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LCD Display Repair-XJ 750

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by icedog75, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. icedog75

    icedog75 New Member

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    Did a quick search for this and since I didn't find anything...I'll ask the question. Has anyone tried to repair/replace the polarizing filter on the LDC display? I'm just starting to work through the issues on my new project bike and after charging the battery to check the electrics....LCD comes up blank...until I put my Oakley's on and then I see (thanks to k-moe for that suggestion). Polarizing film, adhesive and non-adhesive seems to be readily available and not too thick (0.22 mm). It seems that might do the trick. Just wondering if someone's plowed that field already.

  2. schmuckaholic

    schmuckaholic Well-Known Member

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    I have not, but I do seem to recall that someone has in fact done so. Also discovered that by rotating the film 90 degrees, one can have white lettering on a black background vs the stock configuration.

    Quick bit of googling/forum search on here found the thread in question:

    CaptNemo's LCD Screen thread
  3. icedog75

    icedog75 New Member

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    Interesting, I found a site that sells LCD quality sheet in 1 foot lengths. I'm going to buy a couple feet and do exactly the same thing. I didn't find that thread but the same feature (alternate orientation) is used to make security screens for LCD displays. Tks for the find.
  4. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    I thouhgt I had posted links, but I guess not.

    The easy way is to just put the film on the glass without opening the cluster.
    The nice way is ot open the cluster and put the film over the readout without opening the readout.
    Then there is the "correct" way.

    The best thread that I know of seems to have been lost during the file transfer to the new software. This is the next-best http://xjbikes.com/forums/threads/atari-reconditioning.40418/ but the photos are for the most part gone. If you look at the parts fiche http://www.yamahapartshouse.com you can see the exploded view of the instrument cluster. The cluster has to be removed from the bike to get the covers off to where you can work on the display.

    The basic course of events is:

    Remove headlight and unplug cluster, along with removing the speedometer cable.

    Unbolt cluster bracket from top triple tree (one nut per side, under the tree toward the front, easier to get to with the headlight bucket removed)

    Remove cluster from bike.

    Unscrew and remove rear cover.

    Unbolt mounting bracket from cluster.

    Remove screws from back of cluster that hold the front on.

    Gently snap/pry the front cover off, being careful to not break the glass.

    Flip housing over to access the display, which is held in place by four screws on the rear of the housing.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015

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