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81 xj550 idle high

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Bobber550, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. Bobber550

    Bobber550 New Member

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    my bike is either idleing high or the trottle is stuck i can barley stop the bike also some times i don't have to pull the gas to get it to go what can i do to fix the high idle. also i have velocity stacks on the carbs maybe thats the problem also i have huge pipes please someone help

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  2. BlueMaxim

    BlueMaxim Active Member

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    With that setup it is hard to say. A high idle is either a misadjusted idle screw or a lean mixture at idle. The idle set screw is located at the back of the carbs between the inner two carbs. Turn counterclockwise to lower idle. With velocity stacks mounted you may have too low a vacuum to open the petcock enough to supply the needed fuel. You can colortune the engine and check for a lean setting and correct. Or you can pull the sparkplugs and look for white insulators which mean a lean mixture. To enrichen turn the pilot mixture screws out in 1/2 turn increments and turn all out the same to keep the engine balanced. I would assume that if you didn't rejet the idle jets in the carbs that they are too small with the airbox removed and velocity stacks installed. If this is the case I would go up at least 2 jet sizes and see how that performs. Either way you have some trial and error in store to get the power bands smoothed out.
  3. Bobber550

    Bobber550 New Member

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    wow thats a great explainion thanks also where would i be able to get the bigger jets at another thing i keep finding gas in my oil. If my trottle was stuck open a little would that cause the gas in the oil and the high idle
  4. BlueMaxim

    BlueMaxim Active Member

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    Jets are available at www.motorcyclecarbs.com A stuck throttle could cause the high idle but not gas in the oil. That is a combination of a leaking petcock and leaking float valves. The fuel leaks past the petcock into the carb float bowls where the float valves are supposed to stop the flow once they are full. If they leak the fuel rises until it overflows the main jets and flows down the intake into either the airbox or the cylinders. It then trickles down past the pistons into the crankcase oil.

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