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quarantine thoughts

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by Polock, Mar 27, 2020.

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  1. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    Incidentally 1984 nearly was not written. Orwell was lucky his boat did not sink in the Corryvreckan whirlpool.
  2. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    Yes well with lots of American jobs lost through globalisation and Trump if l remember correctly stating he would rebuild American industry that could have been a factor. Prime ministers and Presidents don't control the world corporations do. Look at 2008 one economist said democracy is asset insurance for corporations.
  3. Bushy

    Bushy Active Member

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    And America and China are joined at the hip as is Australia economically. I actually think the world could be a better place once this passes. We could learn, again, some true values not just consume and make merry.
    "Politics is the entertainment division of the industrial military complex". As Mr Frank Zappa said.
  4. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    Yes l hope so. It won't be the same world time will tell. Yes l agree l don't think mass consumption of consumer goods is good. Good Zappa quote. George Carlin spoke about how fragile the system is if as he stated electricity was not available. It's a precarious world.
  5. Simmy

    Simmy Well-Known Member

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    This forum remains civil only because politics have remained verboten, up until now.
    I'm Canadian and do not feel the right to criticize American's about their government. Canada has big problems of our own.
    You're Australian so I can fire at will. Your comments about Trump only show how misinformed you are.
    You hear all the time, Trump is corrupt, crooked, only out for himself, an idiot. This man has faced a coup since he campaigned for the position.
    He had (still has) the CIA, FBI, DOJ, DNC, 1/2 the RNC, the media, the UK and yes Australian intelligence actively trying to take him down.
    We and especially you have much to learn about this in the coming days and months.
    Think about it, a corrupt idiot could never survive this.
    Everyone complained that our jobs were all going to China, for 30 years people kept saying something needs to be done about this.
    Certain Americans (and Global elites) benefited from this arrangement. I suggest you focus your venom there.
    He's put America first, something which has not always been favorable to Canada.
    However, I appreciate that 5,000 km border Canada shares with the US.
    Regardless of any trade disputes between us, the best thing for the Canadian economy is a strong US economy.
    BTW Trump spent less than Crooked Hillary in 2016.

    Now if you really want to discuss a fool, look no further than Justin Trudeau.
    My wife is not from Canada so I showed her some video interviews of his father, Pierre Trudeau engaging with the press.
    This man was a leader, I strongly disagreed with where he took Canada, but none the less he was a strong leader.
    My wife's jaw dropped, wow, he's not like his kid at all.
    His kid has no leadership qualities. His handlers practice 3 new catch phrases in the morning and he rehearses these before meeting the press each day.
    When asked a question, he repeats his rehearsed phrase. He's like a Ken doll with a pull string for the vocals.
    He's an actor playing the part of the Canadian PM, and a very poor one at that.
    He recently dished out almost $1B to the Canadian media. Do you think they will give him anything but praise?
    I wish I had someone like Trump to elect.
    chacal likes this.
  6. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    this thread started on a light note and quickly turned to a political conspiracy.
    but what i want to know is has anyone spent the whole day in their underwear....yet..
  7. Simmy

    Simmy Well-Known Member

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    who needs underwear?
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  8. OGMilkman

    OGMilkman New Member

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    I mean, I was wearing underwear all day before the virus anyways, I just generally wear pants too.

    This seems like a good place for my first post. About a month ago, I stumbled across a 1982 Xj750 Maxim after shopping on and off for my first bike for about 5 years. Needed a new battery, fuel tank cap, and had too much oil but other than that, it seemed perfect for being my "project" bike. $550 later and it was sitting in my garage. It started with a jump/new battery but I wasn't gonna try riding it without being able to seal the fuel tank. And of course, the DMV was closed, so I couldn't really take it anywhere yet without plates.

    A week later, with a new battery and fuel tank cap, I started it up. Sounded great, the choke seemed to push the RPMs kinda high, but as I had nothing to compare it to, I decided to take it out for my first ride since completing the IDOT safety course when I was 17. Put a little gas in the tank because I had plans to try sealing it anyways and didn't want to drain too much. Settled on the high school parking lot around the block, rolled down the hill I live on, and got going. Everything went great until I ran out of gas(or so I though). Oh well. Ran home, got my gas cannister, walked back, and put maybe a quarter tank in to be safe. 10 minutes of tearing around this parking lot in first gear later, it stopped again. Definitely not a fuel shortage. Plus something(I thought gas but now I have torn the bike down a bit more I think it was oil) was dripping out of the airbox(previous owner removed the hose). No luck starting it again, so I sucked it up and pushed the bike out of the parking lot, up the hill, and back into the garage where it still sits.

    Since then, it has been a cycle of taking things apart, buying stuff online, waiting for that stuff to arrive, then questioning how I could have been dumb enough to get myself into this despite knowing basically nothing about motorcycles. This forum has been the greatest for researching things. Oh well, it has been fun so far. Hopefully my project hasn't gotten too far out of my grasp/price range. Without being able to go to class (I'm a first semester auto tech student), I needed something to tinker with during this quarantine or I was absolutely gonna lose my mind
  9. 50gary

    50gary Active Member

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    Bushy surely you jest. Trump is a genius, Trump did not "buy" his way into the Presidency at all, he spent less than what's her name even spent very little (comparatively, correct spelling BTW) in the primaries. President Trump is two steps ahead of anyone else. He trolls the press like the half wits they are. The DNC is a Socialist/Communist party. Just for the record I believe this virus is man made. The over reaction to it is certainly man made. The sole purpose of the shut down of America is to damage President Trump, and for them to stay out of prison. Again just for the record (to a non-American) the reason Trump won is simple, he's not a politican, he will win again in November by an even wider margain. You have no idea how corrupt the Democrat Party is.
    Cheers, 50gary
    Simmy likes this.
  10. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Some knowledge that comes from such institutions is good, useful, relevant. Some of it isn't. Some people use such information and knowledge for good purposes, some for other purposes. Personally, I have much more respect for someone who does plumbing, wrenching, roofing, etc. properly and professionally than I do for any economist, lawyer, political scientist, etc. All of the former are real jobs; almost all of the latter are BS careers where your "success" is determined by how much and how good you are at bs'ing. P.S. I have a degree in Bizness (mis-) Management (with a minor in Mechanical Engineering).

    Vaccines are a touchy subject. The concept is sound; the application has gone off the rails. Better not read this, it might contain important information:




    Snippet: Vaccines are routinely formulated with aborted human fetal cells known as MRC-5 and WI-38...….the lying fake news media insists such talk is a “conspiracy theory” (whoop, there it is!) even as the CDC, FDA, and vaccine manufacturers openly declare the ingredient is being used in numerous vaccines...……..Now, a laboratory in Italy has carried out a complete genome sequencing of this MRC-5 cell line that’s deliberately inserted into multiple vaccines.....The Corvelva team summarized their findings as follows:

    1: The fetal cell line was found to belong to a male fetus.
    2: The cell line presents itself in such a way that it is likely to be very old, thus consistent with the declared line of the 1960s.
    3: The fetal human DNA represented in this vaccine is a complete individual genome, that is, the genomic DNA of all the chromosomes of an individual is present in the vaccine.
    4: The human genomic DNA contained in this vaccine is clearly, undoubtedly abnormal, presenting important inconsistencies with a typical human genome, that is, with that of a healthy individual.
    5: 560 genes known to be associated with forms of cancer were tested and all underwent major modifications.
    6: There are variations whose consequences are not even known, not yet appearing in the literature, but which still affect genes involved in the induction of human cancer.
    7: What is also clearly abnormal is the genome excess showing changes in the number of copies and structural variants.

    I have highlighted the one above which is only of concern to conspiracy theorists, as any and everyone else needs to ignore it fully and completely.

    I didn't get the impression that he was trying to do so, but I haven't explored that issue fully enough. If he is, tweeting is a stupid way to do it, but of course, tweeting seems to be the new gold standard of intellect and rational discourse, perfectly suited to a world full of idiots.

    I guess you missed the Russia Collusion Experience, the 25th Amendment Event, spying on the campaign ("First we F--- Flynn, and then we F--- Trump" by the lead investigator at the FBI...…..), the Ukraine Odessey, the Adam Schiff Impeachment Show (culminating in the month when all hands should have been on deck for the Emerging Killer Virus (that ain't)...……...well, we can go on, but I guess this statement makes me think of the question hurled at home plate umpires after a bad call: "Hey Ump , exactly which game are you watching?"

    Although I disagree with this power, in reality he's correct. Like Mr. Obama said, "elections have consequences". What do you think he might have been referring to?

    Trust me, I can. I use data and historical precedent to "see reality"...…..it's a time-honored trick.

    The most awesome feat that has been achieved by the political system is to create a majority of subjects who not only believe the lies, but fully demand that they be lied to.

    Here, a brief review for the recent arrivals:

    “We'll know that our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
    - William Casey, Director of the CIA, 1981-87
    from his first staff meeting in 1981

    Rod Serling was the gift that keeps on giving. The Martians are the Media.

    Here's the answer, from someone who absolutely despises Trump, but he's a smart guy and called it like he saw it, hat's off to him:

    It's only 4-1/2 minutes of your life, it's more true and to-the-point so clearly that it almost transcends words and moves into the realm of art and poetry...…

    P.S. it's also the same reasons that he'll be re-elected.

    P.S.S. "Let me tell you something you already know". The ad that won the election. I don't think it ran in all markets:

    Well thank you for the wishes, I hope you (and everyone else) stays safe too! And, I don't believe in "conspiracy theories", I look at data, facts, and historical records..
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
    Xjrider92117 likes this.
  11. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    But he does wear him some cute socks......and, on occasion, blackface.

    Actually, in spite of some rather deep-seated differing points-of-view, it's really been a fairly civil discussion (especially considering some other websites/forums even during non-controversial times). I always try to present my opinions and outlooks in a non-personal manner (I realize that I don't always succeed, though), and even with those who I disagree with on certain topics (k-moe, ManBot), I still have respect for them and take their points of view seriously (even if I strongly disagree with them at times).

    Since we are all going to be required to wear non-available facemasks in the future (should we want to be paroled from house-arrest), re-purposed underwear is all that many people will be able to afford, since, as many governors (and the homicidal head of the WHO) have declared that until the virus is fully contained and/or a vaccine developed, the proles will not be allowed to go back to work, so I guess for many of us the answer is "never".

    P.S. there has never, let me repeat that NEVER, in all of the history of humanity, been a successful vaccine for any coronavirus; in fact, the last time it was attempted (the SARS and MERS outbreaks), all attempts failed. Why? Because it made the cytyokine storm even more deadly. The vaccines for SARs / MERs never progressed past the animal test phase BECAUSE ALL OF THE ANIMAL TEST SUBJECTS DIED.
  12. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    A guy on the Jimmy Dore show said what Michael Moore said there about Trump.
  13. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    I am in the construction industry and I would rather be on site than in an office.
  14. Bushy

    Bushy Active Member

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    Well chacal, that Michael Moore clip does sum it up well. From the other side of the world America has seemed to me to be a strange place for a long time. Trump getting voted in just made it stranger again.
    Simmy.. yes this is a civil forum overall I agree. I don't check in as much as I used to but I had a look cos I thought there would be something being said about the current situation.
    50gary.. "correct spelling" , good on me, otherwise I couln't bare it.
  15. 50gary

    50gary Active Member

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    It's not a conspiracy if it's true and it is true. The conspiracy word is how the guilty party tries to defuse and marginalize the truth teller. I'm not saying you are a guilty party by the way.
    Everything is political nowadays, turning on a light bulb, flushing the toilet, riding a motorcycle is a political act. Anything that exercises liberty and independence is a revolutionary act.
    The most revolutionary act of all is seeing and saying the truth. There is a rally today in Lansing MI. (State Capital) to protest against the draconian measures Democrat Governor Gretchen
    Witmer has forced upon us. There's that line in the US Constitution that mentions "freedom of assembly". I'm a free man and I don't like being treated like a subject rather than a citizen.
    Edit; The USA is a Republic, meaning that all power is inherent in the people, that's the first thing to understand when discussing all things American. The great experiment, the first political system that recognized that the citizens are the seat of authority not the few kings or queens at the top. Non-Americans should notice that the US constitution does not grant freedoms and liberties, but recognizes that they are gifted by God not a ruler, a king or dictator of some ilk.
    Cheers, 50gary
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2020
  16. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Trust me it is, and the strangest things about it are hidden from outsiders, you have to be embedded within it to really feel and understand it. But it has its good/great sides, too. We just work really hard to keep those hidden.


    Again, this is why it is likely that Trump will be re-elected. Many of these governors are acting like little petty, feudal tyrants and taking out their "frustrations" on the average person and it's impossible to describe: a) just how visible this is, and b) how despised they are making themselves. This is why (IMO) Trump "delegated" the decision-making on these issues to the governors...…..give them a little rope, and they'll hang themselves. For those keeping score at home, this is his typical modus operandi………. He understands these people very, very well, and he knows how to play "the game of thrones" almost instinctively.

    I have a friend who was a big-wig (very big) within the world of GM, a life-long, die-hard Democrat, and a very smart man (when he was hired by Company B---who had hired him away from Company A----Company B took out a week's worth of full-page ads in the Wall Street Journal (!) about it, basically stating "Ha! He works for us now!!). Here are his thoughts (this was from late 2017), for whatever they are worth:


    I have seen the best minds of my lifetime scrambled by hate and love over Donald Trump. Watching my admired peers spouting venom and expletives, I cancelled my Facebook account despite losing my access to warplane photos and grumpy dogs videos. Twitter remains in my morning reconnaissance because, perhaps, the limitation of characters preserves the character of the posters, to some extent.

    I must confess, I know Donald Trump.

    Well, I don’t really know him well. But I had breakfast with him. A friend of mine introduced me to the brother in law of the D. Brother-in-law asked if I would have breakfast with the D. At the time, I was an ad biggie on the GM account. Knowing that nearly all ad biggies in New York despised the D because of unpaid bills and various other reasons, I asked what did he want from me.

    He wanted GM to buy outdoor billboards around his proposed Atlantic City casino. I told him, never would GM do that. I was asked again to have breakfast at the sumptuous Plaza Hotel Oak Room with D. Well, ok. What could be wrong with that?

    So there I am sitting in a plush booth with the B-in-Law and the D. He is very competently pitching the purchase of the boards. A Hell-Storm crashes the business breakfast. It is a red headed Hell storm. It is the most beautiful red headed Hell storm I have ever seen. She is screaming, “You redacted S O B” and much more not suitable for a family newspaper.

    I am not sure what I was doing other than breathing hard. The D in the midst of the Hell storm is calmly dealing with his fruit cup and smiling at the distracting fury. “Well, how are you today?” Calmly. She hurls more epithets and follows with, “I have been offered the lead in Wills Rogers Follies”.

    “That’s nice.”

    “You SOB, you arranged this so you won’t have to marry me.”

    Calmly, “Oh, you will be great.”

    Storm winds down, purrs. She leaves in a cloud of perfume and love .

    In the midst of fury, I have learned that the D has a calm, sweet side. Later he goes on to marry Marla Maples, star of Will Rogers Follies and the latest dazzling red headed fantasy. The sales pitch goes on. The casino goes up. The boards do not. The breakfast was swell.

    What does all of this have to do with The Reality?

    While media portrays the D as a nut case, the reality is that any man who can maintain his calm during this red headed Hell storm, is most likely to be trusted with the oval office. And that possibility led me to question why the Democrats and the MSM (main stream media) so seriously misjudged Trump. It required me to think back to some advertising basics.

    There are three main ways to segment a market. Demographics groups people by age, geography, race, religion and education. Psychographics studies groups people by avocation, they like jazz, like baseball, etc. These are the two segmentation studies that most organizations use. And, I propose, it is why they are so often wrong about Trump. The MSM is so dazzled by this method that it buys into identity politics and other dubious causes.

    The third study is from Stanford Research Institute (SRI). It is called VALS. You can look it up on your favorite browser. There is a test. You can take it. It will tell you who are your real allies in life. It segments by the values people hold. The first two studies say, if it looks like a duck, it is a duck. The VALS study tell you that while it may look like a duck, and walk like a duck, it still may not be a duck but a mongoose.

    Want to know how the D won so many voters in places that looked like a duck? Values studies reveal who people really are. This may be an intellectual study and analysis , but it is how a successful salesman sells a customer. I think back to the D continuing to sell me in the midst of a red headed Hell Storm, and I may or may not buy, but I am impressed.

    The Reality is reality doesn’t always look real.....
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2020
  17. 50gary

    50gary Active Member

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    Saginaw, Mi. USA
    "And that possibility led me to question why the Democrats and the MSM (mainstream media) so seriously misjudged Trump."
    ..and they continue to do so even today.
    Never underestimate your enemy, the Liberal Democrats do this on a daily basis with Candidate/President Trump. I think that's one Sun Tzu's rules for Art of War? Always have your enemy think you are weak. Trump has done this by trolling the press and the political opposition. Trump is a master at this, even when you point out to the Trump haters (actually the fearful of Trump) how he does it they will deny it. The liberal Socialists of the day are blinded by their emotions, the Redhead in the story was given free reign to her emotions, Trump held his in check and won the day. Everyone has emotions but to not let them get the better of you in tight critical situations is leadership 101. Never interfere with someone while they are in process of destroying themselves.
    Cheers, 50gary
  18. Simmy

    Simmy Well-Known Member

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    I'm gonna go back off topic here to show everyone the true north idiot from Canada.
    My wife and I sometimes listen to Trudeau's 11:00 AM presser waiting for his next slip up.
    A minute before this I actually told my wife, look he's getting off script and his words are getting jumbled.
    No disappointment when he came out with "speaking moistly".

    Here's his all time biggest hit. Enjoy!

  19. OGMilkman

    OGMilkman New Member

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    You say this like Donnie isn't essentially illiterate. He can't read fast enough to actually comprehend the words on the teleprompter because he spends so much effort just sounding them out, then gets lost and starts saying words that vaguely sound similar. Always gotta have your popcorn ready.

    Back to the topic, I finished a 997 piece puzzle of a dragon with 3 holes in it.
  20. Simmy

    Simmy Well-Known Member

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    Nope, didn't say it like that at all. Never even mentioned Trump in the last post.
    I needed to have my fun posting the above.
    I know politics are heavily polarized and 1/2 are going to take offence to my views.
    I can and do respect politicians with opposing views.
    The Canadian PM is not an idiot, that word is too strong.
    He's an average guy and likely a decent chap.
    A G7 country needs brilliant people in charge.
    His dad was PM and he has nice hair. Let's leave it at that.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2020
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