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EERRRRR!!!! why can't people drive???

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by 85MaximXX, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. 85MaximXX

    85MaximXX Member

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    S.W. michigan
    Ok more of a rant but the message is guys PLEASE be carful out there...

    Just a few minutes ago on the way home (in fact I am still sooo pissed i could ride back up and knock his brains out) I was coming to the round about in town where the left lane ends and is suppose to merge with the right. And what do you think happens some guy pulls up next to me(mind you I saw him in the mirror then out of the corner of my eye so I knew he was there and assumed correctly what he was going to do. Yup pull up next to me and proceed to try and merge into the side of my bike. THe car behind me opbviously seen it to as they slowed up and gave me room to back off. So as he is mergind into me I seen his(I assume wife look over and give me a look like I don't even exist). At this point I just lift my hand is a what the heck gesture. He goes in front of me(because no matter how pissed I am the reality is my 500lb bike isn't going to push an SUV anywhere. we get by the round about and the guy pull into paralell(sp?) park so by this time I am just fuming. I pull up next to him give it a rev and motion for him to roll his window down he does and I ask him why did you cut me off. I got a dumbfounded look like Huh? what am I even driving?? The without waiting for an answer I told him open your eyes and learn how to F'n drive before you kill somebody. Then I drove home. Guys please keep an eye on the vehicles around you as said many times cagers don't see you and you have to assume they are out to get you. Luckily I was paying attention to my mirrors and seen him. But it could have ended much worse. A couple of years younger(and I still thought of it but I had to get home to watch the kids and I am getting older) I would have proceeded to pull him out of the car and give him a lesson. But I am wiser and older now. I still think I could have taken him and he still wouldn't have figured out why for weeks he was that clueless.

    Ok rant off I am still pissed but feel a little better after yelling at the screen while writing LOL!!
  2. sushi_biker

    sushi_biker Member

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    I've only been riding since December so I'm very, very new. Since I started, I've been inundated by warnings and sad stories. At times, I've questioned the sanity of my new found hobby and source of joy. I've wondered whether I should continue. I've already almost been forced off the road once and like you, I was prepared for it.

    I pretty much seek out secondary roads with the least amount of traffic to ride on. I stick to the twisties in the farm land, with few houses on them. The Super Slab is only used as a necessity, and only for short distances. I realize that I'll never be totally safe, but I figure I'll be safer the further I can remove myself from the cagers.
  3. flash1259

    flash1259 Member

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    W.R. Wisconsin
    From other biker website they say its the motorcyclists fault period.

    as if cagers take safety classes for driving around motorcycles

    I carry a screw driver for just such morons and I tag thier car or suv. they call the police I tell the cops it from my handlebars when the guy side swiped me. he lost I won.
  4. uzivelli

    uzivelli Member

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    i had a close call today too. lady merging into the right lane where i was in. i also had a feeling she might do this as i could see brake lights from cars in front of her as her lane started to slow down and my lane was clear. as she made her merge (without looking over her shoulder) i gunned it and got out of harms way and gave her the wtf look.
  5. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    85MaximXX do us a favor, please. Repost that story here: http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=11852.html Hopefully some of the newer riders will go through and read the whole thread.

    The simple fact of the matter is you can die doing this. What in a car would be just a serious accident that everyone would pretty much walk away from would mean something a lot worse if it involved a bike.

    We can't afford to be "dead" right; the only way to survive is to raise defensive driving (riding) to a new level, at least one well above the traffic around you. In our world, failure to anticipate IS a failure.

    Be the bunny.
  6. 85MaximXX

    85MaximXX Member

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    S.W. michigan
    No problems Fitz,

    I agree defensive driving is a must while on your bike you can never let your guard down. The only thing that makes this worse than any other day is it has been rainy and cold all day and as the experienced riders know you can't jab the brakes too hard on the wet slickery stuff and expect things to end well.

    Just a side note to new or newer riders these posts are not meant to put you off from riding your bike but are meant to get you into the frame of mind you need to be in. I still enjoy riding and ride my bike daily unless snow or ice is on the road from well this year March (the last three weeks included save for 2 days of snow) until sometime in November. You just need to be very aware of whats happening while you enjoy your ride.
  7. XJ700VET

    XJ700VET Member

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    Portland OR
    Great comments here! I always ride with my head on a swivel and assume that I'm invisible. Nobody in a cage has their eyes open, even if I make eye contact with the driver, I just know that they looked through me and not at me! Cages are so much harder than my soft shell of a body and, while riding I'm not going to confront the driver unless forced to. It's always nice to have enough wick left on the throttle to pull me out of trouble at times and, the wisdom to know how much of which brakes to use in a pinch.
  8. cly_adams

    cly_adams Member

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    Good post, Many newer riders dont understand how to brake in a pinch. In fact i didnt know when i first started riding and well locked the brakes up and got tossed off my bike :( CHECK YOUR BRAKES!!!
  9. ktcubed

    ktcubed Member

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    Yes, be on the ball. Assume they will screw you. Allways be aware of your outs. Make yourself visable. Get a loud A$$ horn. Drive smart and remember you are smaller/softer than they are.

    Better safe than right!
  10. JoeFriday77

    JoeFriday77 Member

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  11. ktcubed

    ktcubed Member

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    Mine aren't train whistle loud, but it is very loud and has a similar reaction from people. (I use it to call my kid home from across the neighborhood).
  12. cly_adams

    cly_adams Member

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    soo to add to this story of jerks driving, I was riding lastnight with my friend he was in one line i was in the other right where it went from two lanes to one. Some jerk decided he didnt want to be behind us and Drove right between us!!!! WTF! Luckly I was far enough over but still in what world would anyone think to drive right between two riders???? :evil:
  13. flash1259

    flash1259 Member

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    Lets start a campaign of getting license plate numbers and report them at once. the cops will get tired of the complaints and sit in trouble spots to get idiots like that
  14. mikeg

    mikeg Member

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    Milton, Vermont
    I like that idea Flash!

  15. cly_adams

    cly_adams Member

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    I like that idea too it just floored me seeing someone do that :?
  16. ktcubed

    ktcubed Member

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    St. Augustine, FL
    When in college I drove around Gainesville and there were alot of motorcyclists. Still people did not look for us. I remember kicking the side door (not recommended but all I had) of a car that wanted my lane and I had no where to go. I once delivered the lit butt of a cigarette back to a guy at a stop light after he flicked it out of his truck into my lap while driving. My favorite was honking at a lady who was pulling out in front of me and she mouths the words "I saw you". She was mad at me when all I was doing was saving my life!

    In Fort Worth, there was a round about on my way home from work. By passing this was like an extra 10 miles. After the first time in there at rush hour I gladly spent the extra 10 on my bike. (I wouldn't even go in there in my cage anymore).
  17. sushi_biker

    sushi_biker Member

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    ktcubed- You crack me up man. I can only imagine the scene: "Excuse me sir, you dropped this in my lap."

    After showing it to him, I'd have flicked it WAY into his truck and zipped off, letting him dig for it before it became a conflagration.
  18. ktcubed

    ktcubed Member

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    St. Augustine, FL
    Knocked on his window. When he rolled it down I flicked it right where he flicked it on me, said "you dropped this" and skeedadled...

    He got of lucky as he was at least stationary as he went for it in his crotch.

    I got a burn on my finger as I dug it out of mine. (Good reason to wear gloves as I try to do now).
  19. saoirsesserenity

    saoirsesserenity New Member

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    Northeast Kansas
    Cagers don't even see other cagers. Thus the reason I am all the more careful and rode defensively last night bringing home the XJ750RK I had just bought from the previous owner.

    People are tee-totally nutzoid while driving, particularly in a college town.

    Granted, my XJ is factory stealth silver. It was overcast by the time I went to pick up the bike with my wife. I at least had on my Scorpion EXO-700 in the radioactive fluorescent green and a hunter orange safety vest on to help make me more visible. I am working on finding a hi-viz green jacket with heavy armor to add to the mix.

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