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1983 XJ900 31A Neutral Light issue

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Derrick L, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. Derrick L

    Derrick L New Member

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    Melbourne, Australia
    My neutral light has never worked since I acquired the bike. Today I replaced the bulb/globe (with an LED) as it was blown. Disappointed that this did not fully resolve the issue, I've investigated a bit further.

    Currently the only way I can get the neutral light on (and even then, only a flicker) is only under one scenario, key in Ign-On position (obviously), gear lever not in neutral (i.e. in a gear), when I pull clutch in I hear the relay under seat, when I let the clutch out the neutral light flickers on briefly.

    Other tests,
    Engine starts in neutral with clutch lever out = as expected.
    Engine starts in gear with clutch level in = as expected.
    Side stand / center stand no impact as neither are wired to anything.

    I was going to have a look at the neutral switch, but it looks a bugger to get to, i.e. exhaust removal.

    Hoping someone more knowledgeable than me, or experienced same scenario, can shed some light on whether it is a faulty relay, faulty neutral switch, something to do with the clutch lever, or something else entirely.
  2. Rooster53

    Rooster53 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    The bulb flickers now because of the LED bulb and the starter cutoff relay coil producing a voltage when current is stopped. It is way too little power to light an incandescent bulb, but will cause a flicker in an LED bulb

    So unless you have something bypassed the bike won't start in neutral with a bad neutral switch and clutch lever out

    And other signal circuits working such as flashers and horn?

    Was it originally equipped with a side stand switch and relay?
    cds1984 and k-moe like this.
  3. Jetfixer

    Jetfixer Well-Known Member

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    Replace your neutral switch , Xj4ever has the switch and the tool to replace said switch .
  4. Derrick L

    Derrick L New Member

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    Melbourne, Australia
    You are correct @Rooster53, it was indeed the LED bulb, thanks so much for the accurate solution and quick feedback. Saved my lots of head scratching.

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