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is my bike supposed to have a center stand? muffler ques. to

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by schooter, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. schooter

    schooter Active Member

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    Elkton, Michigan (its in the thumb)
    i looked under my bike last night and couldnt find one, there are some empty mounting holed by my side stand, idk if it would attach there. I was jsut wondering

    ALSO, being a kid, i would like louder pipes, im not going to run it straight piped tho cuz that wrecks the engine, but i was thinking of taking my pipes off, runningit, see how doggy and sputtery it is, and if it isnt bad, i would like to install some glass packs for some mini car, idk geo or soemthing, and was wondering if glasspacks provide any back pressure to cool my valves? thanks.
  2. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Being a kid, let an Old Man give you some worldly advice.
    Very simple rules to live by pertaining to XJ-Bikes in general.

    1. If it ain't broke; don't fix it.
    2. If it ain't broke; don't break it.
    3. Rejetting Carbs is a huge pain in the butt.

    You don't own a bike that sports loud pipes as its signature. You own a bike with a signature sound of advanced engineering.

    Don't start hacking-up your bike until you know exactly what you are getting into.
  3. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    Well Schooter, I'll offer some timely advice. I don't know how much Johnny Law likes loud bikes in your neck of the woods but the CHP and locals out here don't mind pulling noisy bikes over and impounding them. My advice to you is to keep it legal and avoid the trouble, your neighbors will thank you too. To run noisy on purpose goes against the grain with responsible consideration of others. And being young, I'm sure the pocket book would really take a ding if you did get nailed for modifying your exhaust.
  4. schooter

    schooter Active Member

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    Ya, my friends dad is a cop, he's a forgiving cop he isnt worried about it, i mean i was talking to him when some loud arse harleys came rolling through reving at the stop light, he jsut looked and laughed. But ya rejetting is something i dont want to do.
    but i still dont know if my bike is supposed to have a centerstand, cuz if it did that would make work on it alot easier so i would like to buy one if i could get one. thanks guys tho
  5. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    Your bike IS supposed to have a Center Stand!

    You need it to do maintenance on the Bike.
    Trying to do Wheels, Brakes and Oil Changes on the Spring-loaded Sidestand could land a whole Bike in your lap before you even knew what hit you!
  6. schooter

    schooter Active Member

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    good lord, either its been takin off or im just dumb and blind. crap. uhh Chacel!!!! u got one for me?
  7. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    Shoots, Baby ... they're hard to miss!
    If you look under the Bike and see empty brackets where the Center Stand should be ... it ain't there.

    I'd say ... just get you a used one off eBay.
    Sand that baby down smooth all over.
    Hit it with a coat of Primer
    Then, go for some class and blow a nice color on it ... like Titanium or Gun Metal Gray.

    Just something that makes a statement.
    You got class.
    Well, ... you got "something" !!!
  8. brent_bastien

    brent_bastien Member

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    Re: is my bike supposed to have a center stand? muffler ques

    here in mi the cops generally dont care how loud it is and the way i see it the more obnoxious sounding the bike is the more people will notice you and if they notice you they are less likely to hit you with their car

    on the other hand these guys are right on the if it aint broke dont fix it issue trust me rejetting is a royal pain and even after its rejetted it performs slightly different the power bands will be in slightly different areas and that takes some getting used to

    the decision is yours i just figured i would point out the pros for each viewpoint

    on the issue of the side stand i have an extra one from an 81 550 maxim and i am not to far from you, does anybody here know if it will fit his bick
  9. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    The 550 ANYTHING won't fit anything else I'm sorry to say. Schooter, look on eBay and/or get ahold of EMC Cycle down in Yale and see if he's got one. I'll keep my eyes open too, and let you know if I spot one. Rick's right, you NEED a centerstand. And leave those Honda mufflers right where they are. They're nearly the same shape as the stockers (which is probably why your PO fitted them) and your bike runs OK the way it is. Start screwing around with the exhaust OR intake and you'll be opening up a can of worms...Brent is speaking from experience.
  10. rpgoerlich

    rpgoerlich Member

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    Re: is my bike supposed to have a center stand? muffler ques

    My First ticket, the first day of my license was on a new Harley Sportster back in '71 in Michigan... And it was for Noise Pollution, Just South of ya near Algonac. The Head Chef rode one where I worked at that time and told me when I got my license I could take it out. Less than a mile away, Johnny Law pulled me over wanting to stick a coathanger up the straight pipes. Juvenile Court up in Port Huron Fined me a 500 word essay on Noise Pollution.

    Take the easy road, keep it simple, low maintenance and keep the cash in your pocket!
  11. sagebrush

    sagebrush Member

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    there was a center stand for sale on ebay for like $10 or something yesterday... go4it...
  12. sagebrush

    sagebrush Member

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