Hi, Bleeding 1981 Seca 750 front brakes( all rebuilt). No pressure at lever. I started reverse bleed, right site AD, RCaliper, left side AD, Lcaliper. Noted air leak at threads on one nipple. Add teflon wrap? (Heard mixed reviews) Refilling resevoir filler hole to replenish fluid. Do i also have to loosen the top of the MC pipe fitting to get air out of this " highest" position? Thanks Patrick
I noticed that I had air in the top fitting on my Seca,. It's messy to bleed from there, and easy to strip the nut, but I couldn't figure out any way to get air out of that location. Air getting past the bleed nipples isn't a problem when the screws are closed, but can be an issue when vacuum bleeding. Just make sure teflon isn't on the part of the bleed nipple that seats.