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New Profile Posts

  1. 4nik8r
    currently diagnosing issues on a high mileage 1982 Seca 550.
  2. Sierra Ridge Reaper
    Sierra Ridge Reaper SnoSheriff
    Hello, I am trying to find info on either getting a key or finding info how to get the tumbler number for my power lock chain and saw you had posted a set for sale sometime ago (comes up in my searches on google).
    Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Scurvy
    Scurvy admin
    I'd like to post a link (printables) to an STL file to 3D print an XJ1100 middle and rear dipstick. I'm not a premium user, and not looking to become one. I just want it out there in case someone finds it useful. Even if I try to reply to a thread on dipsticks it get blocked as spam. What is the best way to do this?
  4. Busted Knucks 1
    Busted Knucks 1 SnoSheriff
    Hi there, what's shaken'? Every time I try to post a reply, I get an error message. It says my content looks like spam when I'm just trying to get my bike rollin'. Can you help? Thank you!
  5. Deneb Hernandez
    Deneb Hernandez hogfiddles
    Hey Hogfiddles, do you still run the shim pool? I am going to be checking my valve clearances here soon and if any are out of spec I'd like to use that pool. Thanks!
    1. hogfiddles
      Yes, I do:)
      Jun 13, 2024
      4nik8r likes this.
  6. Marchy750
    Marchy750 SnoSheriff
    Apologies SnoSheriff but why ant i message you direct for Site issues or im missing somethnig
  7. Deno
    Deno SnoSheriff
    I am looking for the bolts and washers, for clutch on my 1982 Yamaha XJ650 Maxim, I have the discs,plates, springs and gasket all I need are the Bolts and Washers for it, do you know were I could possibly order those things, thanks
  8. Deno
    Deno SnoSheriff
    Hello I am having trouble sending a message about parts I need and it said to contact an administrator
  9. michael moberg
    michael moberg Fuller56
    Thanks for the heads up
  10. fossilbike
    Hello . Can anyone tell me where to go to order and pay for carb seals ?
  11. Ol' Fart Fiddly Fook
    Ol' Fart Fiddly Fook joejr2
    Cannot say for certain if I have that item. I will be at my home in Florida driving down on Wed Nov 15th and returning via flight Nov 18th. Please call me or text me to remind me to check please. I am working in DC area and get home about once every couple of months. I will also be on vacation for the Holidays Dec 20th thru Jan 6th. If that helps ya any.
    1. Ol' Fart Fiddly Fook
      Ol' Fart Fiddly Fook
      I have some parts, but, sold that bike a long time ago and have leftover and extra stuff laying around and would like to recover some of those expenses. not looking to get rich just fair deals. It's all boxed up. I can inventory the stuff and send you a list if you are interested in that. Let me know.
      Oct 21, 2023
  12. malibooman
    malibooman SnoSheriff
    I need to buy a new starter for my 1985 xn750xn.
  13. Bob C
    Bob C hogfiddles
    I thought I had a line on an exhaust collector for a 900 Seca. But the owner decided not to sell it. This leaves me desperately searching for a collector as the input connections have rotted away on mine. any help would be appreciated.
  14. k-moe
    Hello everyone. Please ask your technical questions in the forum. I'm not the only person who knows how to make motorcycles work.
  15. Spork91
    Spork91 SnoSheriff
    Hello! I was wondering why I can't post? It wouldn't let me, saying it was too "spam like"?
  16. Robert24b
    Robert24b bigfitz52
    Hello, I'm looking for a write up on how to add mileage to my replacement xj650 seca speedo.
    New speedo is ~7k so I need to ADD mileage to reflect the actual ~13k mileage.
    Would you be willing to email me a procedure?
    Does it explain how to get the bezel off? Looks like someone tried to pry the one off my old unit.

  17. BuyersRemorse69
    BuyersRemorse69 hogfiddles
    Hey hogfiddles, I am an idiot and bough an XJ 550 Maxim tank for my SECA. Shes been sitting in the grage for a year or so and I've been slowly getting everything patched up on the bike (she was in a dire state) and I saw you posted about tank swaps. You mentioned I would need to either need an extension forward or the front mounting cups would need to be moved, how would I go about doing that?
    1. BuyersRemorse69
      I also have the old 550 tank. But gas was sitting in it for 20 years. The liner inside is shot and its just completely rotten. f***ed up all the carbs, fuel units, etc. Although no holes though. Maybe it would be easier to just attempt to clean out the old tank?
      Jul 29, 2023
  18. Tim morris
    Tim morris k-moe
    THANKS IN ADVANCE What's the difference between
    xj750 RK&
    Xj 750 RJ
    1. k-moe likes this.
  19. Weezil51
    Retired trucker. Trying to make a mild bobber out of my 1985 maxim 700.
  20. Ed121
    Ed121 SnoSheriff
    Hi! Can you help me find a wiring diagram for the left handle to connect the horn, turn signal for a 82 yamaha xj650 maxim?
    Appreciate it. Can't get to the main manual website any longer, says it can't be found, only takes me to the forums. How can I post to the forums?
  21. WCO56
    WCO56 hogfiddles
    Hogfiddles, I saw an old posting where you had mentioned a registry for the XJ900. I have an 83 RK, two actually but one needs considerable work. How would I go about accessing the registry? I’m down near Kingston, NY by the way. Thanks.
  22. DarbyC
    DarbyC hogfiddles
    Hey @hogfiddles! Just making contact here per our earlier exchange.
  23. XJMeta
    XJMeta SnoSheriff
    Hey SnoSheriff! Nice to meet someone from MB in here!
  24. ColoradoDan
    Starting tuneups after a rather dormant winter
  25. MrSeca
    MrSeca mlew
    Hi Mlew, I was looking at some old posts and I saw that you had rebuilt some xj1100 rear shocks. I have some Seca Turbo shocks that look very familiar and I was wondering if you could direct me to some information that could help me. Thanks
  26. Robert24b
    Robert24b bigfitz52
    I saw your writeup on the gauge swap. 2 questions how are the gauge bezels removed and ultimately the lens? P/O said they replaced the gaskets, looks like they pried the bezel all the way around. Is this the correct/only way to access the insides?
    Also, how is the silk screening on your indicator lights so nice? Most of my lettering is rubbed off. Is there a way to redo it?
    FWIW, I have an 82' xj650 seca.
  27. Juniorglide
    Juniorglide hogfiddles
    Hi. I would like to send you my 1982 clean but never 'rack-broken' Seca 750 carb for a complete overhaul. I would then drive to your place to pick it up. Please let me know if it's possible.
    Thank you.
  28. vmax man
    vmax man SQLGuy
    Hi SQL Looking for the ignition fuse on my 1986 XJ Maxim X All I can find is major fuse right off of Battery. I'm losing 2 volts from battery to either coil.
    1. hogfiddles
      Main fuse is by the battery, the rest are under the front cover of your gauges lights cover
      Feb 15, 2023
      vmax man likes this.
  29. Motown
    Motown MiCarl
    Hi Carl - new to the forum and looking for some help with a 82 XJ750 Seca. Do you still work on older bikes? If so let me know please. I'm over my head with bringing this bike back to life.
    Or if you have a recommendation of a shop I can take it to. I live in the Metro Detroit area. I really appreciate any guidance you can give. Thank you Motown
  30. ColoradoDan
    Just off a 900 mile ride through western CO, including the Unaweep-Tabeguache Scenic Byway, last week
  31. ColoradoDan
  32. Patrick Russell
    Patrick Russell admin
    OK, maybe I am missing something, but I am not seeing how to post new content to the forum. I am able to post to existing threads, but not start a new thread.
    A little help would be apprieciated.


    1. Szarnyas Fejvadasz likes this.
    2. Szarnyas Fejvadasz
      Szarnyas Fejvadasz
      I think unfortunately only premium members can post new contents on the forum.
      Jul 21, 2022
  33. andrewc
    Still here. Still alive. Benn a while since I have been on here but I will always have my old XJ bikes!!!
  34. maxim xjj
    maxim xjj hogfiddles
    hogfiddles, good day to ya You were reccommenmed by another member about my 82 xj750j, My carbs are way past ready for a rebuild. Would you be willing to revuild my carbs & bench sync if I sent them to you closer to winter. I am riding the bike now runs good but has popping on left exhaust pipe