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Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by joshwxj, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. joshwxj

    joshwxj Member

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    ok so im crusin along doin 40mph in a 40mph zone, then i get the itch
    you know the itch im talking about... where you feel the engine screamin to let her free
    Soooo... I Slam down two gears and twist the throttle as far as it will go ..
    engines need to breathe. :twisted:
    I let off the throttle two gears later and breathe a sigh of relief as the itch is gone :D
    I do not realize how fast I am going until I am back to about 45
    However I do realize that there is flashing lights.
    so I pull over before he catches up to me.
    he gets up to me with lights ablazin' and asks me
    do you know why i pulled you over?
    " no sir"
    well you accelerated pretty hard back there
    "yes sir, my choke was stuck and it makes me accelerate really hard"
    he says ok
    drivers liscense and insurance please
    im thinking crap
    so long story short
    he dosent give me a ticket for going 84 in a 40
    however he does give me a ticket (s) for no insurance and no registration
    sorry it took so long to explain but i think some of you know how i felt at he time
  2. Zookie400

    Zookie400 Active Member

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    well i have about a million stories when it comes to title 14 violations :) but most of them arent really funny.

    one time that was mildly funny was when i first put the bigger injectors in my truck (diesel) and went out to make sure they worked. i was getting on the highway, and there was nobody anywhere to be seen, except for the bear in the woods with no lights and it was dark so i didnt see him right at the end of the ramp. so i get to the end of the entrance ramp doing about 65, and i MASH the throttle down, with the straight pipe barking, turbo screaming, and coal rolling from the tail pipe it runs right through the gears and reaches ludacris speed (spaceballs) instantly. i let out of it and basically let it coast because im getting of the next exit. for the non new englanders i should explain that here in CT the exits are about 1/2 mile apart. so im coasting, and i see emerging through the cloud of charcoal i layed....flashing lights. the trooper greets me, takes my papers, asks me if i saw him sitting there at the entrance, and then asks me what i was doing. so i told him the truth..."i put bigger injectors in and i just wanted to see what it would do". he replies: "well it will do 120" and gave me my court date.
  3. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Two carloads of teenage rowdies, playing "Bullit" on wet leaf-strewn streets of the small rural town I grew up in. Both pulled over, two cops, one cop car. One cop comes to me, one to my buddy. We BOTH told them "my foot slipped off the clutch." Apparently they didn't compare notes when they went back to the cruiser to run our plates. We both got off...
  4. Rage

    Rage Member

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    About 10 years ago, while in my Mazda driving late at night; a guy in a pickup truck to my right was eyeballing my girlfriend. in my teenage haste I decide to show him up with a dirty burnout off the light.

    a little smoke, and a lot of noise later, the car directly behind me turns on his flashers. the guy in the truck was probably laughing his ass off. I pull over, the police officer was furious. I gave him my papers in an orderly fashion, but had no real explanation for my actions.

    he tells me "I'm lucky he is on route to a call, and he doesn't have time to write me a ticket". He takes my driver's license, and tells me "to go directly home, and wait there. he will be by with my ticket, and license at some point throughout the night". I barely slept a wink that night. What was I going to tell my parents?

    i wake up the next morning, and find my license pinned under my windshield wiper. No ticket.

    Boy.... that Mazda got me in some kind of trouble as a teenager. the racing stripes and muffler seemed to be a police magnet.

  5. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    near utica, new york
    My funnies experience was back in college. My sister and I were in town, sitting at a traffic light waiting for it to turn green. We were in a volkswagen Rabbit w/ fuel injection. A car pulled up in the left lane, and it was a white 68 or 69 camaroand and a elderly lady was driving. Of course we thought that was funny in and of itself. The light turned green and I mashed the pedal,let go of the clutch---that rabbit was always good at a lot of squealing. No speed, though, just a lot of noise. SOOOO.... back to the story--The lady didn't stomp it or anything, just a nice easy pull-away from the light. My car didn't go any faster than hers, but I spotted a cop on the other side of the road sitting in the line of parked cars. I knew I was dead meat, so let right off of the gas. I went from about 20mph to about 12mph. The camaro stayed going, and probably got up to 35, the speed limit, shortly after. I went over the rise before stepping on the gas again, watching the rearview mirror the whole time. Just as I broke the crest, the red blinky lights came on and the cop whipped around into our lane and came up fast. My sister was beside herself. I started to pull over, and he blew by me doing probably 60, and disappeared around the bend farther up the road.
    We slowly proceeded just under the speed limit. As we came around the bend............there's the cop with the white camaro pulled over and he's at the door with his little ticket book out. We laughed the rest of the way home
  6. PaulT

    PaulT Member

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    Wilton, NH
    I had a similar experience Hogfiddles.
    Me and a friend were headed up I-89 in Vermont. Backed down from 85~90 when I caught up to some cars passing a green Tarus, then got right back on the throttle. Caught a VT statie in the median behind a rock. Stood on my brakes and managed to squeeze into the right lane as he pulled out. Went flying by my green Monte Carlo and pulled over the little old couple in the Tarus.

    In my teens, I used to take a back road home from work in my '79 Rabbit.
    This particular road was hilly and lots of tight curves and twists. One night after a bad day, I saw the blue lights come on about 1/4 mi. behind me as I turned on to the road and decided I'd wait till he caught up to me.
    He didn't.
    Towards the end of the road, pulled into an ex-gf's driveway & killed the lights. Min later he went flying by.
  7. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    near utica, new york
    LOL! Now you're bringing back even more fun/fond memories. :)

  8. Ltdave

    Ltdave Member

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    as far east as you can get in michigan 43.027407,
    ~~ No Cops Involved ~~

    im hauling my buddys skid steer on his 'used to be a mobile-home frame now its a skid steer trailer' with my superduty diesel, across the state to rockford illinois...

    were tooling along at 70ish and i see my sisters minivan up a head. im really curious because shes about 150 miles from home with my niece so i speed up a little to wave to her...

    she sees me coming up in her rear view mirror and apparently didnt recognized my truck because she speeds up. i pull in the next lane and tromp on the go pedal. were both running about 95 down the interstate and i get beside her and im waving and honking the horn but shes 10 & 2 and staring down the road. i just could not get her attention...

    now remember i was towing about 9,000 pounds behind my 7,500 pound pick up and the fuel is just POURING into the engine so i decide to slow back down and give her a call...

    she answers and says to me "there some strange guy chasing me down the highway in a big white truck!" i said "you never called me strange before and i was chasing you, i was right beside you."

    we both laughed about her being a bit 'frightened' about the situation and i found out why she was so far from home (coming from seeing an aunt)...
  9. jswag5

    jswag5 Member

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    Saint Joe, IN
    well, when i was a teenager, i was sitting at a stop light, when it turned green i decided to give my chevelle 350 w/holley carbs a little bit-o the juice, half a city block later i see the cop car, look down at a speedo saying 65, and a speed limit of 35, my car slowed down so fast the cop only clocked me at about 45, but he knew i was doing more. about the time i get pulled over i see my dad drive by the opposite direction. needless to say, he turned around, claimed my car keys, and made me walk home.(about 3 miles, in the middle of january)
  10. Ltdave

    Ltdave Member

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    as far east as you can get in michigan 43.027407,
    a bike related incident happened when i was in oklahoma during my Air Force days and had just recently purchased my 550H...

    i was laying on the tank with my feet on the rear pegs begging the bike to run the max indicated speed of 85mph. the speed limit was 45mph...

    up in the distance i see a car but it wasnt until i was nearly ready to run into his trunk did i see it was a black and white impala belonging to the OHP...

    i sat up, pulled the clutch and started dragging the back break in an attempt to slow enough fast enough without looking really guilty having 'raced up behind him'...

    he turned at the next road and i kept an eye on the mirrors wondering if he was going to pull back out and come after me in a similar manner...

    no harm no foul!
  11. joshwxj

    joshwxj Member

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    wow some great stories. I'm wondering... in the state of texas how fast do you have to be going over the speed limit to get hauled off?
    im pretty sure i was close whatever it is....

    Please keep this post running with any "adventures" you have or think of from your past
  12. SirchNoslen

    SirchNoslen New Member

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    Norman, OK
    Wow this is all complete bulls***! I tell ya what about 7 years ago when I was heading home from college to see my parents (in my 72 Firebird Formula 400) going through a little town here in Oklahoma. I was pulled up to a stop light it had just started raining and my car had way more power than was necessary and sitting at the light to my right was a small town cop. The light turns green and I apply the gas as I always do, but since it had just started to rain it was a little slick. My tires probably didn't turn over half a rotation and that bastard pulled me over and gave me a ticket for "Driving in a manner not reasonable or proper" even after I tried to explain I wasn't trying to show off It was just my car.

    So I think I may hate all of you guy. Ok maybe not but still not happy about that ticket.

    ***Edited by Robert. Mind the language please! Thanks!***
  13. TheHound

    TheHound Active Member

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    Scotia, NY
    We were flying down the rode in my friends 77-78 cutlass about 85-90.
    We came down under this bridge and there's the cop sitting at the light, waiting for it to turn.
    Well that was the moment of truth, either pull it over or don't.
    Guess what my buddy decided, don't.
    He mashed that throttle down to the floor and we were soon over a hundred.
    Now the cop was sitting still and we flew by so he was way back.
    This was a 4 lane highway.
    We waited until we had gone over the next rise to turn.
    My friend pulled all the way over to the guardrail on the left and wiped the wheel to the right.
    We sailed, all 4 tires screaming, across 4 lanes.
    Hit the entrance to the turn perfect, locked up the brakes and pulled into the first driveway.
    We all ducked down as the cop flew by lights a flashin'.
    We pulled back out and went back the way we came, got another six pack.
  14. Ltdave

    Ltdave Member

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    as far east as you can get in michigan 43.027407,
    i tend to disagree with you on this...

    the bike and Oklahoma highway patrol happened on us 283 heading south from Lake Altus to Altus AFB in Altus, Oklahoma...

    the skid steer and truck happened on I-94 east of Jackson, Michigan...
  15. xj650ss

    xj650ss Member

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    Calgary, Alberta
    When i was sixteen (been driving for about four months) i was leaving school in my 1980 fire chicken t/a, when i pulled up to the lights at the end of the block my buddy fred rolled up beside me in his mom's festiva with a few girls, as a joke he reved his engine (4 cyl at least i think it was a joke!) so i played along and let the bottles bark a little! then the light turned green and in the fun, fred must have forgot that there was a line up of cars in front of us cause when he dumped that clutch all that was heard was a chirp, chirp, chirp, CRUNCH!! it was amazing how much damage that little festiva did to the rx-7 in front of him, his mom never let him drive her car again, he got a ticket for stunting but i got out of there just in case they tried to involve me in what happened (i had enough tickets of my own!)
  16. jeepsteve92xj

    jeepsteve92xj Member

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    Milwaukee, WI USA
    Im the guy who gets pulled over.
    The night I got my DUI, 4 or 5 other people I worked with got stopped after bar time - all admittedly legally drunk. They all got off: one guy rolled his new truck into his front yard totaled it. by the time the cops investigated, He was more sober, and in his own yard, and no one was hurt. Another couple were stopped and the cops had the wife drive (she was less drunk) the last 3 miles home, followed, no ticket. Another girl was stopped a mile from home, given a ride by the cops the rest of the way home, no ticket.
    They were all beyond legally intoxicated.
    All of them got off with nothing but one totaled truck that his insurance paid for.

    But not Steve.
    I had one beer, Just one hour after work (second shift) and I was stopped because 'someone in a similar car had been racing around all night.'
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  17. schooter

    schooter Active Member

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    Elkton, Michigan (its in the thumb)
    Milwalke cant have a no tolarance law!!! are u some 20lb woman? cuz man theres no way you'd blow a.08... Well speaking of drunkenness, i went over to a friens house last friday, drank1/3-1/2 a 5th of whiskey and 5 beers, stupidly drove the backroads home, and puked all over my room, grounded from riding my xj... but at least i didnt destroy my house like my cousin did the next nite.
  18. jeepsteve92xj

    jeepsteve92xj Member

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    Milwaukee, WI USA
    it was 1988. I was 120 pounds, and no way one beer would really put me over the 0.10 limit of the time. I know now that if I still drank I would get a blood test instead of the breathalyzer.
    When I did drink heavily, I normally drank at home.

    That all still doesn't explain how the hammered people got off scot free and I got screwed.
  19. TheHound

    TheHound Active Member

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    Scotia, NY
    Last Thursday night I stopped at the bar after work, had a couple.
    I took off about 3:30, headed out of town, for a ride.
    Well I just got on the outskirts, of town, riding a 4 lane.
    I'm doing 55-60 and bam, I lose headlight and gauge lights.
    So It's pitch black I'm flying along, the only light is from the volunteer firehouse a 1/2 mile ahead.
    Hold on what's that a car in the lot.
    I'm thinking damn just my luck, 3:30 prime time to get pulled over, no headlight and what I thought was a cop up ahead.
    So I pulled over real quick into a closed diner and shut it off.
    I figured he didn't see me coming and if he couldn't hear me I might be safe.
    After looking closer it wasn't a cop.
    I rode up to the next side road and took it.
    I had a couple miles of back roads to get home, so I used the directionals for light.
    I would use the right signal till it canceled then left until it canceled.
    If I heard gravel I knew the shoulder was under foot.
    A little scary but I made it home and mixed up a strong one before bed.
  20. Rage

    Rage Member

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    :D :D :D :D
  21. switch263

    switch263 Member

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    Austin, TX
    I'm the guy that always gets pulled over, too.

    In my 88 camaro while I was in high school, I was coming home from work late one night (1 or 2 AM ish), screaming up the highway at about 95, and i saw some headlights pop on, off to the right. Just as quick as I saw em, they were behind me, since he wasn't moving. Next thing I know, cherries-n-berries in the rearview .... pedal down, two hard rights and slide into someones driveway, cop went roaring past about 2 minutes later =)

    On the bike I've had a cop blink his lights at me, but nothing else. Local mounties don't like to mess with bikers. We're too hard to catch and they're too slow. :D
  22. Timetonut

    Timetonut Member

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    Philadelphia, PA
    When I was in college my parents got my sister and I vehicles. She chose a Honda 2 door, and I got my friends ZX-6E. That was a great season.

    In the middle of it all was a trip down to my college from Brockport, NY to Houghton, NY. It's about a 80-90 min drive usually. I was going to have dinner with my girlfriend and her parents that evening, and I managed to pop the head off of one of the tank screws, and stopped at a garage to see if they would help me tap it out. The were great, tapped it with no problems, got a new screw in it for $10 and off I went. Here is where the story turns sour or funny depending what side of the ticket your on.

    On 246 South, I decided to open her up to see what her top speed was. My friend Dan said he got it up to 135mph, and I wanted to best that. I managed to get it up to 130 or so, when my brain kicked in and pointed out that if a deer or anything stepped out of the corn fields, I would be done. So I let off the gas with my adrenaline going full blast. My advice now days is if you get it up there fast, brake fast to slow down. I just kept coasting and coasted up and down the next hill and spotted a Caprice Classic parked way inside a barn that is usually empty. I thought: that's a weird place to park a caprice, but hey, not my barn...

    I was pulled over about 3 miles later when I had slowed to come into Perry Center as the light is always red going north south. The sherrif asked me if I knew how fast I was going when he clocked me, and as I wasn't sure if he was the car in the barn I said, 60-70. 121MPH! He said laughing. I was very polite, and for a second couldn't think of where my registration, and insurance was. He pointed out that it might be under the seat, and I presented all the correct material. He wrote me out the ticket (and in NY State, at 80 mph he could've locked me up with my parents long out of town and state to come back and get me) and sent me on my way.

    The next day after dinner and all, my girlfriends dad asked if I had mentioned getting a ticket on the way there, and she said nope. I had made the Buffalo News some 60 miles away that a sherrif had pulled over a Brockport resident on a purple racing bike going 121 in a 55 246 South who was very polite and was "just going to see his girl" (my sad quote).

    $180 dollars later to the court of Perry with a promise to never appear there again and $500 to a lawyer from that area. I was happily sent to a state determined deffensive driving course. Somewheres I have the clip to show my son when he gets to driving.

    Found this here on the web...News Library - Search Results

    Article 41 of 70 found.
    Published on August 27, 1998

    124{WORDCNT:-0} words

    A 23-year-old motorcyclist en route to see his girl friend was clocked at 122 mph on Route 246 at 5:52 p.m. Wednesday.

    Wyoming County Sheriff's Deputy Lance Hanes said he was operating a stationary radar check when a purple motorcycle zoomed by headed south. Hanes gave chase and was able to catch up with the cyclist because of traffic conditions. "He got behind two vans and couldn't pass them because of oncoming traffic," Hanes said.
  23. jamesc2008

    jamesc2008 Member

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    hahaha wow...... great story! thats epic!
  24. SyracuseXJ

    SyracuseXJ Member

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    Wilmington, NC
    Trooper Craig J. Todeschini
    New York State Police
    New York
    End of Watch: Sunday, April 23, 2006

    Biographical Info
    Age: 25
    Tour of Duty: 3 years, 6 months
    Badge Number: 5060

    Incident Details
    Cause of Death: Vehicle pursuit
    Date of Incident: Sunday, April 23, 2006
    Weapon Used: Automobile; Motorcycle
    Suspect Info: Charged with homicide

    Trooper Craig Todeschini was killed in an automobile accident while pursuing a motorcycle in Pompey Hill, Onondaga County, New York.

    Trooper Todeschini was pursuing a motorcycle on Route 91 that was traveling in excess of 100 miles per hour. He had started pursuing the motorcycle after it passed him at an estimated 100 mph. He turned his vehicle around and chased the suspect for approximately two miles before his Chevy Tahoe patrol vehicle left the roadway and struck a tree.

    The driver of the motorcycle was eventually apprehended and charged with aggravated manslaughter and aggravated negligent homicide.

    Prior to this incident it was not illegal to flee from the police in New York State. On November 1, 2006 the "Trooper Craig Todeschini Bill" was passed into law, creating the crime of Fleeing from a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle.

    Trooper Todeschini had served with the New York State Police for 3.5 years. He is survived by his expectant wife.
  25. johno8

    johno8 Member

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    Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
    Back in 1975, I had just been released from the Canadian Forces while serving on Prince Edward Island, and was trying to catch the next ferry off the island which was about to leave. As I hit the off ramp to the toll booths I floored it hoping to have them hold up the ferry so I could make it. Just my luck, a town cop parked halfway between the booth and where I was got out of his cruiser and flagged me down. He clocked me at 59mph in a 30mph zone. While I sat in his cruiser getting the ticket, I thought I'd ask him to show me how the radar setup worked. He looked in his rearview and said, "There's a trucker coming down that ramp, he knows he's not going to make that ferry, and is not gonna be flying like you were", and he turned on the radar. 58 - 59 - 60...he locks the radar, turns his lights on and flags the trucker down. Looking in his cruiser at me he says, "I'm not going to tell this guy that you wanted a demo, but my advice would be to sneak away and not talk to him on the next ferry as he'll likely be a little pissed off, his fine doubles as he was doing double the speed limit! I took the cop's advice!
  26. Lou627

    Lou627 Member

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    Queens, NY
    really enjoyed this thread, thanks
  27. joshwxj

    joshwxj Member

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  28. joshwxj

    joshwxj Member

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    Well I guess I didn't realize I hadn't posted my most recent ticket experience.

    I was going back to work after a relaxing lunch. Three blocks away from work i get pulled over by a motorcycle cop. In my town, these guys are going to give you a ticket just because they had to make the effort of pulling you over.

    I had fed the xj550 with some fuel and air that got me up to 84mph. It was a 50mph zone. Once he caught up to me I knew he was going to give me a ticket, so there was no point in fighting it.
    He asks me for my insurance and drivers liscense. I give it to him and start small talk. (Im a salesman- its what I do)

    MOTO. P.O. "do you know what I pulled you over for?"
    MOTO. P.O." ok , well, do you wanna know how fast you were going."
    ME: "probably not, Youre going to give me a ticket arent you?
    MOTO. P.O. "yes"
    ME "are you going to lock me up?"
    MOTO. P.O. "no im not. you know what you did wrong and i think we have come to a mutual agreement that you will have to pay the county $289 for having too much fun, plus you have been nice to me. Was it worth it?
    ME "it would have been if I had gotten away with it."
    MOTO. P.O. "good enough, heres you fun <hands me the ticket> have a nice day"
    ME "thank you, have a good one." and I have to go pay this $289 "fun charge" on the 14th

    just goes to show you that being nice doesn't always go as far as you would like it to go, but it goes just far enough.
  29. Zookie400

    Zookie400 Active Member

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    you need a nice set of BOOBS to get out of a ticket.
  30. wamaxim

    wamaxim Active Member

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    Vancouver, USA
    Maybe I should change my screen name to Aunt Bea but going to the bar to have a "couple" and then climbing on a motorcycle? I like to have a beer as much as the next guy but NEVER when riding on a bike. Maybe my riding skills aren't up to the next guys but I don't think I want to run the risk of riding when I,m the least bit impaired. Besides, iced tea tastes pretty good on those long hot rides.
  31. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    Ventura CA
    Well, I got a set but they ain't on me and had nothing to do with the two tickets I "should" have gotten but didn't. I behaved, was plesant and readily complied with the officer's requests. I think this puts them in a better mood and lets them know you respect them. And I should have gotten a ticket each time, they caught me dead to rights.
  32. greg_in_london

    greg_in_london Member

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    Twenty odd years ago there used to be a lot more tea huts where bikers and other late night revellers would meet up and chew the fat (or burgers as the tea-huts called them) over a tea or coffee. I had a Jawa 350 and sidecar and the Peter, the guy who was serving in the tea hut asked to be given a ride in the sidecar.
    This tea hut was at Whipps Cross and, although in London, is a distance from any houses, with Wanstead Flats on one side of the road, so is pretty deserted at night. I took him up the road, then turned round and lifted the sidecar and drove back with the sidecar in the air past the tea hut and every body laughing. Two or three times. When we pulled back in everyone was still laughing, but they had seen that a police sergeant and wpc had been sitting in the unmarked parked car we had driven past.
    He kept a straight face while I explained that it was a sidecar 'party trick' and... whatever else I said.

    I didn't get a ticket though, so I must have said something right.
  33. sushi_biker

    sushi_biker Member

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    I only recently acquired my XJ 750, and my learner's permit. I had insurance but no tag yet, no basic rider's course, and no permenant license.

    Normally, I'd have just parked the bike until I was all square and legal, but I just had some damn doctor tell me that I had colon cancer. I decided that I'd be damned if I was going to miss out on learning, riding and enjoying because of that. At worst, I could be dead in a year, and at best, I'd be laid up for weeks or months. I began cautious practice rides, loops around the neighborhood. Nothing obnoxious, or dangerous to those around me. I finally stopped one day when I confronted 3 county police in an hour. Each time, they passed in front of me, and never saw that I had no tag on the bike.

    I've just had the tumor and some piping removed. I'll be reduced to cleaning up the bike for a month, but I'll be good in time for riding season.
  34. HalfCentury

    HalfCentury Member

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    Virginia Beach, VA
    When I was going to Engineering school at Ohio State (1988-ish) I had a summer job at what is now a Six FLags park in Columbus Ohio. It was late at night, maybe 11pm, I was riding home on my XS400 Special II. I was doing 50-55 mph on a dark and lonely stretch of road. It was a 4 lane road and I was in the right hand lane minding my own business. A motorcyclist went flying past me doing at least 100 mph. 30 seconds later a cop passed me doing a similar 100+ mph. His lights were flashing but no siren. I always wondered if that cop caught that motorcyclist.
  35. dqnjuan

    dqnjuan Member

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    bmore, md
    Do cops ever really catch the bikes that dont want to be caught lol yes? they caught my old roomie on his ducati.

    A tag was left on there with the bike when I bought it and isgood til sept 2010. The people selling it didnt want it, thought that was very strange think the owner(thier old roomie who left them the bike) got deported or something. So Ive road up and down a dead end st for plug chops and to get gas only with that on there, will be getting ins and tags very soon b4 a cop does for some reason come down that street.
  36. alkasmeltzer

    alkasmeltzer Member

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    Lincoln, NE
    Back in the early 90's, I was repairing copiers in western Nebraska. The speed limit was 55 mph on the interstate back then. took forever to get anywhere. Well, one day, I'm zipping along about 90 mph and get pulled over by the State Patrol.

    He comes up to the window and asked me "Why were you going so fast?"

    I ask him, You want the truth?"

    He responds, "Yeah!"

    I told him, "I didn't see you."

    He laughed his arse off and returned with a warning.

    Back in high school, I was not so lucky. I drove a '69 Buick Wildcat with a 430. My buddy Joe drove a '69 Firechicken and always gave me crap about 'Grandma's car'. Well, I had had enough one day after school and we decided to race around the school. Long story short, I won the race, but I got the ticket. 93 mph in a 15 mph school zone. $600 fine, license suspended 6 months. At $2.85/hour job, that one really hurt.

    I learned to slow down a long time ago. The only place I race now is at the drag strip. No cops!!!
  37. SecaRob

    SecaRob Member

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    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Go Bucks!

    Could have been me
    No it couldn't

    Scary times....The run from Columbus back to Cincinnati :lol:
  38. fuferman

    fuferman Member

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    Kettle Falls, WA
    summer between sophomore and junior year of highschool me and my buddy got a summer job on a farm. started at 5 am. well we were on our way to work about 4:30 am in his moms Cadillac (with digital speedo) and we decided we should find out if that speedometer had three digits.... it does. so after my buddy let off the gas and coasted for a bit. we noticed a sheriff. oops! he couldn't believe how happy he made a teenage boy by telling him he clocked him at 64 in a 55.
  39. gitbox

    gitbox Member

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    Me and a buddy just finshed having some fun tossing firecrackers out the window at a local shopping center one night in his '74 Monte Carlo when we pulled up to the drive thru at Arthur Treachers. Right after we paid for the food a car drove across the drive thru exit blocking us in. The driver got out and walked back to our car and informed us he was an off duty Deputy Sheriff and did not like the fact that we startled his wife/girlfriend with the firecrackers as they were leaving K-Mart. He said he already called for back up so we should just wait until they got there. He then went back to his car and leaned against it with his arms folded looking quite serious. Of course we were both scared because fireworks are illegal in my state (MD).

    My friends car was registered in DE (which has no front tag) and since the officer never walked behind us we knew he didn't get our tag number. So after we got our food and since no one was behind us we decided to make a run for it. We slooowly backed up trying not to get the officers attention but after we rolled about ten feet the officer startled, straightened up and stared right at us. I guess he couldn't believe what was happening. My buddy killed the lights, floored it in reverse, burning rubber like mad and then did one of those Rockford Files spins and tore off across the parking lot. We hit those speed bumps doing around 70mph and then slid sideways out onto the main road. The officer jumped in his car and tried to catch up but his headlights just shrank and shrank until they were gone. He drove that Monte Carlo 120mph untill we were back in DE.

    That was a close one. All that we suffered from the experience (thank God) was a case of nerves and cold food.
  40. greggvickrey

    greggvickrey Member

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    Smyrna, Tn
    About 3 years ago, I was returning from a sales call in a rural area. I came to an intersection the stop sign was bent down & I didn't see it, so, needless to say I ran it. Two cars behind the 1st car coming at me to my left was a county sheriff & yes he pulled me over. As there was no room to pull of to the side of the road, I pulled into the 1st available opening, a church parking lot. The sheriff pulled in ask me if I new I ran the stop sign & told him I didn't see it. We talked & I told him how sorry I was & mentioned that as we were in a church parking lot if I might get off with a warning. Shortly after that another sheriff went by, my sheriff's radio went off, he returned to his car. When he came back he said it's your lucky day, I have a suicide call I have to go to & don't let me catch you running a stop sign again. He left, no ticket, verbal warning, thank god for churches.
  41. Ace_Frehley

    Ace_Frehley Member

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    NS Canada
    One hot summer day a couple of years ago, I was at work, and because it was nice outside, we were standing on the sidewalk - it was really quiet that day. So Lenny, a guy me and the other guy who worked with me pulled up in front of the store in his 72 Camaro, we start talking, no other cars behind him. After a few minutes a couple cars pull up behind him he says his good byes and floors it, tires spinning smoke everywhere, a nice screech and a fish tail. Little does Lenny know, the 2nd car behind him wass the fuzz, who whipped out around the other car and nailed Lenny. $800 in fines.
  42. Great_Buffalo

    Great_Buffalo Member

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    Back in the late 70's I was driving a black Trans Am, you know, the black one with the gold flaming chicken on the front. Everyone was calling for me on the CB radio with Bear Reports.

    You see, I was driving decoy for a truck hauling Coors Beer illegally from Texas to Georgia. We were under a tight time limit. My friend the Snowman was driving the truck. He looks alot like a country singer I once saw. I hate country music.


    The next thing I know there was this chick in a wedding dress that looked alot like the Flying Nun, only a little older, in the passenger seat. I just called her Frog.

    Well there was this Texas sheriff, named B.T. Justice or something, that just wouldn't stop chasing me. Appearently because, I find out from the chatter on the CB, that this Frog chick was his women and man was he PO'd.

    I started to fall for this Frog chick and at one point I even took off my hat; you all know what that means. I digress.

    We were making good time untill my friend Snowman went skinnydipping with his dog and then got into a fight with a bunch of HD riders, You all know what an unfriendly bunch they are. We had to push hard to make up time.

    By the time we hit the Georgia State line there was the whole Georgia State PD along with helicopters in on the chase. I don't know how many cop cars were distroyed in my persuit but there was a pile of them.

    The beer was delivered, on time I might add, and in good condition. Cold.

    By the time the chase was over there nothing left of the sheriff's car and his lacky was holding his gumball, still spinning, on his lap.

    My car? Even after several 100 to 150 foot jumps, off road expeditions, and contact with many moving and nonmoving objects........not a scratch.

    And.........I got away with it.

    We took another contract for New England Clam Chowder for double the money. We traded in the TA for a Cadillac.

    As I drove away I called on the police band of the CB to tell The Sheriff where we were headed and the chase was back on. The sheriff's car had no doors, roof, trunk, bumpers, etc. You should have seen it. It was great.

    All true, I promise.

    The Buff (or as those in CB land like to call me, The Bandit)
  43. alkasmeltzer

    alkasmeltzer Member

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    Lincoln, NE
    Now that there's funny. I don't care who you are!! :lol:
  44. Ace_Frehley

    Ace_Frehley Member

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    NS Canada
    Somebody should make a movie about that, It would be fantastic!
  45. wamaxim

    wamaxim Active Member

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    Vancouver, USA
    I'm pretty sure this is a true story............!

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