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The Newest Addition to my Stable (Pic heavy)

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by jgb1503, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    Near Utica, NY
    Welp, I went and looked at a XJ 750 Seca this afternoon and bit the bullet and bought her.

    She seems ok, oil seemed good, she started right up - idled w/ choke on very low, stalled after about 30 sec without that little choke. So carbs probably need a good cleaning. THer the headlight assembly in the fairing looks a little jumbled but all works fine. The fairing is nice, the mount looks a bit weird to me, but I am not used to them. Checked out a bunch of things, looks workable overall - and it does something my current beast doesn't.... it runs!!! The inspection is actually good till August, so I'll be on the road w/ her in the next few days.

    First two things I am going to do is shock the fuel system w/ some seafoam, going to do the same w/ the crank case. She can probably stand an oil change, and while I am doing all of this, I might as well use the seafoam and flush it out good. Going to probably buy the spin-on oil adapter from Chacal sooner or later ;-).

    A few little things to fix up, outside of the seafoam treatments. Have to fix the blinkers, and lean up a few things. The carb boots are cracked, but not all the way through. I have some decent boots that I can swap out later in the season, when I take off the carbs. I just want to get out and actually ride for once. ;-)


    Here is the jumble behind the headlight assembly in the fairing

    Here is a close-up of the fairing and the mount. The blinker is a little rough, but I have replacements already so that's no biggie.

    Nice 4 into 1 muffler, in really good shape

    I can't wait to get her registered and actually get on the road ;-)

  2. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The room where it happened
    Good Lord that's a huge fairing!!!

    Nice looking bike though.
  3. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    I'm not too familiar w/ fairings so I know nothing about it. I assume its not a stock SECA fairing - but that's just a guess based on the mounting. It could just be a rig job as they didn't have the right brackets.. Or if could be the right bracket and I just don't know what I am looking at. I gotta get to the parts breakout and see how its supposed to be, but I am bushed - was an all day trip to go there, get it, and get back.

    I liked the fact that the inside of the gas tank was 100% free of rust! (Flashlight and extending mirror) one more thing I don't have to worry about ;-)
  4. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The room where it happened
    But actually, from the look of the "sideways-U" stripe on the lower half of the fairing, which seems to really nicely match the rest of the stripes on the bike (??) in color, size, and style, it seems as though that would be a factory fairing..............

    But it makes the bike look like you're equipped with tank armor, like you're ready to roll into town and do the whole Mad Max/Thunderdome thing.....
  5. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    Hey, that might not be a bad look ;-)

    I could add a little turret to the back, get some ammo cans, and go to town! ;-)

    I thought that re: the colors as well, but I don't know enough to even know if that's an original paint job.

  6. sushi_biker

    sushi_biker Member

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    That bike looks awesome! Great score! Lose the sissy bar and Chacal is right! Ride it for the season and give it a more serious once-over this winter.

    Good on you man.
  7. GEHIV

    GEHIV Member

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    I have one of these baby's and I can tell you that you picked up a real gem. I beleave the fairing is a Yamaha factory piece because I picked up one on ebay a few years ago along with hard the factroy hard saddle bags.

    Paint scheme is orginal to, it matches mine, check out my gallery. I also have the same Supertrapp pipe and it sounds freakin awesome.

    I just put over 1 K on my bike this weekend and it ran so sweet. I took it to the Blue Ridge parkway and ran it through allot of twisties and I can tell you these seca 750's handle really good.

    I loved looking at your pictures, good luck with the bike!
  8. 85MaximXX

    85MaximXX Member

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    S.W. michigan
    Now thats a bike I could ride comfprtably into the 15-25* mark looks like it would be warm as heck in the cool month and dang hot to ride around in the summer. But nice looking overall, and you scored the bonus rear rack that you can't find anywhere.
  9. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    Glad to hear i didn't get too screwed, I talked the guy down a bit - picked it up for a decent price though so... ;-)

    I'm just happy I got a bike that runs and that I can actually ride in a day or two ;-) Been a while since I been on the road, getting the shakes!

  10. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The room where it happened
    Yes, from the pics, the frame side cover and tank decals look original and correct.....assuming they are actual vinyl decals (and not painted on).

    If those are decals, AND that front fairing "sideways-U" decal is a vinyl decal, AND if it matches the color sequence and width (of each color) of the tank and side cover decals......then it's probably original, too.

    And if that fairing decal IS original, and since it fits that fairing pretty much "perfectly".....in other words, since that decal appears to have been designed to fit that fairing, in that location.........then the only logical conclusion is that the fairing is an original Yamaha supplied accessory fairing.

    But yes, a turret and a .50 caliber machine gun mounted out back would really complete the basic look and feel of the bike!

    Let us know what you find...........
  11. Thee_oddball

    Thee_oddball Member

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  12. dpawl31

    dpawl31 Member

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    If you plan on riding for a while without a carb tear down, I highly suggest against the seafoam.

    Yes, it does well with cleaning junk out.
    But- this is what happened to me:
    It released the junk, which in turn got clogged in my started jet.
    REAL jammed in there.

    So I would stay away from it for now, let the gunk be gunk where it lies.

    Good find on the bike, but dang, I could not be seen with a fairing like that. That thing is crazy!
  13. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    Yeah I was worried about that, but because of the slight rough idle and slight roughness of the engine i wanted to clean it out as much as possible.

    Not sure what to do honestly. I think running the seafoam through the oil might help clean out a lot of the crap in there.

    Maybe I will just do a few ounces in the gas instead of a full shock. I just don't want to cause it any more damage because I didn't do something first - but I also want to ride ;-)
  14. GEHIV

    GEHIV Member

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    Willow Grove, PA
    I would just put in fresh gas, change the oil, put in new plugs, my bike takes about a 5 minute ride before it idles correctly.

    Check the brakes real good, especially the front. I would plan on changing the brake fluid this year too if the bike has sat for some time.

    Loose the sisy bar in the back and the front fairing lowers, I think they seperate and it would look better without. I think the lowers would be good for a long ride in colder weather to keep your legs warm.

    If you havent riden in a while sign up for a motorcycle safety class. In Pa they are free and they provide bikes for you to ride, small 125 / 250cc street bikes. They classes are so worth the time it takes to go.
  15. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    I did check the brakes out and they are solid. He said he had them done last year, and based on the test drive and the inspection I did they are very good. Either way, everything will get a replacement, flush, clean, adjust at some point ;-), just trying to figure out what is best to help and least impact to me actually riding for once ;-)

    I will probably so as suggested and as I said, do a little seafoam in the gas just for general cleaning - nothing to shock the system, and do the seafoam in the oil and flush that out (needs an oil change anyways). then fill her up and take her out ;-)

    Timing is nice, supposed to rain tomorrow - so hopefully i can get the oil change(s) done then and get her all legal and be out on the road by Wednesday.

    Yeah I actually took one of those courses a few years ago (about the 3 yr mark) when I picked up first xj (junker) hoping I would get her running within that year or so... but life caught up to me and I didn't get as far as I wanted to on it. Going to end up just stripping the parts from her that I want and part out the rest I think.

    Yeah I was thinking about taking the bottom fairing off, just because I want to put forward controls on - and I can't with the bottom half. Will have to see how that looks. As for the sissy - that's got to stay, only way wife will ride with me ;-)
  16. Ltdave

    Ltdave Member

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    as far east as you can get in michigan 43.027407,
    boy that fairing is really generating some interest...

    i can see both arguments for and against it being OEM...

    the 750R is a great ride. ive got to get mine back together and on the road. its all insured and titled/registered for the year, just too lazy and its too COLD in my garage to work...
  17. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    LOL, I hear ya.

    My originial junker is sitting on my porch because my garage has the wifes 1970 VW Westfalia Camber Bus (i.e., Hippie Van) that I am trying to re-do too ;-) So I am stuck with working when the weather permits
  18. sushi_biker

    sushi_biker Member

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    I understand your worries about loosening up large pieces of trash and clogging up your carbies. If you're not already, run an external, inline fuel filter. Find the one with the smallest particulate filtration that you can buy. Try to find a clear one and monitor it closely. Replace it frequently for the first several tanks of fuel as you run Seafoam through it.

    You should be able to dislodge the trash and keep it out of your carbs this way. I did.
  19. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    I have a inline filter that I bought for my original project bike that I am going to put on today hopefully (got extra fuel line tubing too just in case ;-).

    I am not so much worried about junk from the tank getting into the carbs (as the tank looks beautiful on the inside), but more of dislodging crab in the carbs themselves and having that plug up the jets.
  20. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    Well, the fairing and paint job (based on discussions here) is definitely original. They are vinyl decals and everything matches as it should. I used a little mothers 'back to black' last night, and man-o-man - the biked shined up REAL nice.

    I used a small amount of mothers aluminum polish just to see how good it does, and the few parts I put some elbow grease on polished up nice too ;-)

    I just got her registered and insured on my lunch!!!! Want to get out of work so I can go play. But, as my luck has it.. I get out of work at 4:30.... 30 min drive home... and..... its supposed to start to rain around 5pm here... &#!(*^@^$#)

    Thanks for all the info and tips all (in this and many other discussions), making the whole experience that much sweeter!

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