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Bike Week at work.

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by prime, May 9, 2009.

  1. prime

    prime Member

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    Flatwoods WV
    I thought I might share some pictures from work. Every year in the first week of May we have Hospital Week at the local small
    hospital I work at and every year is a different theme. Last year it was Pirate themed, year before that it was Wild Animal
    themed, and this year the theme was Motorcycles. 8)

    So all week we play games and generally goof off in our free time, but everything is motorcycle related in some way. For example
    there was the motoracer event, where there was a course laid out and you had to ride a very small kids bike around it where
    every three laps they tightened up the cones making it tighter and even harder. A motorcycle build off where each department
    could build a bike but only using stuff from their department. Scavenger hunt where people had to find a host of motorcycle
    repeated things. and a few more events, basically something different everyday.

    The week ended with a cook out and a "Bring your bike to work" cruise in. I had my camera with me so I snapped off a few
    pictures of the ones that showed up and thought I would share.
    Over all it was the best and most fun hospital week yet.
    Sorry for the long winded post, :oops: to make up for it here are some pics.

    The group.

    One girl doesn't have a street bike, so she brought her dirt bike.


    If I was going to buy a brand new bike it would probably be one of these.



    Pocket bike, this thing is just too much fun to ride. :D




    and last but definitely not my XJ750. (It is just too bad I haven't had time to try to fix my starter problems so I had to haul it in like
    it was a Harley ;) )

    Oh yeah, here is my departments entry into the motorcycle build off, we won a dozen of Krispy Kremes for each of the next
    four weeks.
  2. mikeg

    mikeg Member

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    Milton, Vermont
    THe theam week is a cute idea. Looks like you all had a good time with it.

  3. xj650ss

    xj650ss Member

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    Calgary, Alberta
    Looks like a great time, congrats on the donuts, I'm with you on the m109 a friend of mine said I can have his if I take over the payments but $405 per month is a little steep for me right now!!
  4. Ltdave

    Ltdave Member

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    as far east as you can get in michigan 43.027407,
    lets take this in order...

    A) you guys and gals sound like you have fun at your job. my job is work and it sucks...

    B) if we had a bike day or something like that there would be a bunch of harleys and a few newer style ricers. my seca or maxim would definitely be the odd bike out...

    C) i saw a 2007 M109 in a dealership last month for $9,998. thats like $2,500 under msrp or whatever the $12,498 value is that they were selling them for last year..

    D) that 'little fatty' you built is fantastic. you all work at a hospital? that reminds me of the architectural models that mike brady on the brady bunch used to make what with the scored cardboard tank and all. if you eat a dozen krispy kremes over the next month they might be calling YOU little fatty. wow those donuts are crazy with calories and cholesterol...

    congrats again and thanks for posting...
  5. stormothecentury

    stormothecentury Member

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    Rochester, NY
    Re: pic #4: Who actually rides with their feet that high!??! Those highway pegs are halfway to Low Earth Orbit!
  6. xj650ss

    xj650ss Member

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    Calgary, Alberta
    WOW Storm I can't believe I didn't notice that untill you pointed it out, maybe he steers with his knees and lies down while on long trips!!
  7. dwcopple

    dwcopple Active Member

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    bay city, michigan
    I wish you had better pics of that springer....side view anyways
  8. prime

    prime Member

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    Flatwoods WV
    Thanks guys, it was a fun week. 8)

    That is the same reason I don't have one lol

    I do like my job and where I work, it makes me kind of sad to be leaving here in August. :(

    It was a fun project to work on..Luckily our offices are next to the maintenance and security departments, they will gladly finish off what ever we don't. ;)

    Funny thing is, he does ride it like that, I have seen him do it. lol

    Sorry, that is the only one I have of it. :( It is a nice bike, just to bad the guy that owns it has the stereotypical Harley attitude, "If it ain't a Harley it is junk"
  9. WesleyJN1975

    WesleyJN1975 Member

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    Bellmawr, NJ, USA
    Pic #4 you just stretch your legs out and put your calves on the foot pegs.

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