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Smoked a Harley today :)

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by SirLexington, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. SirLexington

    SirLexington New Member

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    We took the X out for a nice ride and at a stop light, a Harley of substantial size and volume pulled up next to us and gave us the ole "nice rice burner" smirk. He apparently did not recognize the X badging as he revved his motor in the "I dare you" fashion. We (riding 2-up) were more than happy to oblige and promptly put him and his overpriced "I generate more noise than horsepower" smug Harley in its place... behind us.
  2. MN-Maxims

    MN-Maxims St. Paul Minnesota

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    Saint Paul, MN
    Why is it those guys spend thousands more then us and the first thing they do is pull their mufflers off. I'll never understand that mentality.
  3. HalfCentury

    HalfCentury Member

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    Virginia Beach, VA
    Where I live its crowded enough that I usually run out of open road before I run out of gears.
  4. QuarterHorse

    QuarterHorse Member

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    I'd trade my XJ in for an HD any day of the week but I can't afford one. I don't care what people ride, it's the riding mentality that should make friends, not what you ride.

    I've had a GSXR 750, VMax, Hayabusa, and now my XJ just because I was going to go without a bike this year and I found it for cheap. I have the same friends that have always ridden something different than me. Seeing the first few comments I could ask you when I was on my Busa why you'd waste your time on an XJ if you wanted to go fast etc etc etc.... Or go fast and be upright on my VMax.

    I usually ignore the "I smoked brand X" threads but I was in a mood.

    Like I said, it's not what you ride, it's that you ride and do it responsibly.


    TIMEtoRIDE Active Member

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    A long time ago, when my 1978 XS 500 was new, a guy on a Harley pulls up next to me, his front tire was moving 2 inches forward and back due to the engine shake. He grabs the front brake because he saw me looking at his front tire, and his seat began to shake up-and-down an inch. The light turned green, I blasted it and left him, probably shaking in embarassment.
  6. SirLexington

    SirLexington New Member

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    I generally agree that it doesn't matter what one rides (I do love the Harley XR1200) and I'll happily ride alongside anyone. However, in this case, there was some condescension from the Harley owner, which led to my actions, and ultimately this post. I know there are plenty of things out there faster than my X, but I'll admit that it felt good to let a 23 year old machine show her stuff in the face of chromed-out V-twin ridicule. Cheers.
  7. ktcubed

    ktcubed Member

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    St. Augustine, FL
    Smoked a Harley? How'd you get it lit?
  8. danmar1963

    danmar1963 Member

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    So Cal
    I saw a cartoon in a Harley magazine a long time ago back in the 80’s. Two bikes at a stop light. One a Harley and one a sport bike. The Guy on the sport bike says “Want To Race?” The guy on the Harley answers “Sure In Twenty Years”. My Seca is 28 years old and still fly’s. Were is that old guy on his Harley now? I have respect for any bike this old and still on the road. Come on, we can still get most parts for our XJ’s!
  9. dawsoner

    dawsoner Member

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    I like when all motorcyclists are friends, I wave at sportbikes and huge HDs. Everybody around here waves back and I love it.
  10. mikeg

    mikeg Member

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    I've got friends that ride all sorts of bikes. Most of my office rides Harley's but I just don't get the mentality of spending all that money for a bike that doesn't seem to be that much better than mine.

    We were talking the other day in the office and one of the Harly riders mentioned that he doesn't have the little storage compartment under his seat. He also doesn't have the center stand, nor, I believe a gas gauge. I don't understand what they get for all of their money but if that's what they want to spend it on, it's their money.

  11. rnice

    rnice Member

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    SE Pennsylvania
    Ummm... was it really a condescending 'smirk'?
    And did the Harley guy really squeeze his brakes out of 'embarassment' because it was shaking '2 inches'?

    How do you know it wasn't a 'howdy partner' smile?
    How do you know the guy wasn't just playing with his clutch?

    Our assumptions color our perceptions.
    Maybe giving HD riders the benefit of the doubt would have changed the whole scene.

    I just don't get it.
    Nobody says nothing when guys build up old chevy blocks in hot rods that are easily out performed in every way by a japanese aluminum block four banger.
    But when the Harley guys buy their stuff cause its old and unique and easy to play around with everyone is on their case.
    Old is fun. Loud is fun. Modifying and engine is fun. Do you think farmers keep those 50 yr old John Deere's running cause they are so useful?

    Let folks have their fun. Leave them alone. Let Harley set the price they want. If it was too high, no one would by it.

    Just my 2 cents.
  12. ktcubed

    ktcubed Member

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    St. Augustine, FL
    Not to mention they are buying into an image (who here hasn't) and supporting the 'merican economy...

    If we all only bought what did the job for the cheapest price, all kinds of brands would disappear.
  13. hammerheadx

    hammerheadx Member

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    I'm in the same camp with rnice.
    If you are on two wheels, you are my Brother or Sister.

    And bragging about beating a Harley in a drag race is kinda like going home with the fattest chick in the bar, after last call.
    Sure, everybody COULD do it, but it's not necessarily something to brag about.
  14. sushi_biker

    sushi_biker Member

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    Mmm...I feel that you're my buddy if you're on two wheels....IF you're not acting like a f---tard. When I roll down to Annapolis on the weekends, I'm checking out all bikes with equal interest and friendly to all riders BUT, if someone who has a particular brand loyalty starts to disparage me or my bike, then they're fair game for a public flogging if I think I can take them on.

    People usually show me respect when I explain that this is my "training bike" because I don't want to drop $15-25K in chrome on the ground while I'm a newbie and because I don't want to have a new VMAX stolen from right in front of my no-garage-having townhouse.
  15. TIMEtoRIDE

    TIMEtoRIDE Active Member

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    Clermont FL near Orlando
    Look, I was 16, I thought it was funny.

    What's odd is every American upstart manufacturer has pretty much copied Harley's success, from Buell that used Harley engines, to the NEW Indian, which began by using Harley replacement motors from S&S to Victory, to all the little "chopper" companies.

    Nobody is copying the highly successful Japanese style bikes.
    (except the Chinese, who build cheap replicas of old Hondas)
    Or copying BMW or Ducati.
    But everybody has built an American style cruiser.
  16. ktcubed

    ktcubed Member

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    St. Augustine, FL
    Ahhh... 16...he was thinking that guy is young and dumb and full of ... well lets keep it clean.

    Harley's are copied because people are looking for that style and feel (many as weekend warriors) but don't want to plunk down the change for a Harley so there is a big market there for cheaper look alikes.

    Jap style bikes are copied/modified, by other Jap style bikes. Who's going to jump in and offer a Jap style bike, made elsewhere at a competitive price? Korea, China, etc. Notice they are!

    Harley has figured out they have a specific market where they can make bikes and charge what they charge and still sell them. If they start making "Jap Style" bikes they just become another bike company and can no longer charge a premium for their products.

    Harley is truly about buying a mystique, lifestyle, moniker, whatever you want to call it. I'm sure that there are plenty of people who are very happy with their Harley's, and love the "Harley issues" as much as we love the XJ issues. (Yea, right there are no issues with the XJs.).
  17. SirLexington

    SirLexington New Member

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    Jeez o' Pete, I didn't intend to launch such an outpouring of live and let live. I generally agree, again, I wave at all 2-wheeled brothers and sisters. Yes, Harley does make a great looking bike and a few performers as well. I was just expressing a bit of XJ pride. I bought the Maxim X because I wanted a Maxim X, not because it was what came along at the time. That man bought a Harley because that's what he wanted. We're both happy. He challenged us to a friendly race and we accepted. We were quite civil afterward. I simply enjoyed the win as I suspect he would not have challenged expecting to lose. Just trying to share the XJ love in a forum for XJs. Would I post this on a Harley forum and expect a positive response? No, but here? In any case, ride safe, but ride with pride knowing you have a quality machine from a by-gone era that can more than hold its own. Cheers.
  18. cly_adams

    cly_adams Member

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    Go XJ GO!!! :D
  19. rnice

    rnice Member

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    SE Pennsylvania
    In my self-righteous diatribe I forgot to mention one thing:
    It's pretty damn cool that you whipped a bike maybe half as old and three times as expensive in a street race.
    I'd be grinning ear to ear too.
  20. midnightblu

    midnightblu Member

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    Austin, TX
    I never will understand why somone would buy a motor designed for high torque at low rpm's for parking lot speed rides. not to mention that half of the harley motors i have heard sound like they are about to die of frustration .... i picked fun at an old friend that bought a v-star, 6,000miles and had an oil leak he diddnt see :) i had to say somthing .. pulled up reved up my XJ a few times... shut it down and said "i think my bike just scared the p1#$$ out of yours :) ..... BTW you never know but that smirk might have been his realization that he bought a name not just "a bike" - give the same guy 5 - 10 yrs and he will be trying to sell his FAD bike to put less than half the money he spent back into his IRA. :)
  21. dpawl31

    dpawl31 Member

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    NH, USA
    Seriously... everyone on here has stated the obvious. You buy a harley for a badge and some pride.

    Pride that I think is not deserved.

    I will NEVER look up to someone just because they have cash to buy something that is not worth it.

    Would I buy a Corvette for $55k... or some ridiculous european racer for $155k...
    Vette. Period.

    Lexington, don't take the other comments too harshly. I can see where you are coming from, and you have worded everything perfectly.
    There is something called 'context' that gets lost online. I know as well as you know what the guys smirk looked like, but calling it a smirk is vague and some folks who 'had to be there' don't know what his smile looked like, well, ya know...

    Good job on the 'smoking'.
    Oh and KT... 'How'd you smoke a harley, how'd you light it?'
    Classic! lol
  22. EdinaDad

    EdinaDad Member

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    Edina, MN
    I think I read somewhere that smokin a Harley is illegal in Wisconsin.

    And a couple of other states.
  23. MN-Maxims

    MN-Maxims St. Paul Minnesota

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    Saint Paul, MN
    Harley's are not all that fast. They are just for people who like the Potato, Potato, Potato sound out their exhaust. Way over rated and I have not had anyone park one over here lately but if they are like they used to be. (If you don't see oil under them there might not be any in it. )
    This is a true story. I guy I knew back in high school his brother had a Harley trike (Pan Head). It leaked oil so bad out of the push rod tubes it would spray oil all over your leg when you rode it any thing over 40 MPH. The sad thing is that trike would be worth big bucks right now oil leaks and all. I don't know what ever happened to it.
  24. JoeFriday77

    JoeFriday77 Member

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    North Texas
    That was very clever and funny!

    For the Harley guy, that was kinda like bringing a knife to a gunfight. Just because they are old, doesn't mean they are slow. I think it is next year that I can get an 'antique' plate. Nothing like seeing an 'antique' flying down the road with a guy on it with a big grin.
  25. TheHound

    TheHound Active Member

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    Scotia, NY
    Careful with the antique plate.
    Most states limit mileage with an antique plate.
    You do get the advantage of no inspection and lower insurance rate.
  26. MidniteMax

    MidniteMax Member

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    Liberty SC
    Some good points.

    Since Harley guys would never wave at me from their mounts, I would agree with the status wannabe thing.

    I wonder why I own my Harley along with my Japanese bikes? Oh yes, I bought it so that I could be the Yamaha owning Harley riding guy who waves at every biker.

    And the Harley is the bike I loan out to my friends when their bikes are in the shop. Yup, I loan my Sportster to my responsible buddies when they need it. Most folks wouldn't dream of "loaning a Harley". Well, I apparently ain't most folks. My friendships are worth more than any bike, no matter the make.

    And I have loaned my VMax too, for weeks at the time. But only to really responsible experienced rider friends.

    I would love to have a friend on every bike I ownand take a ride one day. It's all about the fellowship. But, until our schedules line up, I'll stick with riding with my wife, son, and daughters who have licenses or permits too.

    See, there are advantages to having a garage stocked with ridable bikes, not just shiny toys that you won't share.

    And I do enjoy riding the Sportster, even when it occasionally coughs. It, like my Yamahas and Honda, has never left me on the side of the road yet. And if that ever does happen, I hope I have enough friends around to give me a ride home. I can still wave from the passenger's seat.
  27. wamaxim

    wamaxim Active Member

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    Vancouver, USA
    I am at that "special time of life" I guess. Sort of that middle age... age. I have always ridden asian bikes. "Wouldn't own a Harley if somebody gave me one". Pretty sure I'd make a space for one now though. Not as a clique subscriber but just to have something heavy, low, low engine speed and low end torque. Would have to be a full dresser with appropriately baffled pipes. NO! Conchos, 3' leather tassles hanging from the end of the grips(have you seen this crap?), no chaps, leather flat hats with H-D embossed into the leather for that "after ride" look, no wallet hanging from a chain in my back pocket, ad for heavens sake no Colonel Klink half helmets with the little point thing stiking out the top.

    I used to say that there was only one legitimate reason for owning a Harley. Because you want one and tha's reason enough.

    Didn't think I'd ever own a dedicated touring bike except for a GoldWing either until I saw my Beemer L T. Pick it up tomorrow and can't wait to settle in behind those tiller style handlebars!

    My SilverWing? Didn't make the cut. Already sold to a good friend.

    My XJ? Staying right where she is. Can't see lugging 843 lbs + sidecar for those around town trips and those times when I need to feel the wind in my hair. Both of 'em.

    A Harley. Nt now but maybe someday. And I can assure you I will seer clear of all XJ1100's!
  28. stormothecentury

    stormothecentury Member

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    Rochester, NY
    My next door neighbor has an '83 Road King with a fairing and hard bags. I told him if he ever wants to unload it, to give me a shot at it. It'd be nice to be more comfortable cruising with my wife, and besides...

    He doesn't have to warm it up for longer than it takes to get his helmet on! ;-)
  29. rnice

    rnice Member

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    SE Pennsylvania
    Ok, yeah, some of the Harley guys buy into the image so freakin' much that its kind of annoying.
    But beyond that there is a totally unique historic machine.

    Bragging about the performance and reliability of your steed compared to a Harley is like sitting in your Civic and laughing at a 1950 Ford Freedom. So you may be 'right' - but you're not being honest.
  30. danmar1963

    danmar1963 Member

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    So Cal
    In the bigger picture of things there are “Bike Guys” and “snobs”. They come is all sizes and flavors. My two bothers ride also. One has a Wing the other a Glide. No complaints. They have had all different kinds of bikes over the years. My nephew has had a Ninja, and a Heritage. I give wave and get them from all kinds of riders, Harleys, touring bikes, sport bikes and older stuff. It’s all good. I’ve also seen the “nose in the air” snobs on all kind of bikes too! All into there own kind of ride. I was talking with this one guy who had just totaled his third Hayabusa. In his mind if you weren’t riding this years sport bike with $5000 of extra work done on it you were not really riding. Go figure!
  31. jmelton

    jmelton Member

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    Killeen TX
    Just to put my two cents in, I too believe in the "It's not what you ride but that you ride", philosophy. but there does seem to be a smuggness to harley riders, around here anyway. I wave at nearly all bikes I pass by on the road, 9 out of 10 harleys do not return it. Most all others do if not initiate it.
  32. imnotamonster

    imnotamonster Member

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    Rochester, NY
    Ha Ha, ever since I put a sportster windscreen on my xj I get waves from all bikes. I have seen at least one harley rider almost run off he road trying to figure out what I was riding once he realized I wasn't on a sportster.

    I like pretty much like any bike; it is the individual rider I pass here and there that I must disparage.

    It's the groups of harley clones that you only see on a sunny weekend that I may meet at a light...same bike, same chrome, same helmets that won't even look in my direction that pi** :evil: me off.

    It is also the groups of crotch rocket riders that nearly blow me off the road passing me on both sides 8O coming out of nowhere wearing shorts, sandles like a swarm of bees that burn my a** :evil:

    I would love to have a sportster for a winter bike...wouldn't want to mess up the beautiful rust patina I have going on my xj :?
  33. Metmop

    Metmop Member

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    Orlando Florida
    Rode a harley for the first time yesterday. My roommate and me swapped bikes for a quick 10 minute ride. It was interesting. He had never ridden a non harley and I had never ridden a harley. He has a 2008 heritage softtail. I think we both came away from the expierence with a respect for the other bike (course he said that it rides like there should be another gear) He liked the way the XJ accelerated and how it handled the curves. He has dragged his pegs on quite a few sharp turns while I lean more and never drag the pegs. He said it flowed around the curves. I liked the comfort of his. Sitting on his was like being in a recliner. I think mine is more fun but if I was going to be driving for 2+ hours I am sure the XJ would get old. I have the utmost respect for all bikers but I like most others have had run ins with the harley and the crotch rocket riders. While I can never see myself owning an crotch rocket that harley would be a nice cruiser for the longer trips. I just don't like the price tag.... he is paying $400 a month for his.... Mine is paid for.

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