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airt cleaner boots

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by britcan, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. britcan

    britcan New Member

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    San Antonio TX
    i need new rubber boots between the carbs and air cleaner for my 84 xj750 canadian maxim. are they based on the seca 84 or on the midnight 83 maxim ??????? i have to get the right boots . chacal needs the parts numbers which is it please help. the bike was known as the xj750 canadian/australian model
  2. BlueMaxim

    BlueMaxim Active Member

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    Central Mississippi
    It should be the same as for the 83 model. Part # 5G2-14453-00-00. Even the 750 Seca's used the same airboots with the exception of the '84 Seca which was a 750 engine in a 900 frame. The Maxim kept the same frame from the '83.

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