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first group ride......

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by bartman, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. bartman

    bartman Member

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    Titletown, WI
    well, went on a group ride tonight with a friend of mine. said normally they take a bunch of back roads and take it easy, etc....gathered at a little watering hole, lots of HDs, and just a handful of metrics....

    I tried to do my best, but for 40 miles I was doing nothin but playin catch up. every stop or corner, those HDs would just out pull me and get way ahead, then I'd have to scream like a hundai doin 80 in 2nd gear to catch up, and even then I barely did....needless to say folks were riding a little more agressive than my buddy said they did :lol:

    It was cool to be part of a big bunch of bikes like that, wasn't the most comfortable riding with everybody, as I am solo, but it was humbling to get blown by every time and feel like I was holding up the show for 40 miles...finally I saw a road sign for back to Green Bay, and decided to dump off and get back.

    buddy called a 1/2 hour later to apologize for how things went, he was suprised at how folks were riding, and just wanted to make sure I wan't in a ditch somewhere when I didn't show up at the next stop. :)

    well the bike got a helluva warmup tonight at least!
  2. hessenr00ts

    hessenr00ts Member

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    I'm heading to Grand Marais (north of Duluth, MN) with a few folks from work on an upcoming monday (14th or 21st...we haven't decided as yet).

    It's me on my 750max, a Kawasaki 650 crotcher, a VStar 1100 silverado and one other...were not sure what he'll be riding yet.

    Should be an interesting 4-5 hour cruise. :p
  3. beanflicker_98

    beanflicker_98 Member

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    east petersburg pa
    IF you ever get to Pa you can follow my mom on her HD.The nickname I gave her is Rearview cause she is always way back in my rearview(SIDE) mirror.It gets a little frustrating to ride with someone that doesn't keep up.I am wondering if you were watching the speed limit signs?Harley riders are elitists anyway.I notice when I ride my 1200 that everyone one waves,when I am on my seca it is like no mans land.
  4. woot

    woot Active Member

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    Yup- been there done that...

    Try find a group ride with sportbikes that doesn't do that :(

    Some groups are good... it's just a matter of finding them. I tend to avoid large groups as invariably someone thinks it is a race and not a ride... on smaller riders you can talk with all of the riders first and size things up.

    I'll often ride slower than I would normally to help out the younger riders... I have about as much fun, and the younger riders can learn safely while having fun.
  5. bartman

    bartman Member

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    heh, beanflicker, I've noticed that too, nobody will wave if I'm on my maxim...I think I had one HD'er wave to me out of all the folks I met on the road....oh well no sweat :) I get more waves/thumbs up when I'm in my tricked out F150 SuperCrew, lol

    wasn't watching the speed limit signs, was just trying to keep pace/position. From what my buddy described it as, I thought there would be more metrics there, but it was 99% full-fledged HD'rs in all their garb, and I was bout the only one wearin gear besides just boots...just the wrong crowd for me - live and learn is all, it just force feeds you the HD ideal that your bike isn't good enough and you need something newer/bigger/better to be worthy of riding next to them. I rather dislike that.
  6. JPXJ

    JPXJ Member

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    Now as a born again biker I may be rusty, but my XJ seems like it can pull pretty hard in most every gear. Maybe a cafe racer or a bigger engine might leap off the line a little faster, but not so much that they would lose me in traffic..?

    Were they going recklessly fast (top speed) - or were they accellerating to 80 so much faster that they got ahead?

    I'm just curious - I mean no disrespect. I live in a pretty nice area. While the HD folks can be real snobs I just tell them that I simply can't afford 20K to ride yet (mine was 1K) and they usually just nod. I guess if you spend that much on a bike (and maintenence) you had better love it.

    If I could find an old sportster I'd take one...maybe...when Betsy stops running like a swiss watch...

  7. bartman

    bartman Member

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    no disrespect at all JPXJ.....basically they were just getting up to speed sooner than I was, and then I had a hard time to gain on them once I was as well. they were not going recklessly, just quicker off the line than I was. There were just some little things here and there that I could read from them that leaned themselves towards the HD superiority complex.

    don't get me wrong I like my bike, There are a few things that I just need to get tuned up to help my riding time - solor or grouped....just gotta find the right group of people for me if I plan on doing that more - some folks like groups, some don't, I can see where it's safer, but can see where I focus more on those around me, than myself and enjoying the ride.
  8. jdrich48

    jdrich48 Member

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    I don't know about your bike , but they would have a hard time keeping up with my 650 off the line.
  9. JPXJ

    JPXJ Member

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    That's kind of where I was going - I sure seem to reach 60 in under four seconds, but I am a born again newB - maybe it just seems really fast to me..?
  10. woot

    woot Active Member

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    4 seconds is pretty respectable... I really doubt there are many harley's that could do much better. Some pretty serious sportbikes won't get a full second faster.

    I think the point is that if you're willign to ride it really heard you'd do well... but that's not for everyone, and not for a large group ride.
  11. JPXJ

    JPXJ Member

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    I tend to shift from first to second as soon as she hits 7k, then shift shift - almost back to back into forth and lay on the throttle. Look down and you're going about 55 MPH.

    Let's say 7 seconds so I don't seem like a wanna be crotchrocket rider.

  12. woot

    woot Active Member

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    LOL - who's the rocket rider?

    I think 7 seconds would be a major under estimate of speed.

    The cbr is hard to measure to 60mph - if you accelerate quickly the last thing on your mind is the speedometer ;)
  13. beanflicker_98

    beanflicker_98 Member

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    east petersburg pa
    A few months ago I was riding with my cuz(gsxr 750) me on my seca,came to a lite 3 harleys rode up.Lite turned green I lit out 3 harleys jsut in my mirror.Not like they were tryign to race me or anything,I jsut like to go fast and make harleys look stupid.So they next lit ethey catch up 1 of the guys says hey your plate is half off.Ijsut looked liek dam and said thanks.I am 36 and I like to ride hard and fast.I got 3 years under my belt and I know I will die someday.Liek the saying goes "You can't fly with the eagles if you run with the turkeys".I also have a harley but I jsut love to ride.Hopefully this week I will be adding a older gsx-r.
  14. LoDollarDave

    LoDollarDave Member

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    Edmonton Alberta
    JPXJ, you may want to make the jump from 1st to 2nd a little earlier (4-6k), then wind her out in 2nd and 3rd. 1st seems to produce more noise than motion...
  15. xcowboykc

    xcowboykc New Member

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    Kansas City MO
    I also just started riding with a group, and lucked out! I found a great bunch, and riding with them is a pleasure!
    Most ride Harleys, but there are Hondas, Kawasakis and Yamahas as well. Almost all are newer bikes, and larger, but my antique XJ650 is accepted, and even draws a favorable comment occaisionally.... By the way - I'm pleased to say my 650 doesn't slow them down; it holds it's own quite respectably.
    In my neighborhood, it seems that Harleys outnumber all others combined. Though the reputation mey be "snobbish" or "Clannish", I have had only good treatment from all. Virtually 100% of the Harley riders wave. The least likely to wave seem to be crotch rockets.....
    Don't give up on riding with a group - it can be loads of fun, with the right bunch. Check out the internet for groups in your area, and if possible look at any pictures or info. Many will show what members are riding. Maybe look for one that isn't 100% Harleys... lol

    81 XJ650 Maxim
  16. JPXJ

    JPXJ Member

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    Thanks LoDollarDave,

    I'm still dialing it in - this is coming from the born again who flipped his stand down then caught it with his heel (lifting it back up) and layed his bike down (slowly) in the garage today. Nothing like spilling gas all over your hot engine INSIDE your attached garage.

    No harm done - the best easiest way to remind me how heavy that bike is!
  17. kbarmansr

    kbarmansr Member

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    I think finding the right group is what is important, I have a buddy that I ride with from time to time when our schedules permit. He has a Buell 1200, needless to say it can really out accelerate my 550. He is one of the riders that every take off is from the tree at the track. I on the other hand enjoy to cruise off from my stops and really am not looking for top speed right from the start. Don't get me wrong the ocassionally roll throught the gears is great, but not all the time. I have a few other friends we all ride Metrics that I have built for them at one time or another, we all enjoy the cruise aspect and it's a great ride whenever we ride, unlike the constant catch-up, drag race. So it all comes down to who your riding with and what the majority of the group likes. Oh and a note aboiut the Harley riders in my area. I went to school with member of the Roder family here in northern Ohio. So needless to say I live close to a big Harley area, the riders that I have passed or rode with here treat me well, I get the wave, and am accepted as part of the group when we ride, so I guess it all just comes down to the people, regardless of what you ride.....
  18. kbarmansr

    kbarmansr Member

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    Northern Ohio
    I think finding the right group is what is important, I have a buddy that I ride with from time to time when our schedules permit. He has a Buell 1200, needless to say it can really out accelerate my 550. He is one of the riders that every take off is from the tree at the track. I on the other hand enjoy to cruise off from my stops and really am not looking for top speed right from the start. Don't get me wrong the ocassionally roll throught the gears is great, but not all the time. I have a few other friends we all ride Metrics that I have built for them at one time or another, we all enjoy the cruise aspect and it's a great ride whenever we ride, unlike the constant catch-up, drag race. So it all comes down to who your riding with and what the majority of the group likes. Oh and a note aboiut the Harley riders in my area. I went to school with member of the Roder family here in northern Ohio. So needless to say I live close to a big Harley area, the riders that I have passed or rode with here treat me well, I get the wave, and am accepted as part of the group when we ride, so I guess it all just comes down to the people, regardless of what you ride.....

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