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foward controls

Discussion in 'XJ Modifications' started by iron9cross, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. iron9cross

    iron9cross New Member

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    i am looking for foward controls toput on my 85 xj700x. the only place i can find is tc bros chopper. they look good but they are sold in separate pakages and you have to make mods for the linkage to hook up for the rear brake and shifter peg.. please help
  2. xulf13

    xulf13 Member

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    Franklinton, NC USA
    I believe you're gonna have to fab your own or modify the ones you found. That's what most people here do.
  3. the_bandit

    the_bandit Member

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    I think you mean http://www.tcbroschoppers.com/id8.html ?

    Those are much cleaner than mine. I think you might also have to buy highway pegs? I'm not the best mind on this subject...

    I'm sure you could get the right parts made at any of your local machine, welding, or fab shops for not much more than twice the price of that kit for the whole deal.

    I'm not familiar with the '85 700x but I'd be willing to take off and post pictures or dimensions of my controls for you...
  4. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    I'd be interested in those pics and dimensions. Might try to fab my own controls and the more information the better
  5. the_bandit

    the_bandit Member

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    Salinas Valley, CA
    I'll have them in this thread by sundown here.

    I've made a new gallery "forward controls" some pics in there of them on the bike. I'm going out now to take them off, I hope I don't get any stuck bolts or anything.

    Edit: Not wanting to strip the flathead slots on 2 seized bolts, I won't be able to remove the highway pegs. I did however get dimensions on the rods that run from each linkage to the "pedals."

    Measurements are from center of any bolt holes
    Brake rod, 22in
    Shifter rod (from rear) 3.5 in, ~50 degree bend outward, 5.25in section, bends back to 90deg, 7.25in to bottom of pedal.

    Re-reading this post it seems hard to understand but if you look at the pictures on http://www.xjbikes.com/coppermine/thumb ... =1286.html it should make sense.

    Another thing, I looked through the gallery and there's a lot nicer looking controls than mine, they're probably not the best basis to start from... The more time I spend on this site the more corners I find POs have cut.

    http://www.xjbikes.com/coppermine/displ ... pos=2.html The guy says he thinks they look ugly but they're cleaner than mine.

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