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questions before my maiden fire up!!

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by schooter, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. schooter

    schooter Active Member

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    Elkton, Michigan (its in the thumb)
    this is about my cb750... so mind the junk that only the cb750 people would know...

    ok.... well im just getting down to the essentials here...
    wondering what i should do before i try and fire her up....
    1. I have the oil needed and the oil filter, but i was wanting to let it warm up before i changed it so i could clean it out good.

    2. how bad is it to run a bike with no headers on at all? this is probably a dumb question.... but my 4-1 headers are being delaysed cuz ups wanted 140 to ship it and smeone in his family is sick.. i have the origionals, just dont wanna throw them on and take em off again... but it probably should be on...

    3.i havent really looked, but are there any grease zerks on this bike.. swing arm, steering stem... etc.
    cant wait to get this ho runnin, and screaming.

    4.is this bike "fast" im not talking crotch rocket... but does it have a nice powerband like the maxims do, cuz on my xj, once you hit 6K, hang on...

    5. and i see thanks to reagan or ford i have the 85 mph speedo, anyone knwo what these top out at, my maxim will do 135..

    6.uhh, read in my book that it takes about 3.5 qts of oil with a filter change... that true? if so can i mix oils... i have 3 qts of valvolin max 20w-50... looked at napa the other day for another, couldnt find the same kind... i know not to mix synthetic and conventional....

    7.And some final questions, good brand of chain and sprockets? should i be able to get them at my local honda dealer... what rpms is the cruising rmp... may want to drop one tooth on the rear....lost to my frinds ninja 500 on my maxim cuz i have to skip 2nd gear, bet him 30 bucks i can beat him on this one... so i want to accelerat faster cuz we only really race 1/8 mile... and will 1 tooth make a big difference in cruising rpm's ro hurt the engine?
    I dont care about mpg cuz i get free gas :eek:
    8. oh ya, i want to run some pods... :lol:
    Party on while i enjoy the winter... :cold:
  2. wizard

    wizard Active Member

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    1/ so...........?
    2/ hook them headers on even if loose, you get some serious flames out of the ports.
    3/ no
    4/ hang on it can throw you off the back.
    5/ 120
    6/ OK
    7/ you can get aftermarket sprockets, chains & sprockets tend to generic rather than specific. Cruise 5-6 k.

    don't race, we like you too much. Wiz.
  3. Zookie400

    Zookie400 Active Member

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    1- get it hot, and change it. or....change it first. either way as long as the level is correct and the old stuff isnt fuel diluted you should be good.
    2- it will run like crap without the headers. also, fire and gas mix VERY well, in a bad way.
    3- pass
    4- my guess would be YES. most japan bike motors are very similar.
    5- pass
    6- mix it. i have experimented to see the real world results....nothing.
    7- one tooth on the rear wont do much at all. 1 tooth on the front is about 4 on the rear. i have a gearing calculator but its machine specific for my LTZ, you might google and find one for your bike. as for brand, i have used several and they all are about the same except for price. i recommend buying pre-stretched chain, it lasts longer and requires much less adjustment.
    8- portable on demand storage
  4. schooter

    schooter Active Member

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    Elkton, Michigan (its in the thumb)
    the pods was a joke... the cb750 website hates getting asked about pods..
  5. FastMaxim82

    FastMaxim82 Member

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    Tarentum, north of pittsburgh, pa
    oh the cb 750. . . that was my first bike and i loved it. Fast? yes. makes me miss mine. stupidity got it impounded and i had no money to get it back. i was looking at JC whitney for chain and sprockets for my maxim. they seemed pretty good on price. good luck. how bout a pic?
  6. dwcopple

    dwcopple Active Member

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    bay city, michigan
    Then you know nothing about oil...run any 10w40 or 20w50 you want syn or not...these bikes were designed many moons ago.

    Maybe the bible of oils found here www.bobistheoilguy.com/forums will enlighten you!

    Oh, and don't even think about starting it without headers...unless you want to replace all the valves...

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