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Title: Read Me: buying/selling/trading on XJOWNERS.COM

mr.fork - March 31, 2005 06:19 AM (GMT)
Hi everyone.

Isn't the internet great? An amazing tool to use the web to contact people all over the world. I will only say this one... buyer beware folks.

XJOWNERS.COM does not guarentee any user nor can we help you out if someone decides to defraud you.

Some tips when buying parts online from other members:
a) Use a standard payment system such as Paypal or a international post office money order when sending money. Don't send money or cheques over the mail.
b) Ensure the person is legit. ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask for photos of the parts if possible. Most of us has digital cameras and disposable digitals are $10-20. Also, see point i.
c) If someone came through on an internet purchase, post it in here saying JIMBOB WAS GREAT! THANKS JIMBOB - got my parts! Reputation helps in all sales.
d) If you think someone has ripped you off, be VERY VERY careful before posting a public fraud alert. Snailmail is slow, especially if you shipped regular parcel.
e) Have your shipment insured for the buck or two it costs via USPS and have the seller send you the insurance/tracking number. It'll show up a day after mailing on the USPS parcel tracking system online.
f) When sending parts across borders (such as US->Canada), do not use UPS Ground. Use USPS. Brokerage fees from UPS can top $50 plus GST when it arrives at your door (you have to pay it before they give you the parcel).
g) Finally, be smart with your buying/selling. If you are selling your bike, watch out for scam artists wanting you to ship your bike unseen to them (at your cost). Just as legit as the Nigerian scam artists.
h) When posting 'looking for parts' or WTB, it's pretty easy to be defrauded. You're looking for something, and they 'got it' (or do they really?). See point i.
i) I've said it before, but always ask for pictures. The picture check is also valuable to ensure it's the right part. The XJ series has a lot of interchangable parts from one another, and some that are not. It also proves they have the part.

Ride free!

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