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Another xj650 bobber build

Discussion in 'XJ Modifications' started by staySPOOLIN, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Josh phillips

    Josh phillips Member

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    Bettendorf, Ia
    Really enjoying watching this Build, very unique from the other hard tail styles I've seen.
  2. Bigshankhank

    Bigshankhank Active Member

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    You should really truss the back end of what used to be your swing arm, you've created a rigid pivot point right where the vertical support connects, meaning that a few hard bumps will distort that square tube section of the original swinger.
    rocs82650 likes this.
  3. Skwerly

    Skwerly Member

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    one heck of a bike!
  4. rocs82650

    rocs82650 Well-Known Member

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    I agree. Also imo gusset the bottom of all four down tubes. Looks real good. By the time you finish it won't be just garage decor.

    Gary H.
  5. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    This really all depends on the thickness of the metal tubing of the swingarm. If its thin, then it wouldn't be a bad idea, but being thin can be misleading because square tubing is stronger than round tubing of the same size. If a gusset is needed, then the rear down tube only would be enough.
  6. Bigshankhank

    Bigshankhank Active Member

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    Looking closer I see that you do have some gusset plates where the vertical members join with the swingarm, but there are some problems with your geometry back there. The reason most hard tails form a triangle is to send the shock of a road bump up into the backbone of the frame where it can be either absorbed, or transferred forward to the front forks (imagine the entire bike pivoting on the front axle). By taking away that structural triangle, and yet not beefing up the structural member to carry that unsupported load, you are asking for a metal failure. Another question comes to mind, did you weld up with the swingarm pivot, or can it still move? Because now you run the risk, if one of the welds beneath the seat supports fails, of your saddle hoisting you up up and away from the controls of the bike.
    Good luck.
    Orange-n-Black likes this.
  7. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Not to mention sending the bump-shock straight up into the back. Didn't think of that before.
  8. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Where to begin with an update for this thing...
    I moved the bike to another garage (where I was working on it the lease was up so we had to move out of that one) Quite a bit of time was taken moving all the equipment and getting a new garage setup (we still don't have 220 ran to supply power to the welders -_- )
    I had the head off of the bike and machined out the broken bolt from the intake boot.
    Clean off all the surfaces and bought new gaskets, the head is back on the bike. Trying to make time to get to the garage has been quite difficult. I have the cams fitted back in the bike, but nothing is torqued down (got pulled away)
    So as it stands.. I have to finish reinstalling the cams, assess valve clearances, put back in the carbs. Sync carbs and check over everything.

    Of course a box of goodies I bought went missing during the garage move... time just hasn't been on my side for getting this thing done.. And I picked up an 82 GS450 to get started on.. but that wont be until after this bike is "complete"

    As for concerns of the structural integrity of the frame, I actually second guessed all the work I had done. Once the motor is back together and everything is "fine", I'm going to re-visit the back half of the frame and modify as necessary.
  9. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Well another update for this seemingly forgotten bike - sitting in the "corner of demise" in the garage.. Well I got my butt in gear with my projects and I am finishing up both projects I have going on (motorcycle wise) over the next couple of months! ..bare with this long update, or well idea turning into an update..

    The 82 gs450 I picked up a little bit ago is currently getting the previous owner's hard tail job whacked off and a simple, clean, "standard" hard tail welded on. I know this isn't a Suzuki forum but I'll post some pictures when I get that one complete. That is all that bike needs to be on the road.. so yay for that one.. and should be done actually by next week.

    Simultaneously the Yamaha is getting finished, or well worked on. Before I get into that update I guess I could give a background on why I am doing what I am doing now - I was sitting down one day on the couch - cold beer in my hand of course, watching some bike building show, while perusing through images on Google of scramblers and other off-road capable bikes made from unexpected candidates. I thought to myself.. why the heck do I have two awful to ride motorcycles?! And I WANT A SCRAMBLER! So I thought to myself..which would be the better option for a "scrambler" style build and the other hard tailed.. I went with the GS450 as the hard tail - it's 2 cylinders, has a Harley peanut tank on it and I think just fitted the bobber look better than an XJ650 maxim. So, where does this leave my first abortion of a project? To be completely redone - YAY! So those who doubted my hard tail design can cast your doubts on my new proposed plan/design!

    After looking around my bike while putting the head back on I noticed some scoring marks under the cams and just little odds and ends I didn't like very much. So with half a load on and just a click of a button on my handy smart phone; I ordered another engine from Florida for a great price and with 10k miles. The engine looks super clean from the outside and I'll of course be checking valve clearances, etc. before putting that engine in and trying to turn it over. I'll tear apart the previous engine and clean up some parts and list them on eBay to most likely make no money (something is better than nothing) or just throwing it away pretty much if nothing on there. So plan for the engine department... check! I think..

    Since I will be taking the triple tree back out to make it easier to work on the frame - I will head down to All Balls Racing (yes they are in my hometown) and pick up some of their bearings to replace the crappy ball bearing style from the factory. I think they also have some bearings for the swing arm and wheels. So I'll be grabbing them for just about everything I can on the bike.

    The two post that are attached to the current swing arm will be whacked off. Leaving the seat mount located behind the tank still there. Think of a "floating seat" if you would.. So what does that leave me for the suspension without the hard tail? I ordered a rear shock, complete with linkage and bolts, from a 2014 gsxr1000! I will do a mono-shock suspension for the rear! Eye to eye the shock is around 12".. that will get mounted from under the seat to center of the swing arm with some mounts - either modifying the factory GSXR1000 mounts, or fab something new. Speaking of swing arm mounts - I found on eBay a really clean swingarm..and was thinking about picking it up just incase I messed something up with this one.. or not.. I don't know. I figured if I'm throwing a bunch more money and time into this, why not right?

    The exhaust - I was kicking back and forth ideas with my buddy who helps me out with fabrication (much better welder than I am and he shows me a few tricks and tips along the way) we didn't come up with a solid idea and plan to wait until the rear suspension is put together so we can get an idea for how the stance of this thing is going to be.

    The engine is expected to be here tomorrow (10/20/15) so I'll be tinkering this week after work when I have time with removing everything down to just the frame.

    I have a vacation planned to New Orleans in a couple of weeks.. so my ol' lady has been complaining about me spending money of course.. So after the trip I'll buy some finishing touch items like: foot pegs, throttle tube, grips, fuel line, on/off road tires, and any other items I might need (or want).

    I also am looking into options to slim the tank down.. probably beat the sides in to give it "knee dents" like what café racer guys do.. not sure.. open to suggestions..

    But pretty much restarting this thing is for the best and I'm really stoked to bring the ideas in my head out.. hopefully my hands can create what's in my mind LOL.

    I'll update in a couple of weeks with any big progress.
  10. eurosnap53

    eurosnap53 Member

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    Diggin the solid mount for the rear...very original
  11. rocs82650

    rocs82650 Well-Known Member

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    This was to be a nice build. Simple, unique, creative and clean with good craftsmanship. My vote is for staying with it. Imo keep the floating seat and monoshock the swing arm.

    Gary H.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
  12. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    So you guys think I should just keep the hard tail and save my mono shock idea for another build?
    The engine just showed up an hour ago (I love sending stuff to work ! So much easier!)
    I'm leaving the office shortly and headed to the garage to drop the engine off. Maybe I'll through it in quick..start putting it back together... see how I feel about the hard tail.. buy another frame to do the "scrambler" idea? I will have a spare engine LOL
  13. BaldWonder

    BaldWonder Innocent Bystander

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    I think ultimately, you gotta do what makes your heart happy. With that said, once you go custom you become the sole expert on that model, so alter as much as you want to be in charge of fixing if/when it breaks.
  14. rocs82650

    rocs82650 Well-Known Member

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    How strong is the seat tubing, plates and gussets without the hard tail down tubes? If it's strong enough I'd cut out those down tubes and attach the monoshock assembly to the swing arm. I'm sure you'll do what you want but it's a slick build so far.

    Gary H.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2015
  15. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    That's what I had in my head. The materials, slugs, and weld quality I am not worried about using that as a mounting point.
    We'll see though what I end up doing.. I think for now I'm going to finish buttoning it up as it is.. ride it and park it before winter comes. Then over winter revisit the concept of doing a mono-shock.. Sooo I need to get my butt in gear and get it back together so I can post up pretty pictures lol
  16. rocs82650

    rocs82650 Well-Known Member

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    Gary H.
  17. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Here is how she is looking now. Worked on her a little bit on Saturday. Swapped the motors and started rewiring. I'm at a stand still until the small lithium battery I picked up from Dime City Cycles comes in. As soon as I get that I'll make another battery box and mount it. That will give me the lengths to finish the wiring. Then put the carbs back on, exhaust on, fill up with fluids, and check over everything.




    rocs82650 and Ted like this.
  18. rocs82650

    rocs82650 Well-Known Member

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    I like it although the monoshock would've saved you some possible back pain.Left side shock mount...license plate holder?

    Gary H.

    Defiant horses in a good way.:)
  19. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Yeah the monoshock idea is looking better and better the more I look at her. We'll see what I cook up over the winter :)
    And yeah I don't know why I didn't mount the license plate/tail light to the stock shock mount...But I do think it would look better back there..
  20. rocs82650

    rocs82650 Well-Known Member

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    Gary H.

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