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New to the forum general question

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by NCBIKER, Apr 29, 2009.


    NCBIKER New Member

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    Monroe North Carolina
    I am a newbie to this forum, found it on a google search.
    Picked up a 85 maxim x a month or 2 ago for $500.00.
    New nothing about these bikes. I have had 2 different goldwings in the past, have completely restored them but due to an accident with my ankle was unable to maintain the weight issue with the wings. I would consider myself technically inclined to work on these bikes.
    The x needed some work, dented tank prev owner dropped it in the yard.
    Had the tank fixed, painted it, cleaned, polished, changed oil, filter, gas, rebuilt fuel petcock, pulled carbs, cleaned, reinstalled, new battery, new tires, went through wiring checked all connections. Prev owner cut off pipes at resignator so I went and purchased some slash cut megaphone mufflers from jc whitney, installed them. Fired her up and went for a ride.
    OMG that little 700 absolutley screamed down the road. I am amazed with the performance of this machine.
    Oooh forgot to mention that I synched the carbs and had to install chrome cones because the original air box was not there.
    Now this leads me to my question.
    The bike idles a bit high for my taste when slowing down, but when stopped I can release the clutch a bit and she will idle down to 1000 rpm.
    Is this an air issue with the cone air filters or do you think I am off on the idle screws.
  2. XJ700VET

    XJ700VET Member

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    You will more than likely have to monkey with the jets in the carbs. Check the "Sell, Trade & Swap" area of the forum and, look for XJ PARTS FOR SALE---FOR ALL MAXIM, SECA, AND TURBO MODELS Thats our local parts guy. He has a write up on jet issues in that post. Warning, its a fairly long post but, look for the section dealing with the carbs and, you should be able to find what I'm talking about. Almost without fail chacal will have just about every part that you are looking for. Make sure that the parts that you are looking at are for the XJ700X (liquid cooled) not the air cooled XJ700N
    Lots of luck & Welcome to the forum
  3. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Pods, or cone filters as you refer to them, cause tuning issues because of the fact that they flow TOO MUCH, unregulated and unattenuated intake air for the CV carbs to be able to perform correctly. If the bike has stock jetting you will need to rejet or risk burning up the motor (these things absolutely SCREAM if they're running too lean---and then blow up.)

    Search the forum, there are MANY threads on the subject; search on "pods" or "pod filters" and you can read all of the various opinions and trials and tribulations. Your absolutely easiest course of action would be to reinstall a stock airbox.
  4. bill

    bill Active Member

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    Welcome - where abouts in NC? We have a small group in the Raleigh area that rides together and assist with maintenance.

    Several things could cause your issue. Tuning or air leaks are the obvious choices. You can probe for air leaks with an unlit propane torch.

    With pods you may have to rejet to get it right.
  5. JoeFriday77

    JoeFriday77 Member

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    Welcome! Also check out www.maxim-x.com if you haven't come across that site yet.

    As mentioned, pods can be a trick. If you don't want to go through that exercise, you can usually find an airbox on ebay. Chacal has the boots, I believe. Do you have the chrome 5 valve covers on the carbs? If you go the airbox route, you will be missing the plastic 'chrome' covers as an FYI unless you get lucky and find them.

    NCBIKER New Member

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    Monroe North Carolina
    Ok great advice I will search the forum and read some posts.
    I believe that the bike has been rejetted and I just don't remeber what size jets were in the carbs. I wrote them down on a piece of paper that's in my garage and will look when I get home this evening.
    To the gentleman asking about where in North Carolina.
    I am southeast of Charlotte about 3 hours from Raleigh going via Rte US 1. The carolinas offer great riding weather almost all year round.
    I had the bike out yesterday for a full ride in charlotte traffic which neadless to say can be very bad stop and go.
    The bike stayed about the 1/4 mark for temp and other than the idle issue which really wasn't all that bad. I put about 5 dollars in gas in the tank and so far ran about 70 miles and appears to still have about 3/4 to 1/2 a tank so this bike must be fairly good on gas. Will calculate my mpg at next fill up. I guess I was just surprised at the performance while running through the first 3 gears, the bike does lack in the higher gears unless running at high rpms. What can these bikes handle as far as the rpm's. The gauge redlines at 10000 and I don't think this would be wise because the bike would be running about 100 mph.
    I believe I am close to getting the carbs dialed in and figured the origianl air box would help but havn't come across one yet.
  7. bill

    bill Active Member

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    Too bad your not a bit closer I lived in Charlotte then Concord for a long time before I came here. The traffic drove me right out of commuting on my bike. A lot of crazys on the road - be careful.
  8. 82XJ

    82XJ Member

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    I was pretty surprised myself; the only bikes I had ridden previously were singles and twins. These bikes are definitely rev-happy little beasts. It'll cruise all day long at 5-6000 if you want to, and won't even sweat when you pull it up to 9000 for a quick pass (like you said, don't try this above 3rd gear or you'll be breaking every speed limit known to man...)
  9. JoeFriday77

    JoeFriday77 Member

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    If you are running close to the 10K redline in 5th, I think you will be over 100 mph. ;-) I'm too much of a chicken these days, but I would guess you would be in the 130mph range. Just curious, has anyone topped theirs out?

    As 82 said, you can run 5-6K all day. At 65mph, I am just a tick over 5K, and the X seems pretty happy. I would say 2nd is the limit for tromping it to remain within speed limits. I was messing around one day and tromped it hard in first and was right around the 55 mark by the time I got to the redline. That is the first time it really got my attention.

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