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quarantine thoughts

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by Polock, Mar 27, 2020.

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  1. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    He makes a lot of interesting and good points Chacal. If the second wave will be a direct consequence of social distancing they better review what they are doing and as you said why are they doing it? I don't trust politicians and governments anyway. Someone is going to make a lot of money out of the crisis and I would not be surprised if the politicians have a financial interest either.

    On the matter of conflicts of interest in Scotland we have high court judges in Scotland who do not have a Register of their interests they have the Judicial Oath. See


    Interesting video on Dr Fauci.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2020
  2. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Franz you got it! It's all part of the Same Thing.

    In the USA, a portion of judge's pensions are funded by how much their decisions take in for revenues (fines)…………...particularly prevalent in traffic courts, etc.

    Look, squirrel! Nothing to see here...…..
  3. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    Yes Chacal my sister Jacqueline had a horrific civil case in Scotland and we learned that in order to get justice against a member of the judiciary and a corrupt doctor we had to not use their complaints system. Using their so called complaints system kept everything secret and helped them not my sister.

    In a criminal case where a medical expert plucked figures out of the air in the case of three women who were convicted for killing their babies. He had Legal Privlege where he could give an opinion as an expert witness and not surprisingly the jury of laypersons believed him. The three women later had their convictions quashed and the General Medical Council struck the expert witness off and a high court judge reinstated him. Shocking case. One of the women who lost her baby to cot death had a step sister and her step sisters baby died the same way in the same circumstances.

    I remember a case in the United States where Judges (who were later jailed) were sending young people to a prison they had a financial interest in.

    Did you see the video of George Carlin talking about the real owners?
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2020
  4. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Yep, and he came so close to revealing who they are........

    This clip may also be appropriate at this time:

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
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  5. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    Yes I was watching Noam Chomsky and George Carlin was on after him, great thinker.
  6. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Official guidance now released on how to pump-up the number of Coronavirus deaths, see page 2:


    Enjoy the truth before it gets rat-holed (you know that's the next step, too much troof-iness is coming out...).



    But please remember (and don't ever even think of QUESTIONING it): "The Minnesota Department of Health is responsible for protecting, maintaining and improving the health of all Minnesotans."

    Your overlord has spoken:

    Dr. Birx on Tuesday told a reporter during a Coronavirus task force briefing, “We’ve taken *a very liberal approach to mortality (classifications).”

    *see further below
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
  7. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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  8. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The onslaught continues:

    P.S. the sharp-eyed eagles amongst us will note that this information was known at least 2-3 weeks ago.....


    According to Professor Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health, the country’s mortality rate is far higher due to demographics and the manner in which hospitals record deaths.

    He added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities: “The way in which we code deaths in our country *is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus."

    *see further above


    Okay, here it comes......


    Wait for it!



    "On re-evaluation by the (Italian) National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three,” he says.

    Shouldn't there be a twitter (or twatter, or twaddle, or whatever that crap is called) hashtag #STOPtheSCAM ?

    Would it make any difference?

    P.S. for those keeping score at home, Medicare pays hospitals $ 13,000 per patient admitted due to "coronavirus" and an additional $ 39,000 per patient if they have coronavirus and go on a ventilator……….okay, so now we may know why everyone needs 28-billion-gurdzillion ventilators...…..glad we figured that one out, considering people intentionally put on ventilators have about a 5% chance of survival...….didn't really make sense before, it was a real head-scratcher.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
  9. Simmy

    Simmy Well-Known Member

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    The USA recorded 10,000 fewer deaths for the first three weeks of March this year than last year, some pandemic
  10. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    And don't forget: Dr. Birx on Tuesday told a reporter during a Coronavirus task force briefing, “We’ve taken a very liberal approach to mortality (classifications).”

    In a way you're right, though: it is some kind of pandemic, for some people: they're making book like you could only imagine in your wildest dreams. Consider Bill Gates, for instance, he has "plans" for you, citizen:

    Bill Gates Crosses The Digital Rubicon, Says "Mass Gatherings" May Not Return Without (his) Global Vaccine:

    For some animals, it's the best thing since sliced bread......
  11. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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  12. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    The political scientist should carry out unbiased research and check his sources as much as possible before reaching conclusions, but as soon as making money is involved that changes things. And in the current Coronavirus situation there is a lot of money to be made by corporations.
    Tyyama likes this.
  13. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Yes Franz that is a great way to state it.

    And what's this, oh my...…..:

    Roseland Hospital phlebotomist: 30% of those tested have coronavirus antibody

    Executive Summary:

    "A phlebotomist working at Roseland Community Hospital (Chicago area) said Thursday that 30% to 50% of patients tested for the coronavirus have antibodies while only around 10% to 20% of those tested have the active virus.

    Sumaya Owaynat, a phlebotomy technician, said she tests between 400 and 600 patients on an average day in the parking lot.....and said the number of patients coming through the testing center who appear to have already had coronavirus and gotten over it is far greater than those who currently have the disease."

    If this is true...…..

    "...then the spread of the virus may have been underway in the Roseland community - and the state and country as a whole - prior to the issuance of stay at home orders and widespread business closures in mid-March which have crippled the national economy".

    Key Points:

    Trump, Fauxci, Birx and the Governors all had that "real" data on cases and the negative slope for R-naught within five days of the original orders that closed bars and restaurants more than three weeks ago. That, of course, also makes all of the lockdowns a fraud and every day they continue from this day forward a crime greater than any ever committed by any government, save perhaps the genocides of Hitler, Pol Pot and similar.

    In point of fact I've pointed out since I started writing on this topic way back when the virus first hit the news that there was a very good chance that was the case -- that the back-calculations I've done say that this bug was not new in late January or early February, that it was here at least through the flu season and maybe well before that.


    And now it may be time to reflect on what's really going on, and this is where it may get really dark, really deep, and really dirty --- in fact, downright ugly. I won't comment on those issues, but for those who are interested in the "different levels of understanding" as one progresses thru the process of learning, there are resources and many dots that can be connected.....but I'll leave you with this:

    - a while back (Spring / Summer 2019) there were a number of unexplained deaths in the Dominican Republic:


    due to a "mystery disease" which featured.......you guessed it...…"basal bilateral pneumonia"......same as Covid-19:

    - Also in the same time frame (Spring / Summer 2019), a number of people got sick due to "vaping illnesses", again presenting with the same symptoms:


    "Many victims have ended up with acute respiratory distress syndrome, a life-threatening condition in which fluid builds up in the lungs and prevents the oxygen people’s bodies need to function from circulating in the bloodstream."

    As the old saying goes, "once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action"…..
  14. ManBot13

    ManBot13 Well-Known Member

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    Man, a whole lot of speculating going on here...kinda like how a "social scientist" wants to trust a "reality tv-show" host's hunch about pandemics.

    There's no conspiracies among scientists and medical professionals. This is pandemic is real, and even with taking measures it will be devastating. Spreading misinformation will only make it worse. There's a lot more money being lost right now than being gained, but if you have 1% of the population die in the next few months (if it's ONLY as bad as we currently know), it will be far more devastating.

    Mysterious vaping illness? Seriously, you'll believe all kinds of conspiracy theories but can't find the explanation that people were putting oil (weed) based "juice" in a water (tobacco) based vape. How the FDA wasn't regulating vaping so it flew under the radar and got a bunch of people sick. Kinda sounds like the whole chloroquine non-sense from the same tv host. Science and medicine aren't easy.

    Conspiracy theories and reality tv hosts aren't going to save you, or the economy from this. Viruses don't have political beliefs, morals, or agendas, they just infect hosts.
  15. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    conspiracy theories how about it is being allowed to ravish the country to reduce the amount of people collecting SS and disability ssdi.
    laughed when I heard that one
  16. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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  17. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Run-of-the-mill researchers or workers, undoubtably not. High-level "professionals" (who steer and direct and can massage the direction of research and testing) are, at best, "administrators" from the managerial class and tend to be bureaucrats or "politicians" rather than technical experts, even if they have some experience in the field that they are overseeing.

    A brief refresher, it may have been overlooked:

    DOD Leak: Feds Investigate Dr. Birx and CDC Director Robert Redfield for Scientific Fraud & Misconduct; Fabricated and Falsified HIV / AIDS Vaccine Trials

    Tedros, the head of the World Health Organization:

    There's lots more out there, from varied (alternative and mainstream) sources, you'll have to do some research if you want to learn more. People in positions of great power and influence are not always angelic nor do-gooders.....

    It depends on what the definition of devastating is, of course, but as of right now, there are "maybe" 18,000 deaths (I say maybe because of the questionable counting techniques):




    and even if the number of deaths quadrupuled from this level, it would STILL be within the range of a normal flu season...….you know, the type where you don't shut the world down and bankrupt untold millions of people.

    You hit the nail on the head! .. Now if we could get high officials and news media to stop doing just that, it would be better for all of us.

    Yes, that would be a terrible result. That would be 3.3 million people in the USA (or 80 million worldwide), and I'm glad to say that it does not appear that we're going to even come anywhere near that amount. In fact, it may be that we get about 1-2% of that extraordinary "1% of the population" number(s)……...so that's .0001 of the population, almost a rounding error in the greater scheme of things. Much less than annual deaths due to medical errors in hospitals, which is now perhaps the 3rd leading cause of death:


    Actually, I just try and go on the data, and use that as a guide. According to the Anne Schuchat, CDC's principal deputy director (i.e. an administrator since 1998 ), the CDC found Vitamin E Acetate in 29 cases of the over 2600 cases investigated...….about 1% of the total...…..and thus concluded that was the cause (hmmm...…..).

    Taiwanese and Japanese researchers (note: friendly countries) wrote to the CDC back in September of last year about these cases and suggested that the odd type of "bilateral pulmonary fibrosis" (cough, cough....) observed in these cases was possibly caused by a new and unknown type of coronaviruss, but the CDC felt that they, too, were merely conspiracy theorists (long before there was any need to engage in any conspiracies) and brushed them off...….as the CDC was sure it was due to something else and didn't want to discuss it further...…..

    The FDA doesn't think it's nonsense, since they have approved trials to test it's effectiveness as a early-stage preventative or "prophylactic" treatment:


    Time will tell if it works, it's been used for a long time for various conditions, it has well-known risks (which means that its use can be tailored to individual situations), and it's cheap.

    Exactly right, and that's why it's especially important to rely on DATA and VALIDATED HISTORY to tackle such issues rather than a simply getting all emotionally wrapped up in the "screaming Karens" of the world who appear to go thru life scared of their own shadows, and run around like the sky is falling over a virus that is sooooo dangerous that perhaps 50% of the people (the "Diamond Princess" cruise boat experience) who have it don't even develop any symptoms or even know that they've had it!……
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  18. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Oh, let's add one more turd into the punch bowl:


    In early March, 2020, a senior federal scientist in America and the country’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued shocking statements disclosing that the Atlanta laboratory of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) authorized to make the coronavirus testing kits was itself found to be contaminated. The background to this being that although the WHO had shipped its coronavirus testing kits worldwide to 57 other countries, the U.S. had decided to make its own.

    Timothy Stenzel, the Director of the CDC office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health, was sent to the Atlanta lab on Feb 22 to help coordinate the administration’s coronavirus response. Surprisingly, the test specialist was stopped at CDC’s door and made to wait overnight, two individuals with knowledge of the episode told POLITICO. The scientist was granted permission to be on campus only after senior health department officials ("bureaucrats") negotiated his access in a series of calls.

    After the episode, Stenzel (a scientist) found evidence that the lab was contaminated with coronavirus and reported it to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). It is unclear which senior health officials ("bureaucrats"), at which agencies, knew about the CDC contamination and when they learned of them. HHS has convened a team of scientists from outside the CDC and launched an investigation into the matter.

    "Contamination is one possible explanation but there are others, and I can’t comment on what is an ongoing investigation," Nancy Messonnier, director (i.e. a bureaucrat) of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters (reporters, who in their un-ending quest for the truth, have done exactly this amount of follow-up on this issue as of today: diddley-squat).

    I'm feeling pretty confident that the bureaucrats will release the results of their findings any day now, fully exonerating any and everyone of all responsibility, unless it was the janitor, with a candlestick, in the library who was at fault, and then heaven-help that poor schlubb……….
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2020
  19. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The Japanese people didn't believe in such motivations and agendas, either, until the deputy prime minister went off-script and removed all doubts:


    "At a government panel to discuss social security reforms, the former prime minister called the elderly who are unable to feed themselves "tube people", then proceeded to say the elderly should be allowed to "hurry up and die" to reduce the burden on a country tasked to pay for their medical expenses.

    Of course, when it went public, he quickly pointed out that he was only talking about himself and his living will; why of course he would bring up his own will during a government panel about social security reforms, as is common in all such meetings...…..

    Of course, some people (conspiracy theorists) noted that his "clarifications" might be a bit disingenuous, since in 2008, while still prime minister, Aso called the elderly a "feeble" group:

    "Why should I have to pay taxes for people who just sit around and do nothing but eat and drink?" he said at the time.

    Why indeed, minister?
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  20. ManBot13

    ManBot13 Well-Known Member

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    The 1% dead refers to your "infect them all, let God sort em out" plan for "immunity." Around 1% of the infected population has died. Look at the numbers. 500,000 reported cases (probably 2-3 times that due to lack of testing and asymptomatic cases), and 18,000 dead. In a little over a month. Without social distancing over the past month, there would be far more.

    That's also assuming that the fatality rate doesn't go up. Which it could, viruses mutate.

    I think the thing you can't wrap your mind around is just how infectious COVID-19 really is. Studies out of China show it sheds 1000x more than SARS at its peak, and that peak is 2 days before symptoms (if there are any at all).

    Further studies show that if you are going to die from infection, it will be 2-3 weeks after infection. So don't celebrate any jurisdiction's response too early. With an exponential increase in cases, and no awareness without testing, the impact won't be known until it's far too late.

    As for chloroquine, there may be effectivity but at what dose? With what side effects? What's the lethal dose? You don't figure those things out running your mouth behind a podium. Already, people using it to treat auto immune disease are losing out because of rampant buying. Will you count them in your "rounding errors?"

    Here's a short explanation why you shouldn't jump the gun on chloroquine.
  21. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Like it or not, that's always how life works.

    Well, I don't think there's any real basis for claiming that number, especially since...……

    This is probably true, so it's 1.5 million cases (and even that may be low), many of them by people who never know that they're sick...………

    18,000 claimed to be dead, by the flu, but since the USA is now doing (officially, based on CDC guidelines!) what Italy is doing----fudging the numbers---well, who really knows (another problem with being a liar). It's despicable. Some might even claim that it's "deplorable".

    In any exponential series of "events" (in this case, deaths), you would always, ALWAYS expect to see a huge spike just before the series collapses. You also saw the huge spike in number of CASES, right before it started collapsing....in both the lockdown/social-distancing areas, and in non-lockdown/non-social-distancing areas. Why would that be? BECUASE PEOPLE REFUSE TO LOOK AT THE DATA, and draw conclusions from that...………...so, either they are not scientists, they have another agenda, or both...……...

    The DATA rolls in, showing that's not true; controlled experiments (as much as you can perform one in a messy, real-life situation, as opposed to in a laboratory) show otherwise.

    Right again! Which is why you don't want Man trying to play God and "sorting them out" by artificially selecting for the more virulent strains of such a virus by doing everything possible to eliminate the relatively benign strain(s) of it. This has been understood formally since the time of Darwin, and by humans as a whole for a long, long time (the domestication of dogs is one common example)……..we should preferentially select for the most "tame" version of creatures to live amongst us, not the rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth killers.

    It's very contagious, no doubt about that. So those who are in a weakened, vulnerable condition (health-wise) should isolate, or be isolated----there, that's a rational policy. Everyone else should be going about their business, getting infected, feeling a bit bad (or, not at all....), AND THUS PREFERENTIALLY SELECTING FOR THE BENIGN STRAIN AND DRIVING OUT THE VIRUENT STRAIN. This is Virology and Biology 101. Some "experts" seem to have slept thru that class.

    Time will surely tell. Some folks seem to almost be rooting for the disease to be as destructive as possible...…...why is that?

    What's this "impact" that you speak of, paleface? That people are going to get sick and die? How many times does it have to be repeated: people get sick and DIE from seasonal "flu"ALL. THE. TIME. This happens every day, of every year, going back as far as humans have kept records (Sumer, 3000 BC) and, I'll wager, way before that, too. Once again: what's the goal? To eliminate illness? To "defeat" death? To deny nature? To blindly ignore data and reality in this, the age of information?

    Some of those attributes are already known, as HCQ has been in somewhat wide use for over 50 years. People with lupus, malaria, and RA----the other 3 "main" uses for HCQ---are not in imminent threat of immediate death if they miss some doses, and the ramp-up of production of this drug is a rather straightforward process.....unlike waiting 12-18 months for some other solution to be found. Maybe it will work, maybe not. If it was you that was very sick, and facing "the vent", would you just wave it off and say "no thanks, I'll take my chance with almost assured death"?

    I didn't think so.....

    Ahh, the big reveal, as it's called in the entertainment biz. Also known as "another agenda", perhaps? You don't like the guy in charge, so everything he says is, by definition, wrong. I remember Nancy Pelosi (now there's someone with an interesting history...…) and a whole bunch of others going into absolute apoplexy over the earlier travel ban from China; she went down to Chinatown and encouraged people to mingle with them. Same in Italy; in order to prove to the world their "wokeness", and non-racist mindset, they had a "Hug A Chinese Person" day back when all this started. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose, except it defeats the stated goal of preventing the spread of a virus that "some people" just "can't wrap their mind around just how infectious COVID-19 really is."

    But of course, in a way you're right, and I agree with you. Fauci and Brix, two political hacks, should control themselves and zipper their yaps and try, just for a few moments a day--- while they're up on that same podium--- to do some science instead of doing "feelings" and fear-mongering.

    Or as a real expert recently said: "I don't work for the government, so I'm actually able to practice science".
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  22. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    here's the real story
    Chang'e 4 is a robotic spacecraft mission, part of the second phase of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program. It achieved humanity's first soft landing on the far side of the Moon, on 3 January 2019.
    ONE YEAR LATER......
    A pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan, China was first reported to the WHO Country Office in China on 31 December 2019.
    A communication relay satellite, Queqiao, was first launched to a halo orbit near the Earth–Moon L2 point in May 2018.
    The robotic lander and Yutu-2 were launched on 7 December 2018
    and entered lunar orbit on 12 December 2018, before landing on the Moon's far side.
    The mission is the follow-up to Chang'e 3, the first Chinese landing on the Moon.
    The spacecraft was originally built as a backup for Chang'e 3, The configuration of Chang'e 4 was adjusted to meet new scientific and performance objectives
    Like its predecessors, the mission is named after Chang'e, the Chinese Moon goddess.
    The landing site in Von Kármán crater has symbolic as well as scientific value.
    Theodore von Kármán (1881-1963)DESIGNER OF THE KARMAN GIA AND POSSABLE X-NAZI
    was the PhD adviser of Qian Xuesen, the founder of the Chinese space WEAPON program.
    Stumplifter, XJ550H and chacal like this.
  23. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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  24. 50gary

    50gary Active Member

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    Chacal, excellent video thanks for finding that one. Not at all surprising.
    Simmy, "I think everyone needs to see that 1st video @chacal referenced "Perspectives on the Pandemic"
    The world likely made a very big mistake in their handling of this."
    I think that it was NOT by mistake, that's the difference, it was by design and on purpose.
    I do not have a hard time accepting that might be from natural causes, but the world wide reaction to it
    is a put up job, rife with agenda and politics of control.
    When nothing makes any sense, you must make sense of it. Untie the Gordian knot, solve the riddle.
    Cheers, 50gary
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  25. 50gary

    50gary Active Member

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    Yes, Franz Liszt, easily my favorite. Do you listen to / watch Valentina Listsa playing Franz Liszt? She plays all four of the "unplayables" Valentinas incomparable, some say she's not only the greatest living pianist
    but possibly the greatest of all time?
    Cheers, 50gary
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
  26. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    She is a wonderful pianist Gary l watched her playing one of the Hungarian Rhapsodies and she was smiling no wonder she is a pianistic genuis. I like pianists, Martha Argerich, Christian Zimmerman, Emil Giles. Artur Rubenstein said Giles was a genius. I love Chopin's compositions too. He was as someone once said the poet of the Piano. Music is the international language. Opera l love that too. Chopin was influenced by Bel Canto the female voice l believe. He said the left hand is the conductor the right can be free. I have been to his grave in Pere Lachaise (not sure if l spelled that correctly). One day l want to go to Zelawola Wola his birthplace.

    Liszt did a concert tour of Europe to raise money for Beethoven's tombstone.

    All the best

    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
  27. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    This is the exact insight and attitude that leads to truth...….even if the truth isn't going to be neat, tidy, nor pretty.

    But at least you can be prepared for it and keep yourself and those important to you safe (or at least, safer).

    "that leads to truth...…" Maybe there is no way to keep safe.

    Maybe this is a fight to the finish.

    Coronavirus Bioweapon or an Accident of Nature??

    I have an extremely hard time believing that it's natural. If you have the interest, read the book by Jennifer Doudna "A Crack in Creation", about the development of the CRISPR gene-editing technology that she helped develop, usher in, and promote. I was excited about learning more about this very interesting, world-changing technology and what it means; instead you get a half-assed, self-serving "feelz" that by the time you get through with it, reveals a pretty, slender, smiling, proud, arrogant, self-centered, control-freak MONSTER of the Nth degree. And while out of one side of her mouth she "worries about how this science might be abused", on the next page she lays out her hopes and dreams and plans for how to use this incredibly-powerful process to bend the world to her viewpoints and will...……

    P.S.: she's not alone.

    Partly, there are always opportunistic bottom feeders and predators that pounce upon the weak, the wounded.

    Or there's something that they aren't telling us

    ALL politics are about control:

    British police threaten to check items people buy in supermarkets for “non-essential” food.

    Police to verify Canadians complying with quarantine order, RCMP says.....warning that “recklessly” failing to comply could result in a $1-million fine and three years in prison.

    Covid-19 Lockdowns Are What Twenty-first Century Mob Rule Looks Like

    Bill Gates Crosses the Digital Rubicon, Says ‘Mass Gatherings’ May Not Return Without Global Vaccine

    Vermont Bans Retailers Selling Seeds, Deemed Unessential As Millions Struggle To Find Food In The US

    'Our rights don’t come from authority’: Pastor slams Mississippi mayor after police break up drive-in service

    Kentucky governor....tracking license plates of Easter church attendees
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
  28. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    Some people will do anything and those in power have the opportunity and technology. As Hannah Arendt wrote about Eichmann he was 'frightenly normal and there were so many like him'. Sometimes I think this planet is an asylum in space, I don't mean everyone is crazy but what would intelligent life think of the way our world works assuming they do things differently? Look at all the conflicts over scarce resources, ideologies and now this Coronavirus. After the Nazi's and there are many earlier examples, but the Nazi's industrialised murder. Those in power will do anything to advance their cause as history proves.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
    chacal likes this.
  29. 50gary

    50gary Active Member

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  30. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    You are right Gary she has a great memory and technical prowess and two versions of the same piece can confuse. Glen Gould was great Bach exponent heard him playing the Preludes and Fugues. That is a beautiful area of Scotland your mother's family are from, the Isle of Skye.

    All the best

  31. 50gary

    50gary Active Member

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    Owkay, sheck this out. 1981 novel by Dean Koontz, page 312 I hope this copies. There are two more pages I'll try to get them up as well, it get better.
    Cheers, 50gary
  32. 50gary

    50gary Active Member

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    [​IMG]Looks like a blueprint to me? Cheers, 50gary
  33. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    The Independent

    A 1981 novel by horror writer Dean Koontz predicted the coronavirus outbreak, it has been claimed.

    Buried in the book The Eyes of Darkness, which revolves around a grieving mother investigating the mysterious circumstances of her son’s death, is a peculiar reference to a killer virus known as “Wuhan-400”, the name of the city where the coronavirus originated.

    The excerpt features a character discussing biological warfare, calling the virus “the perfect weapon”.

    Have not read the page but it is in the press.
  34. 50gary

    50gary Active Member

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    Franz, can you see my last two posts? They're the pages from the book, I can see them, are they not showing up?
    Cheers, 50gary
  35. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    I can see the posts but not the pages.
  36. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD.....invented the version of modern e-mail (outside of the DAPRA system) at age 14, so obviously he's a know-nothing quack in any and all fields of his expertise. Make sure you don't watch this:

    Executive Summary:

    "This is essentially a recipie for hurting people, not really supporting them, but all brought to you under the rubric...of the media (repeating) "social distancing, social distancing, flatten-the-curve", and this is the sort of non-sensical science that Fauci is expounding and it's what needs to be exposed. And what we really need to talk about, if we really care about public health, is building up people's immune system. But that's not what Fauci & Company are concerned about----their model is "Big Ag" ---- which is dirty air, dirty water, dirty food ---- they want people to consume food that's not healthy for them, and then the solution is vaccine mandates......"
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
  37. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    HIV is responsible for AIDS. There is a book called Inventing the Aids Virus l heard about.

    Inventing the AIDS Virus is a 1996 book by molecular biologist Peter Duesberg, in which the author argues that HIV does not cause AIDS. Fauci argues the opposite makes sense if he is making money from the pharmaceutical companies.
  38. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Quick: spot the huge differences:

    Good Intentions: How Big Business And the Medical Establishment Are Corrupting the Fight Against AIDS Hardcover – October 1, 1990

    Business Week writer Nussbaum blames the failure to find a drug effective against AIDS on an unholy alliance forged among the National Institutes of Health, the FDA, elite biomedical centers and the big drug companies. AZT, the toxic, immunosuppressive anti-AIDS drug developed by Burroughs Wellcome, probably offers only short-term, transitory benefits to some patients, he charges.

    Poor Dr. F, everyone has been unfairly pot-shotting at him since at least the mid-1980's...…...
  39. 50gary

    50gary Active Member

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    chit, both pages from the book show up on my screen
    Cheers, 50gary
  40. ManBot13

    ManBot13 Well-Known Member

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    An interesting guy no doubt, but consider how controversial his EMAIL statements were that they were retracted.He's also run for office, but hey I'm sure he's not political at all.

    And consider this, his alma mater sent everyone home in early March. Lot of smart people at that school and they sent them ALL home to social distance. But I'm sure they're all liberal hacks now.

    Funny how you blame Fauci, but the guy who keeps bringing him to the podium? The one who had the power to surround himself with experts? Everyone else is a political hack, scientists, doctors, nurses. But a carnival barker who clearly is out of his element? He's the victim! Big liberal conspiracy!

    The virus is natural, nature doesn't care about humanity, nature isn't moral. Social distancing is the only way for humanity to overcome this right now.
  41. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    They weren't retracted by him, nor was his US Copyright, nor did Westinghouse retract his National Science Achievements Award, nor, if I recall correctly----and please, help me out here if I'm wrong--- did Time magazine retract their 1978 issue with him on the cover as "The Man Who Invented Email".

    But yeah, there has been some controversy.

    True enough. Unlike Dr. Fauci:


    Key Quotes: (these are all in regards to Hillary Clinton): “rarely does a speech bring me to tears”....“please tell her I love her more than ever”.... “please tell her that we all love her”… etc.

    Breaking News: colleges are overwhelmingly "liberal" (economically-speaking, which is really the only type of language that most people speak), they just loves them all that government cheese (money) that funds student debt which then gets directly funneled into the colleges as "tuition" which then allows college administrators, teachers, janitors, yard maintenance workers, etc. to have nice jobs, huge salaries, mucho "status", and all the other perks that result from a good, hard, 50-year long suck on the government teat.

    Agree. Trump is a moron for doing/allowing this. Or perhaps he's dealing best he can with the hand that he's been dealt...……

    Says who? Hate to be the one to break this to you, but the jury's still out on that. Hard to explain those HIV-gene segments (4 of them) found in the COVID genome. CRISPR technology makes that type of gene-editing ridiculously simple, a bright high-school student could do it in the comfort of his living room.

    This is true.

    "Moral" is undefined, but, in the common usage and understanding of the word, I'd agree. Of course, people who deceive, swindle, and who seek to profit over such actions aren't as pure as the driven snow, either.

    Oh for sure...…...let's fall back on ignoring the data and historical experience. That's how "science" should always be done. At least most people have given up their drumbeat rallying cry of "Let's Wait for the Magic Vaccine!" to deliver us from this evil...…...or are people still clinging to that fairy-tale, too? But don't worry, once the media has to come clean on the reality of the situation, they'll give up on the "Magic Social-Distancing" placebo, too.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
  42. 50gary

    50gary Active Member

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    Chacal, I get lost in your site, I need a spin-on oil filter adaptor, 1982 750 Maxim. BTW I'm with you 110% on this topic.
    Cheers, 50gary
  43. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Hi Gary, thanks, and I just sent you a PM thru the website messaging system on the spin-on kits.

    I see in the latest lie-fest that Nurse Ratched just admitted that their "well-researched" models have been way off and "how could we have known" (lie #1), and that the vast majority (like 50%+) of deaths are due to people in nursing homes (how could they have known about that before, either, right?), and wants to "thank the American peasant" (whoops, I meant "people") for so quickly and willingly changing their behavior, submitting to the loss of their lives, their freedoms, and a good part of their futures due to the fear-mongering that she and Fraudci have been projectile-spewing for the last 2+ months (the "social-distancing" lie), and that she hopes that the serfs (I mean "citizens") will continue to have faith in her elite, profit-seeking directives (whoops, I meant "their skilled and courageous recommendations") to remain forever subservient to the likes of people of her ilk.

    These people are disgusting; what is needed is a Grand Reckoning (I'm not holding my breath, though) so that this type of feces......along with the same crap that is primarily responsible for the spread of the virus.....can be finally and fully flushed down the crapper of history and be decomposed by the same type of bacteria that breaks down and destroys all such types of sewage:

  44. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Is it too early to dispense with the whole "my dog ate a bat at the Wuhan wet market" nonsense, or should we give it a few more 24/7/365 blasts on the idiot box?

    Note: none of this is interesting, so don't bother reading it:

    Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate: The creation of a chimeric SARS-like virus has scientists discussing the risks of gain-of-function research.

    "Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9, 2015) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine.

    The results demonstrate the ability of the SHC014 surface protein to bind and infect human cells, validating concerns that this virus—or other coronaviruses found in bat species—may be capable of making the leap to people without first evolving in an intermediate host, Nature reported.

    In October 2013, the US government put a stop to all federal funding for gain-of-function studies, with particular concern rising about influenza, SARS, and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)…...but Baric’s study on the SHC014-chimeric coronavirus began before the moratorium was announced, and NIH allowed it to proceed during a review process, which eventually led to the conclusion that the work did not fall under the new restrictions.

    The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV underscores the threat of cross-species transmission events leading to outbreaks in humans. Here we examine the disease potential of a SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations.

    In the version of this article initially published online (above), the authors omitted to acknowledge a funding source, USAID-EPT-PREDICT funding from EcoHealth Alliance.


    Let's see, NIH, where does that fit into this puzzle? NIH, NIH, NIH...…...where have I heard those letters before?



    The Chinese are now basically admitting that this was a bio-weapon that’s been released. They are also stating that the research at the Wuhan lab was funded at least in part by our own NIH. Well, that’s Dr. Fauci!. Maybe someone should be asking this National Treasure and Handsome, Heroic, Talented, Selfless-Servant of the Public some pointed questions? No doubt CNN and Fox and ABC and CBS and NPR and the NYT and Newsweek and People Magazine and all the rest of them will be right on it..... (warning: betting odds are not in your favor on this).
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  45. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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  46. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Didn't someone mention B-A-C-O-N ! earlier?

    Better stock up now...………:


    Under pressure from the Sioux Falls mayor and South Dakota governor, Smithfield Foods is indefinitely shutting their hog kill facility.

    My question is, what do they plan to do with the 19,000 head of 285 pound hogs they normally kill in a day? Let that sink in for a moment.

    My brother in law was head of sales ($1 billion annually) at that plant for 10 years. I'm from the area and have known a lot of people who have worked there. I've been inside the plant. Before retirement a year ago, I made loans to farmers who raise hogs supplied to that plant.

    Talk about screwing up the food supply chain.

    For those of you unaware, those hogs come out of confinement barns that are designed to hold exactly 2,400 head at shipping weight of 285 pounds. The barns are emptied on a strict schedule as, at market weight, the hogs don't have a lot of room left. After shipping, the barn owner has 48-72 hours to disinfect the inside of the barn with power washers. Then, another 2,400 head of feeder pigs at approximately 30-40 pounds come in.

    The feeder pigs come from a confinement grower barn much like the confinement finishing barn they are put in.

    The confinement grower barn is supplied with newly weaned "iso-wean" piglets that come from the confinement gestation/farrowing barn.

    All of those hogs are NOT being raised in a muddy farmyard like most people envision. They are born and raised in surgically clean, climate controlled barns and fed a scientifically prepared feed ration.

    This is tightly controlled, precisely scheduled, just-in-time industrial agriculture. There is absolutely NOWHERE to put those 19,000 head of hogs not being killed each day. My best guess is that those hogs are being rerouted to some other plants that are not operating at capacity and have not been shut down.

    My contacts have told me for years that the biggest problems that the plants have is keeping enough labor.

    And that, folks, is why our current immigration laws will not be changed anytime soon.


    P.S. It's not just bacon, either. I've got an idea, let's double-down on Magic Social Distancing and really ramp up the slaughter, since we weren't able to get 'em with the vents, we'll just starve them out:

    One dairy farmer helps explain:

    "Are we dumping milk because of greed or low demand.... no. It’s the supply chain, there are only so many jug filling machines, all were running 24/7 before this cluster you-know-what.

    Now demand for jug milk has almost doubled. However, restaurant demand is almost gone; NO ONE is eating out.

    Restaurant milk is distributed in 2.5 gal bags or pint chugs; further, almost 75 percent of milk is processed into hard products in this country---cheese and butter. Mozzarella is almost a third of total cheese production; how’s pizza sales going right now??

    A bit of history – Years ago (40+) every town had a bottler, they ran one shift a day, could ramp up production easily. Now with all the corporate takeovers (wall street over main street) we are left with regional “high efficiency” milk plants that run jug lines 24/7 before this mess, no excess capacity.

    Jug machines cost millions and are MADE IN CHINA. Only so many jugs can be blown at a jug plant. We farmers don’t make the jugs, damn hard to ramp up production.

    I’m a dairy farmer, believe me NO dairyman likes dumping milk; and so far there is NO guarantee they will get paid. Milk must be processed within 48 hours of production and 24 hours of receipt in the plant or it goes bad. Same with making it into cheese and butter, and neither stores well for long.

    The same supply line problems exists where restaurants are supplied with bulk 1 pound blocks of butter or single-serve packs or pats; and cheese is sold in 10 to 20 pound bags (think shredded Mozzarella for pizza). Furthermore, it is not legal for this end of the supply chain to sell direct to consumers in most states.

    Take cheddar cheese for instance; it goes from mild to sharp to crap in storage. Butter, frozen, only stores for so long and then must be slowly thawed and processed into other uses as it gets “strong”. At Organic Valley we cook it down into butter oil or ghee for cooking.

    We are headed for the same problem with canned veggies. The vast majority of produce comes off and is processed in season; canned or frozen. The supply is already in cans for the season; restaurants use gallon cans or bulk bags of frozen produce.

    At some point we will run out of consumer sized cans in stock because home-size sales are up (40%+) and restaurant sales are almost nonexistent. Fresh produce out of U.S. season comes from Mexico (different climate). I’m talking sweet corn, green beans, peas, tomatoes, all veggies are seasonal in the USA. Fresh, out-of-season, row crops are imported. (There are exceptions, like hydroponic grown, but that's a small amount of total).

    Someone mentioned “time to raid all those bins of corn”. Those bins on the farm contain yellow corn (cattle feed) and is totally unfit for human consumption, now or at harvest.

    Eggs? Same problem. Bakeries and restaurants of any size use Pullman egg cases, 30 dozen at a pop, 30 eggs to a flat, 12 flats to a case. There are only so many 1-dozen egg cartons available and only so many packing machines.

    Industrial bakeries and processors of packaged food buy bulk liquid eggs, no carton at all. Also in many states it is illegal to sell this supply-chain directly to consumers.

    On your standard buffet of any size, do you really think they boil eggs and peel them? They come in a bag, boiled and diced; those nice uniform slices of boiled egg you see on your salad, a lot of them come in tubes boiled and extruded at the same time, just unwrap and slice. Your scrambled eggs come in a homogenized bag on most buffets.

    This is a warning: the same problems exist in all supply chains.

    The supply chain is farked."

    David Osterloh,
    61-year-old dairy farmer
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
  47. ManBot13

    ManBot13 Well-Known Member

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    Yeah you have to message chacal directly and he gives you all the options. You may cheaper parts elsewhere, but he gets you every oring and screw you could possibly need that fits exactly your bike. I remember it seeming a bit unorthodox at first but he always comes through.

    As for Dr Ayyadurai, either you believe in knowledge gained in institutions of higher learning or you don't. You can't just use MIT as a deference to authority, it's offensive. I can admit that someone who gets 4 degrees from MIT is smart because you have to be. Still doesn't mean he's right about this or anti-vaxxing. And if he's gunning for Fauci's position tweeting at the president, not even your God will be able to help us.

    As for the man losing it behind the podium, he's been given everything in his hand and been president for 3 years. It's time for him to take some responsibility. Where's your concern for constitution when he's claiming his "authority is total?"

    For your sake and the sake of your community, I hope you can see reality for what it is. A lot of people depend on you here and I'm sure at home. For their sake I hope you don't get sick because you believe a bunch of conspiracy theories.
  48. Stumplifter

    Stumplifter Well-Known Member

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    A guy goes awol for a few months and the world is turned upside down....

    I read the first few pages and then my eyes glossed over. Gonna drop my .02 and then crawl back under my rock.

    Don’t care who your source is “they” decide what you will see/hear and then “they” spin it either to the left or the right. I have stopped watching the “news” and massively censor what I view on any media outlet. We are living in an Orwellian nightmare, my wife and I may get divorced over it. The propaganda machines are spewing Newspeak at a level that should be intolerable but everyone gobbles it up and takes a side. Then like the Martians Are Due on Maple Street we all start attacking each other. Social distancing indeed, I need to get away from ALL of you f-kers.

    My thoughts? Amazon.com started this in cahoots with Chewy.com.

    Seriously, “the meek shall inherit the earth” means what we are seeing, the ends of days are near. The Meek are the tiny viruses and bacteria that Mother Nature is going to keep lobbing at us until her ‘white blood cells’ kill the plague that has infested, raped and polluted her. Homo Sapiens, the worst blight ever. May not be in our lifetime but she will win.

    To my fellow ‘Muricans’, left wing, right wing.... it don’t matter it is the same f’n bird and it is obviously putrid. Don’t bite into it. We are all screwed. Keep your head down and stay in your lane and pray for a quick and painless death.

    Franz likes this.
  49. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    Yes Stumplifter chaos. 'If you want a vision of the future imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever' George Orwell 1984. Now this latest crisis. It's an asylum in space. We are all doomed it's just a matter of time. Yes nature will win and with global warming and the pathogens trapped in the ice the the future looks bleak.
    Stumplifter likes this.
  50. Bushy

    Bushy Active Member

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    From over here in Australia where we are doing very well comparitively ( with a much smaller population) .. a little off topic but not too far.. it has always amazed me how such a person as Trump got voted in, in the first place. He is such a conceited fool with money and bluster enough to buy the presidency in effect. He looks more foolish daily. Hey you were all going to be back in church for easter weren't you.
    Whether this virus is man made or not it does not need to spread further.
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