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can i have my tire repaired??? got a nail in it.

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by bluepotpie, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. bluepotpie

    bluepotpie Member

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    Londonderry, NH
    So i went out for a ride with my buddy last night and we were cruising along the nice twists and turns of southern New Hampshire when i had to stop a little quicker than i'd like. I noticed the rear wheel locked and cut loose on me (a bit nerve-wrecking) easier than it should have. So we pulled into the next well lit gas station to find that I had overfilled my oil and some came out the breather and onto my rear tire. Not that big of a deal but i should have expected it as i was in the higher RPM's most of the ride and i knew it was over full.

    AAAANYWAY.... I noticed, when cleaning off my less than 2 month old rear tire, that there was a nail stuck in it. I wiggled it slightly to see if it was a complete puncture. Yup. Damn. (Actually,I said many more four letter words than that, and all with exclamation marks after them.) So i went inside the gas station to buy a nine freaking dollar can of fix a flat and tried to make good things happen. They didn't, at first. The can of overpriced CRAP wouldn't seal the tiny little hole so i cut part of the nail that, caused me so much aggravation, off and plugged the hole with it. It sealed up just fine. I rode at about 20MPH for a few miles then stopped at another gas station to re-inflate (the first one didn't have an air pump). Filled to 35PSI and rode home, carefully,but at speed.

    My question to you guys is this; can i have the tire repaired,or is that a no-no? If it were a car tire, i know it would be repairable but i've never had to, nor have i heard of someone else needing to, repair a motorcycle tire.

    Thanks guys!

    TIMEtoRIDE Active Member

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    Clermont FL near Orlando
    First off- - the tire HAS to come off the rim to rinse out all the Fix-a flat.
    Since it's off the rim, a vulcanized patch, applied by an experienced tire man will be better than a plug.(IMHO) A QUALITY plug properly installed will work, but would always give me the feeling of "when will it work loose?" even if it holds for the life of the tire.

    I picked up a nail 2 years ago and had a tube installed. No worries !
    Don't forget to balance it yourself to save $15 !
    Alot of shops won't patch or plug a bike tire- - why would they? they just sell you a new one and make more profit !
  3. superspirit

    superspirit New Member

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    because of the liability most shops will not patch a motorcycle tire.
    I have personally plugged a rear tire on my bike and rode with that tire for another 10000 miles till I wore it out with no problems and sometimes rode at speeds in the triple digits, but did so at my own risk.

    if you do decide to try this buy A high quality plug kit and use lots of glue on the plug.

    hope this info helps
  4. grimreaper169

    grimreaper169 Member

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