friction plates too.
The bike had some slopping handling for a while and I haven't road tested it since the new bearings. Tires will probably make a diffy too.
At one point I thought maybe it had a bent triple but I doubt it because it used to handle just fine and I had no drops or bumps or anything that would have caused an issue.
It's a very fast machine, but obviously needs some work; a good winter project. I also spray painted the whole thing black once but have cleaned it up a bit. The tank has an amatuer yellow paint job. Not sure what else to add.
1) What's a reasonable price to ask?
2) Anyone here interested?
http://jvangurp.com/bike/motorcycle.htmHalifax, Nova Scotia, Canada