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Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by TheCrazyGnat, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. TheCrazyGnat

    TheCrazyGnat Well-Known Member

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    Central PA
    I finally got to attend one of the Carb Clinics and what a blast!

    Smeagol and I met in Harrisburg shortly after 3:45AM to begin our trip up to New York after getting held up by a highway closure. After gassing up and doing a quick run down of plans/inspection we finally headed out a little after 4:30.

    Immediately after hitting the highway, the remaining backlight in my cluster went out making gauging

    my speed a little difficult, but I went with what I felt comfortable. Shortly after that we started to get some rain, despite nothing being called for in the forecast. We stopped a little sooner than planned as visibility was becoming an issue. While we were pulled over I asked Smeagol how he was feeling about the pace and he let me know that he was less than enthusiastic about the speed that I was going (apparently my internal speedometer likes to push the bounds of posted speed limits…)

    We started out again as the sun was beginning to rise, allowing me to fall back to a more reliable method of speed measurement, much to the relief of my traveling companion. We made decent time going along our route off major highways, with only a few detours. Unfortunately, my internal navigation seems to suffer from the same mis-calibration as the speed one, because at our last stop we discovered that I had missed the split off onto the last leg of our trip and continued on for 50 miles in the wrong direction! Thankfully my wingman had a better sense of humor about the whole thing than I did and we finally succumbed to the call of technology and used his GPS to guide us the rest of the way there, arriving at 12:30.

    When we arrived Nuch was just buttoning up his XJ700 after having done some work, including turn signals, oil change, synching, etc. Smeagol got right to work preparing his bike to be worked on while Hogfiddles began to work on lunch. As a special treat, Nuch had brought some masterfully marinated steaks. As the new guy there, I started getting myself oriented and acquainted with the other members while everyone else did actual work.

    While we were eating, Dan showed up from elsewhere in New York and we got to start on his rear brake, followed by a running sync of Smeagol's bike. While all this was going I took on the ambitious goal of changing my grips: a harrowing ordeal to be sure. Thankfully, with Hogfiddles' expert and patient guidance, I had a pair of Emgo Gran Turismo grips successfully installed with minimal hiccups. After getting Smeagol's bike synched we set to work on Dan's. In no time at all his bike was running much better ( all but number 1 were actually pretty close)

    Despite the collective efforts of everybody, we were unable to get Smeagol's bike running 100% We determined that we would quickly get past the point of getting it back together in time to head out the following day if we continued to delve deeper into the rabbit hole. So we made plans to have the bike come to my place afterwards to see if we might be able to stumble into a solution.

    With everything that could be done finished, Hogfiddles led us on a scenic ride around the area. After standing in the sun all day, it was nice to get the wind flowing around us and enjoy a bunch of bikes that were all running better than they had when they arrived. The pitch of the engines almost seemed coordinated as they climbed and fell while weaving through the hills of central New York. We all got to enjoy the very tangible results of our short day working on these bikes.

    We reconvened at Hogfiddles' to receive the wonderful gifts that XJ4ever and our host provided for us and said goodbye. Dan rode home that night, Nuch headed off to his temporary abode for the night before setting off for Lake George the next day. But before he left he made the AWESOME shirts that he developed, mixed the ink for, and silk screened himself to us. Keep an eye our for those to become available. This shirt not only looks fantastic, but is incredibly soft and well made. (Seriously, it is the best T-Shirt I now own, somehow unseating my Mountain Goats t-shirt).

    Hogfiddles was gracious enough to allow Smeagol and I to crash on the lawn. I am incredibly grateful as I likely would have literally crashed somewhere less opportune after such an eventful day. Smeagol, having more sense than I, shortly afterwards headed to bed after we go to see some of our host's hidden gems. I, unfortunately for Hogfiddles, kept him from the comfort of his bed for a while longer, seizing the opportunity to take advantage of the situation and lay my eyes on some truly rare and wonderful XJ unobtanium.

    I would like to thank Hogfiddles for opening up his place to host this clinic where we can all get together, work on our bikes under the supervision of a wizard, meet members face to face, and do a whole lot of learning. We are very fortunate to have such a great community here and I encourage anyone that can to take advantage of opportunities such as this one as they arise.

    Thanks again to Hogfiddles, XJ4ever, and all of the forum members for all of your contributions!
    Ketchup, wgul, smeagol21b and 5 others like this.
  2. Stumplifter

    Stumplifter Well-Known Member

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    near Irma, WI
    hogfiddles and TheCrazyGnat like this.
  3. kosel

    kosel Active Member Premium Member

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    That! ^^^
  4. dkavanagh

    dkavanagh Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    I wish I could have been there. I was thinking about it all Saturday as I was working on the pool.
  5. Lightcs1776

    Lightcs1776 Active Member

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    Wish I could have stayed longer and met y'all. Unfortunately I had things at home that had to be done. I should be able to stay the day next year and am very much looking forward to meeting more members of this site.
  6. TheCrazyGnat

    TheCrazyGnat Well-Known Member

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    Central PA
    It's always nice to meet other motorcycle enthusiasts, especially of the xj variety!
  7. jayrodoh

    jayrodoh YimYam

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    Awesome. Totally wish I could've been there, third year in a row we've had something come up.
    hogfiddles and TheCrazyGnat like this.
  8. cgutz

    cgutz Well-Known Member

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    Wish central NY was closer to me.....
  9. smeagol21b

    smeagol21b Active Member

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    It was definitely a blast! Next time we go up I think we should bring our passports Incase we hit another " detour" and just travel on up through Canada and Alaska lol! Though hopefully next time we go I'll be getting more than 20mpg!
    Crazygnat and I parted ways in new York close to the PA border where I continued on down to visit my niece and great nephew in wellsboro pa,enjoying the long open country roads(was very found of getting stuck behind two different groups of HD's),and then on down through the mountains over to lock haven where I spent the night at another friends house and headed off late the next evening. Shortly after the sun went down my cluster lights went out as well!( Must have caught what crazy gnat had) between that, a knee injury a sustained that day, and an ungodly swarm of mayflies my progress was greatly slowed! I eventually made it home in one piece and the next day gnat hooked me up with a couple LEDs for my cluster! All in all a great trip and can't wait for next year's carb clinic!
    TheCrazyGnat likes this.
  10. TheCrazyGnat

    TheCrazyGnat Well-Known Member

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    Here are some pics smeagol took

    Attached Files:

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  11. TheCrazyGnat

    TheCrazyGnat Well-Known Member

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    ...or not
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017
    smeagol21b likes this.
  12. TheCrazyGnat

    TheCrazyGnat Well-Known Member

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    Central PA
    OK, trying again from my computer.

    Morning stop in Plymouth, PA


    Shortly after arriving at the CNYCC

    The CrazyGnat disrupting Nuch's productivity.

    Smeagol21b sporting his sweet new XJ t-shirt in Lock Haven (I assume)
    Smeagol's bike contemplating what lies ahead. Somewhere on the way to or from Wellsboro
    Smeagol's bike, having made it this far, has resolved to press onward.
    Ketchup, Nuch, Lightcs1776 and 4 others like this.
  13. Nuch

    Nuch Well-Known Member

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    Hey @TheCrazyGnat , how the heck did I miss this (your) post? I'm doing the usual Sunday morning trolling of the forum and just saw this now... That said, I'm actually kind of glad I get to see it fresh for the first time (now) as I am looking forward to this year's trip. We're getting close! Hope to see you there.
    smeagol21b and TheCrazyGnat like this.
  14. TheCrazyGnat

    TheCrazyGnat Well-Known Member

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    I was just thinking about this year's clinic yesterday! I definitely hope to make it up again. Smeagol and I both have some work to do to our bikes before we can ride up, but I'm optimistic we'll be ready to go. It'll have to be another quick up and down for me, but I look forward to seeing everyone again and hopefully meeting some new folks!
    smeagol21b likes this.
  15. Nuch

    Nuch Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, You know I trailer the ol'girl... don't have it in me to do the distance on the bike by myself yet. Also, it is a long day and I want to get as much out of it as possible. Last year when I hit the last mile heading back to the motel after the clinic... I thought I was going to pass out. Like you, I started out around 3 am (again, driving the truck... not on two wheels like you and @smeagol21b ... respect to you my brothers!) when my head finally hit the pillow, it was around midnight. Incredible day. I was wiped out.
    smeagol21b likes this.
  16. TheCrazyGnat

    TheCrazyGnat Well-Known Member

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    I was definitely a little saddle sore the next day! The ride up wasn't too bad since it was early, but going home was a little rough. I took 81 just about the whole way home and it was in the mid to upper 90's. Even with the constant airflow it was a little warm. Made me consider looking at one of those windshields.
    smeagol21b likes this.
  17. wgul

    wgul Active Member

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    That would be nice to meet other xj enthusiasts. I hope to make it this year. If there will be others doing a valve adjustment I’ll definitely have to be there. I’ll have my colortune with me in case anyone needs one that day.
    smeagol21b and TheCrazyGnat like this.
  18. Minimutly

    Minimutly Well-Known Member

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    West Wales, uk
    Wow, to ride NY streets, that would be something... well done all. Did someone mention tshirts?
  19. smeagol21b

    smeagol21b Active Member

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    I invested in some runners lube for the next road trip! Not sure if I'm the only one that gets chaffed riding bikes but definitely want to avoid that feeling again! Lol
    Nuch likes this.
  20. joe elliff

    joe elliff Active Member

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    My wife and I should be up there this year. I’m looking forward to all the knowledge being passed around and meeting a lot of the people I have been chatting with in the forum. Going to be a long drive from Woodhull IL. Trailering the bikes and........ lets not pick on my wife for riding her Harley. She hasn’t learned yet. Teehee
    Nuch and TheCrazyGnat like this.

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