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1982 XJ750 Maxim filings

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Keeferheydude, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. Keeferheydude

    Keeferheydude Member

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    Spruce Grove. Alberta Canada
    52000km (32875miles) on the odometer as of June 18/2024.
    Changed oil.. Rode 1600 miles and Clutch slipped a few times during some aggressive mountain riding. Drained oil > I found just a light dusting of small .002" to .004" steel filings in the oil drop pan NO FILINGS IN THE FILTER. Oil was dark like clutch material. She'd been warmed up good on the highway.

    First 2 oil changes
    since I got her with 31000 miles on the odometer were clean. But I'd been riding all dainty like on the prairie where there are no hills or curves lol. Dropped the exhaust and pulled the oil level sensor for servicing out with the bike on the centre stand, and let oil drain out of the hole too. It seems to be one of the lowest accessible openings. (I could not find the lower Pan drain plug) This is the first time I let the oil drain from this low point. . valve clearances good, timing chain tight. good compression, gearbox works well and shifts, no strange noises. Clutch engages well and functions normally. Now that I am obeying all traffic laws, the clutch slippage has gone away. I'm Pulling it for inspection. If anyone else has a bike with similar miles on it, please let me know what you found. I'm hoping the clutch is the source of the filings. Very few filings Like I said just a light dusting. Negligible. Thanks:)
  2. Keeferheydude

    Keeferheydude Member

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    Spruce Grove. Alberta Canada
    Also anyone know if I can Remove the oil pan with the engine in the bike? Took off the exhaust and it kinda looks tight in there. Anyone successful?
  3. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    To be honest I have not tried it but you could use a mirror to see if all the pan bolts clear the frame.
    Keeferheydude likes this.
  4. Keeferheydude

    Keeferheydude Member

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    Spruce Grove. Alberta Canada
    Ok Thanks.
  5. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The room where it happened
    Clutch cable needs adjusting, or, new clutch plates needed if they've never been changed before (32K miles is about a typical service life for the fricition discs and springs).
    Keeferheydude likes this.
  6. Keeferheydude

    Keeferheydude Member

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    Spruce Grove. Alberta Canada
    Yup thanks for your advice. I serviced the clutch, new plates, springs and bolts. Oil pan drops right out of the bottom of the frame . no glitter, gears look brand new, just did valve shims. cam looks new at 35 000 miles, 56 000 Km the chain guides look good (better than an xj with 6800 miles, 11 000 Km on it that I bought for parts.) , no debris in the top end, though I would like to service the auto chain tensioner. Any links to instructional text or vids would be greatly appreciated. B U T the timing chain is sloppy, scratched the inside of the valve cover. I noticed that before I had the bike on the road and have since ridden about 6250 miles, 10 000 Km. I'm gonna throw a chain in. It's cooked, all floppy like a slinky. I've grenaded 2 engines due to chain or gear malfunctions. :eek: can this be done without removing the cams? no big deal I suppose. just looking for a loophole lol

    Thanks XJ community.:)

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