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Title: Best manual

jdrich48 - December 19, 2005 11:49 PM (GMT)
Does anyone have any ideas on which service manual might be better than another? Haynes, Clymer, etc.
Richard B.

woot - December 20, 2005 01:02 AM (GMT)

Dunno... I have the Haynes manual and the supplemental manual for 1982...

As always the Haynes is solid but I can't comment on the Claymour.

The supplemental has nice exploded diagrams which I really like.

jdrich48 - December 20, 2005 01:16 AM (GMT)
So your saying the haynes manual covers several models, then you buy a supplemental manual that covers just 82 models? Is the supplemental also a haynes? Where did you purchase them?

Richard B.

woot - December 20, 2005 01:29 AM (GMT)

I should clarify:

The supplemental I have is for 1982. It looks like a dealer version and has in it all 650 and 750 Maxim and Seca bikes. Inside is a seperate book for each model. It has some really nice exploded diagrams (great for figuring out where the left over peice is supposed to go) and it has some trouble shooting stuff... also it is in french and english if that matters to you.

The Haynes manual I have is for XJ 650 & 750 fours from 1980 through 1984. It is the typical haynes manual - they show you how to rip it all apart and put it back together. It also has their typical trouble shooting bit - put sensor here and here and this should happen - if not you must be out of blinker fluid type stuff.

They are both good - I refer to both when working because sometimes one has something the other doesn't ( or words it slightly differently).

The Claymer? Can't say as I've never seen one...

Ballinger - December 20, 2005 05:08 AM (GMT)
As far as I have be able to find, Clymer didn't make a manual for the xj series.
I like the clymer better for the suzuki bikes.

woot - December 20, 2005 10:18 AM (GMT)

As I typed that I had that feeling too Ballinger... I don't think there is one, and I think that's why I don't have one. But honestly I brought manuals when I brought the bike so with my memory the way it is - who knows.


Hired_g00n - December 20, 2005 01:31 PM (GMT)
I have a clymer for my XJ550. They also do one for the XJ600. Think That's all they do for the XJ's

woot - December 20, 2005 01:37 PM (GMT)

Cool - thanks! :)

The 600 was the secaII correct? When did they start building those? Early 90's?


Hired_g00n - December 21, 2005 12:44 AM (GMT)
XJ 600 84-86
XJ 600 RL 84
XJ 600 S 94
XJ 600 S seca2 91
XJ 600 SECA2 90
XJ 600 SD 92
XJ 600 SE 93
XJ 600 SF 94
XJ 600 SG 95

The first clymer manual only covers 550/600 models from 81-92
the second one covers the 600 seca II Diversion from 92 to 98

Most comprehensive list of Yamaha manuals I have found are at

Only a Haynes for JDRich's 650.


jdrich48 - December 21, 2005 11:43 AM (GMT)
Thanks for all the replys. Ordered a Haynes manual last night. The Motor $18.95 US

Richard B.

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