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Who here DOESN'T mind getting passed?

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by hammerheadx, Jul 1, 2009.

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  1. hammerheadx

    hammerheadx Member

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    Binghamton, NY
    The discussion about the 650 Turbo vs. the 750 Seca got me wondering.

    I believe most red-blooded American males do NOT like to be passed.

    I hate it. I can't stand being passed, on a molecular level. I may not even be able to describe why. I just don't like it.

    I don't care if i'm on my bike, in a cage, on a bicycle, or on a lawnmower.
    I don't want you passing me if i can help it.
    When someone passes me, i feel insulted, demeaned and emasculated.
    I'd rather throw a rod out the side of my engine case than let you by.
    I'd prefer not to be going slow enough in the first place to give you the notion to even allow you the fantasy of passing me.

    The only reasons i will allow you to pass me are:
    1. Your bank account is bigger than mine and you're willing to push past the legal limit in a known speed trap zone farther than me.
    2. My wife is in the car. (yeah, i know. shut up.)
    3. I'm dead.

    That about covers all the acceptable scenarios under which i'll suffer the indignation of letting you pass me.

    On the other hand, nothing short of a wet, sloppy BJ on a Saturday night feels quite so glorious as passing your slow carcass.
    The joy i get out of relegating you to second place is palpable.
    Treating you like human cholesterol on the pavemental arteries makes me grin like a young boy discovering his first pube.
    Every one of you i put behind me is another notch in my superiority belt, and those of you still in front are probably pedophiles i must put in my mirrors.

    What about you guys? Thoughts?
  2. Wyldman

    Wyldman Member

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    LOL go get 'em Buddy! :)

    I'm not much into speed. Whether I'm riding a Rebel (I buy and sell them), a Harley or even my Triumph Thunderbird Sport, I ride in the outside lane tooling around at 55-60 mph. At 61 life's going by too fast already for me. :)

    I used to get some strange looks on the Triumph tooling around at 55. LOL

    http://pic90.picturetrail.com/VOL2210/7 ... 603458.jpg
  3. FastMaxim82

    FastMaxim82 Member

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    Tarentum, north of pittsburgh, pa
    i drive whatever speed i'm at and if you want around me then go ahead. but i ain't pulling over to get out of your way, unless we're at the said speed trap then i'll let you by get what is rightfully yours. lol
  4. jamings67

    jamings67 Member

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    CT USA
    After reading your rant. I have concluded that you problem is sexual.
    I think Sigmund Freud would agree. I would pass you just because you don't like it. lol
  5. fonz

    fonz Member

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    Philly burbs
    explains a lot about NY drivers.
  6. xj650ss

    xj650ss Member

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    Calgary, Alberta
    I used to care but that has since passed!! these days I just like to cruise and since I've already paid a life times worth of speeding tickets I drive/ride a little slower and redirect my funds to more enjoyable endevors! I will be thirty years old this november and I don't have a problem admiting that I'm glad I just got my bike licence as I'm pretty sure my attitude when I was younger would have made me another speed related statistic!!
  7. CNCguy

    CNCguy Member

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    Harmony, North Carolina
    Some bottled up aggression there? LOL

    If you don't like the speed I'm running, feel free to pass. I'll even give you a smile, nod, and a wave as you go by.

    Really, being passed is no biggie!

    Let it go.... LOL
  8. CNCguy

    CNCguy Member

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    Harmony, North Carolina
    Some bottled up aggression there? LOL

    If you don't like the speed I'm running, feel free to pass. I'll even give you a smile, nod, and a wave as you go by.

    Really, being passed is no biggie!

    Let it go.... LOL
  9. mikeg

    mikeg Member

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    Milton, Vermont
    Hammerhead, it's a good thing my late father didn't try to pass you!

    He used to drive an unmarked police cruiser. He told me of a time where he was in the passing lane on the interstate and he was trying to pass a car that kept speeding up every time Dad sped up. Finally, Dad had enough of it and turned on his blue lights, pulled the guy over and gave him a ticket. :lol:

    Personally, I liked that story. I'd have had a problem with it if he'd been trying to prevent the other guy from passing and pulled that though.

  10. Shannon72

    Shannon72 Member

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    I'm with FastMaxim82 and CNCguy. I pick the speed I want to go, and if you want to go faster than that (which happens, but not often), you're more than welcome to pass me, with my compliments.

    The two things that DO tick me off, though:

    1. The guy who comes up behind me going X+15MPH when I'm going X+7MPH already trying to pass someone, and then rides six inches from my back tire until I do. Sorry, pal, I'm not gonna gun it; the both of us are already going over the speed limit, so you can just slow the hell down for the ten seconds it takes me to get back into the right lane.

    2. The guys who wait until you have just or have just almost passed them, who, even though they were going X MPH for the five minutes it's taken you to see them, then pass them, suddenly decide they MUST GO FASTER! Until they pass YOU, at which point they drop back to X MPH, until you try to pass them again.

    I don't get road rage very often, but there have been times when #2 has seen me with the speedo buried and the tach redlined as I show some pushy kid in a soda-canned Civic just how fast a motorcycle can accelerate, even on the highway...
  11. DianCecht

    DianCecht Member

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    Central Illinois
    I used to be a speed demon. A few months without a license and a job I had to keep taught me how to drive at the speed limit. I swear I will get pulled over and ticketed in a car with the cruise set at the speed limit going down a hill. Seriously though, I've had 5+ speeding tickets (at age 24), totaled a 2001 Monte Carlo in a ditch (Did I mention I'm a recovering alcoholic?) and the only thing I've ever had to show for it is a lot of fines (including 2 seatbelt tickets, dangit). Actually, in Texas, a "contest of speed" ticket cost me 175$.

    My grandpa would say, "(expletive), D(istance) EQUALS T(ime) OVER V(elocity)!" Driving in Dallas, it becomes rather apparent that people have no concept of the formula... If you are a half hour late in an hour drive, you'd have to go twice as fast to arrive on time. It won't happen. Be late, safe, and alive.

    Any time I cross the posted speed limit by more than 6 or 7 mph, I'm either on a dead country road, or it's simply my size 13 boot playing tricks on me.

    Point being, I am aware enough of my man-parts to know that my wife will find them no less attractive if someone passes me. Especially on two-wheels; I'm not up for playing games with my life and family's security.
  12. MadMaxim85

    MadMaxim85 Member

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    Lansing, MI
    I hate being passed too. Just recently, an ass in a subaru outback decided to zip by me doing about 90mph (I'm guessing). He flipped me the bird (I was doing 72mph, which apparently, is too slow).

    About a mile up the road, I honked my horn and waved to him, pulled over on the side of the highway, state trooper on his 6.

    Sometimes, life is sweet.
  13. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    I don't mind; if I'm cruising at 60 or 62 on a 2-lane with a 55mph speed limit and some fool in a "racecar" (you can tell because it has a wing) wants to flash by, I let 'em.

    HE's driving a 9-year old Saturn with a wing and a loud muffler.

    I'm riding a restored 30 year old classic. Obviously no match for a RACEcar.

    He's just jealous.
  14. gitbox

    gitbox Member

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    Ditto what xj650ss said.

    I used to care about things like that. Radar detector and 80 mph everywhere I went. Not anymore. Now having a million plus miles under my belt, too many tickets and driving by countless wrecks, I'm happy just driving as safe and smooth as I can.

    Besides, there are way too many idiots on the road. In fact, I'd much rather be passed than have one of those idiots six feet behind me. Did I say idiots again?

    Get your aggression out at the track or local drag strip or get a dirt bike and ride motocross. That'll drain your adrenaline.
  15. maz43

    maz43 Member

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    Detroit area
    I don't mind at all.
    It's better than having some idiot riding my ass.......
    Now that is something that does bother me.
  16. tennsouthernbelle

    tennsouthernbelle Member

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    Morristown, TN
    Someone needs to take an estrogen shot.....

    By all means pass me up. I set my cruise at 9mph over the speed limit. Tennessee cops are pretty lienent about giving out tickets. If that isn't fast enough go on by.

    You'll be the one getting the ticket not me. Then you'll be late getting home from being ticketed and have to pay a fine. While I'll be home giving out that wet, sloppy BJ on a Saturday night.
  17. wamaxim

    wamaxim Active Member

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    Vancouver, USA
    Belle, the estrogen will completely obviate the need for any Saturday night activities!
  18. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    Beaver Falls, PA
    Thoughts? Dude you got a problem
  19. switch263

    switch263 Member

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    I keep a 36" 1-inch wrench in my car. I threw it at some toolbox once that rode my ass for a good 25 miles down the highway, no other traffic in sight.

    Ten pounds of steel makes a big hole.

    I don't deal well with tailgaters.... now if only I could figure out how to carry the wrench on the bike.
  20. TIMEtoRIDE

    TIMEtoRIDE Active Member

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    Clermont FL near Orlando
    So, basically Robert is on vacation?
  21. luvmy40

    luvmy40 Member

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    Y-Town, OH
    Man nothing pisses me off more than the azface putzes that decide to play hop scotch with me at 80mph. The next biggest aggravation is the guy who screams up behind and then sets up beside you like a wing man when you pull over to let them by.
  22. 82XJ

    82XJ Member

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    Far SW suburbs of Chicago, IL
    Man, at 23 I had 5 tickets in a month. Believe me, I'm done paying tickets. You want to pass me, go right ahead. Shoot, I'll even move over if I can - you go right ahead and flush out that speed trap for me. ;)

    But for the love of Saturday night activities, PLEASE don't ride my a... tail. We both know you can't stop fast enough to not hit me if it comes to that, and I will come to a complete stop if that's what it takes to get you to go around...
  23. fonz

    fonz Member

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    Philly burbs
    ha, i was waiting on someone especially after the saturday night recreational comments.
  24. lorne317

    lorne317 Member

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    Beaverbank,Nova Scotia
    My self esteem is not at all related to how fast I'm going so pass away,doesn't bother me at all.
  25. ktcubed

    ktcubed Member

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    St. Augustine, FL
    He's obviously in a hurry to get home for his Saturday night activities...
  26. RiderXJ

    RiderXJ Member

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    I drive a minimum of 50 miles one way to work ever day. Sometimes it's more. I can't label myself as a "road rager" but it does really pi## me off when I see someone doing the speed limit in the left lane when they have a mile of cars behind them, and room to move over. I think most of the time it's ignorance that this happens.Sometimes it an "I don't like being passed attitude" Regardless, The LEFT lane is for passing.Whether you like being passed or not, that's what it's there for. If you want to jump out in front of me and do the speed limit, I will ride your a##(unless your on a bike) until you move back over. If you wanna "Brake check" me that's fine, I have an airbag and great insurance. I understand that may take a mile or two but if you have the room to move over before passing that slow semi a 1/2 ahead, then please do so,and let me by.

    I believe I am a VERY courteous driver. I am not one that will jump out in front of you to pass someone, causing you to hit your brake. I do not DRIVE in the left lane when there is room to continue my present speed in the right lane. If you are merging, I will move over for you. If you want in when a lane is shut down for construction I'll also let you in, UNLESS you are one of those a##holes that think you can drive to the front of the line and cut in. YOU WILL BE CUT OFF!!!

    I am NOT a brake tapping driver. Taking my foot off the accelerator is usually enough to back off the car or bike in front of me .It's not always necessary to tap the brake. That causes a chain reaction and eventually causes traffic to come to a stop 10 cars behind
    If you wanna pass me, be patient. I WILL move over asap but I will also speed up to do it a bit faster.

    I have been driving almost 30 year and I have been pulled over twice for speeding but only have one speeding ticket, all before I was 18. I've been in 2 accidents not my fault. (Rear-ended) I'm not a saint. Maybe just lucky but I don't think so. I speed.... But I'm not a speed demon. 10 over is comfortable 15 pushing it. Life passes by fast but it's not worth giving my hard earned money to cities, counties, or the state.

    It's all about courtesy I think. We just have to put up with the A##holes that think they are the only ones on the roads.

    Just My .02
  27. alkasmeltzer

    alkasmeltzer Member

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    Lincoln, NE
    Switch, a little trick I used when I lived in Denver was to load my coat pockets with the balls from a ball bearing that had had its last hoorah. Someone tailgates me, I release the ball bearings. No holes, but several pits in their paint and windshield gets them to back off a bit.

    I hate tailgaters as much as the next guy. I know what I had for lunch! I don't need you hanging around waiting for me to fart so you can tell me what it was!!!

    When I get someone tailgating me in the cage, my favorite little trick is to drop a couple tires off the side of the road. throws up a lot of debris. Same effect as the ball bearings + it really pi$$es them off!!!
  28. switch263

    switch263 Member

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    Austin, TX
    Lol. I'll have to try the tires-into-the-shoulder trick, that's awesome. :D
  29. jdpesz

    jdpesz Member

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    Stanwood, Wa
    The only time I object to being passed is if I'm in a group ride and someone passes and cuts in front, thus seperating me from the group.

    One thing I hate is the guy on the freeway that has to get past me so he can cross three lanes right across my bow to make an exit. Like falling in behind me isn't an option. :roll:
    Of course I'm usually in my work truck on the slab. Nobody wants to follow a high cube.
  30. danno

    danno Member

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    Union Springs,New York
    Go ahead and pass me.I'll probably be right behind you at the next light or stop sign anyway (without having broken the speed limit).
  31. ktcubed

    ktcubed Member

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    St. Augustine, FL
    In town I will pass cars to get to the front of the pack. Then when I get to the light, there won't be a pack anymore as I leave them behind. Don't like riding in town in the midst of a bunch of cages.
  32. woot

    woot Active Member

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    <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=44.777479+-
    I don't care anymore. I ride on the street at the speed I feel comfortable.

    Come on out to the track and if you can pass me there I'll take some pointers ;)

    The street isn't really a place for speed... I know I was one of the worst offenders 10 years ago, but I had one of those moments of clarity that involved changing underwear - lost a few friends - and realized the street was designed to get places, not to be the next racer. So I don't mind being passed at all - just do it safely.

    ** I paid for my track photos, so I sure am going to use them ;)
  33. Decapitated_Toy

    Decapitated_Toy Member

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    burlington, wa
    on my bike i do roughly 5-7 over... everywhere. if i road a crotch rocket i would far exceed that but my bike is tired. in my car however(350z) i drive 10-15 over or if i do get passed(not very often) i let them be my feeler. if its another nice car and they are in a playful mood i will get on it.. not so much to beat them as to just see how fast they will go and bobing in and out is fun. i do my best to not tailgate but the jackass doing 60 in a 70 will get ridden or passed on the inside.

    i do feel a bit of pride when passing some people and i hate when people drive right next to me for miles on end.

    oh i also hate people that speed in hybrids......it kind of goes againt the whole idea
  34. jhicks13

    jhicks13 Member

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    Toronto, ON, Canada
    I personally love it when someone passes me... it gives me the opportunity to drop in behind them and follow along as they get hit in the speed trap and I continue sailing along.

    That being said, I keep my speed within reason most of the time. The few times that I have gone excessively over the limit its been in the middle of nowhere where I'm sure enough that if I f*ck up, I'm only going to kill myself
  35. tumbleweed_biff

    tumbleweed_biff Active Member

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    Gahanna Ohio
    If you are serious about what you are saying, I say you have serious mental issues and need counseling.

    People like you are dangerous. You want to kill yourself, have a ball. But stay the heck away from the public and go live somewhere like Montana where the only thing you'll kill is the errant steer.

    Too many people like you have been scraped up off the pavement, leaving behind traumatized families - yours and the others you inflicted tragedy upon. Additionally, you give other riders a real bad reputation because everyone equates riders to the way you are.

    Obviously, You aren't a big fan of westerns ... the cowboys always have this holder on the side of the horse where they stow their rifle for ready access ... Just do the same thing with your wrench.

    'course, what you are speaking of doing is as dangerous as heck and will result in criminal prosecution if you are caught.


    It may be fun to you, but it scares the rest of us who have a tad more experience in life and want to hang around for a bit longer. In addition to driving in the US, I spent a few years driving the autobahns of Germany and other European highways. Having a 100 car pile-up because of some S*O*B* who wanted to bob in and out of lanes ... I see major slowdowns and backups on the freeway so frequently ... inevitably it is because some rude Jackass was totally discourteous to others and was bobbing in an out of lanes, forcing the people they cut off to have to hit their brakes ... chain reaction that leaves traffic screwed up for the next 10 minutes, making everyone else's commute all that more frustrating and long.

    i do my best to not tailgate but the jackass doing 60 in a 70 will get ridden or passed on the inside.

    There are those who say the same thing about people eating a Big Mac combo and getting a diet coke. You may say it goes against the whole idea, but it is *still* saving several hundred calories by getting a diet.
  36. Decapitated_Toy

    Decapitated_Toy Member

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    burlington, wa
    i dont cut people off..... if i cant make it between each car with at least 2 car length then i dont do it. im not out there trying to drive 80 in traffic...i work graveyards and drive off hours. i know it still isnt the smartest thing to do but im poor and the nearest track is a hundred miles away. i have excuses all day long! haha

    if i were watching my weight i wouldnt be eatin at mcdonalds. if i were saving the planet i would buy a car that fits my driving style. just around town yeah sure prius or motorscooter.. if i know i have to travel and will be speeding you get better gas milage in a turbo 4 banger thats mapped right. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKTOyiKLARk
  37. efigalaxie

    efigalaxie New Member

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    Salem, VA
    Hammer, your post was so memorable to me that I commented on it on another post. Here is what I think.

    One guy posted on here about not wanting to be passed. If you are cruising at 55 and someone goes to pass you at 65 and you speed up to prevent it, well, I may assume that you inadvertantly let your speed slip and my presence brought it to your attention. That is fine. If I pull back in behind you and then you slow back down, you are a jerk and a menace to everyone else on the road. I am new here. I do not want to make enemies, but your behaviour as described in your post puts your emotional age at approximately 8. I hope that you do not really act that way...especially on a bike. Remember, there are many less than mentally stable people on the roads. You are on a bike. Maybe the driver of the hummer has just snapped after witnessing your actions. Maybe he waits until things settle, goes to pass. He is abreast of you and you start to speed up. Maybe he simply pulls right into you on purpose. This type of thing is why I always had trouble accepting the sequence in Mad Max where the kid in the old 50s chebbie is being terrorized by the bike gang. I can assure you, had I been driving that car, there would have been many dead bikers. So dude, respect your own life at least!!!

    What I do like to do is find someone that is going faster than me and use them as radar shield. This has worked very well for me.
  38. lostboy

    lostboy Well-Known Member

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    Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada
    I don't mind people passing me but don't pass me then stop to turn left at the next road and slow me down!!!!
  39. gitbox

    gitbox Member

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    A side note:

    Regarding using people for a radar shield: I used to be one of those "shields" that drove way over the speed limit. I once had a guy ride my bumper for about 20 miles. I couldn't shake him. I sped up, so did he. I slowed down to way below the posted speed and he stayed there. I got fed up and decided just to pull over on the shoulder and stop. Can you believe that moron did the same thing! I sat there for fifteen minutes before he decided to pull off around me.

    I got so disgusted with these gutless idiots that were using me that I developed a neat trick for getting even. If my tail was far enough behind me and my radar detector went off, I would use the emergency brake to slow down without him noticing. I then went by the nice police officer at an acceptible speed and he came flying by at my former speed. That's the only time I liked seeing those pretty blue lights flashing.
  40. efigalaxie

    efigalaxie New Member

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    Salem, VA

    I can use a faster vehicle as a sheild without being a jerk. One does not need to tailgate one's sheild. I try to get into a group that is going about 3 - 5 mph faster than me. I lose them eventually. Then, if the area seems ripe for radar, I wait for the next couple of cars to come by. Then I speed up to within 3 - 5mph of them after they have passed. There is nothing wrong with this and nothing 'gutless.' I am not forcing anyone to drive the speed that they are. That is a choice they make. I don't ride their bumpers. Resultingly, things are exactly as they would be if I were not there. I have seen the type of person to which you are referring. If I am familiar with the area, I will bait that kind of person by speeding up faster than I usually go and then engine braking right as I approach the usual cop areas. It is fun to see the tailgater swing right by and into the radar beam. Just because I use others as sheilds does not mean I have to be a tailgater. The way I do it, I would still be vulnerable to a cop if he pulled in right at an exact moment an hit me. - because I do not keep the shields for more than 4 - 5 miles at a time before they are out of sight.

    As for your situation where a guy pulled in behind you, I would have been calling the cops. That is just creepy.
  41. gitbox

    gitbox Member

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    Hey, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I am happy as long as there is a cushion of space around me. I was referring to the rude types on the road and good gosh there are a lot of those.

    I try my hardest not to be an "idiot" driver but I must admit I have done some pretty stupid things myself. No one's perfect.

    And besides, I was much younger and much more in a hurry then. I've mellowed quite a bit with age.
  42. efigalaxie

    efigalaxie New Member

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    Salem, VA
    Quote "I try my hardest not to be an "idiot" driver but I must admit I have done some pretty stupid things myself. No one's perfect."

    Haven't we all!!!!!???!!!! No I sure as the dickens am not perfect!! :)
  43. hammerheadx

    hammerheadx Member

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    Binghamton, NY
    Of all the replies to my OBVIOUSLY tongue-in-cheek thread, i think i like Tumbleweed's the best.
    In the same reply in which he advises someone who merely states they don't like to be passed to seek counseling, because he has "serious mental issues" and "People like you are dangerous" and then assumes i'd like to kill myself and possibly others -

    Never mind that NOWHERE in my post do i indicate the speed at which i like to ride. Not ONE mention of ANY velocity in my post! No mention of tailgating or baiting or anything -

    he then, for the lunatic who actually admitted throwing a 1" x 36" iron wrench out his window at another driver, had this sage advice:
    "the cowboys always have this holder on the side of the horse where they stow their rifle for ready access ... Just do the same thing with your wrench"

    Nice. This and others of you in here advocating road rage have given me a fine level-set on this group and an interesting answer to my social experiement.

    From my count so far:
    Number of posters wanting fellow bikers to be hassled by the cops for going faster than them: 7
    (A sad day when people who call themselves bikers gleefully enjoy brothers and sisters being hassled by the man. A sad day indeed. I remember a day when we used to flash lights for each other to point out speed traps. Guess those days are gone. Sad.)

    Number of posters advocating, either directly or indirectly, acts of agression or violence WAY beyond simply not wishing to be passed: 8.
    Yeah. That's right. Eight of you described far more agressive situations or acts than i'm talking about (in an obviously humurous way), while condemning me from your high horses.

    Time for a little introspection, for some of you...

  44. RiderXJ

    RiderXJ Member

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    At least some of us would be able to pass you safely while your on that horse.

    The point being is everyone of us have to deal with asshole drivers every day. Although there is nothing we can do about them, we can hope and pray every time we get behind the wheel or handle bars we don't encounter one. Could this be the day that I get cut off by an aggressive driver,because someone does whatever they have to so that person don't pass them? Just so they don't feel bad about themselves. It bothers me to think about all the accidents you have cause unknowingly because of your D### size. GROW UP. Maybe you should start analyzing yourself instead of everyone else that responded to your thread.
    One Day... AND it WILL happen, your going to have to explain your actions and why. Or maybe you'll just run like a coward from the accident you caused and not give a second thought about it. I'm leaning towards the later.

    You wrote...

    "I don't want you passing me if i can help it.
    I'd rather throw a rod out the side of my engine case than let you by.
    I'd prefer not to be going slow enough in the first place to give you the notion to even allow you the fantasy of passing me."

    "The only reasons i will allow you to pass me are:
    1. Your bank account is bigger than mine and you're willing to push past the legal limit in a known speed trap zone farther than me.
    2. My wife is in the car. (yeah, i know. shut up.)
    3. I'm dead.
    The joy i get out of relegating you to second place is palpable."

    To me and I'm sure a lot of other readers I would take that as aggressive driving. Doing whatever is necessary because you don't like being passed. Whether it be speeding up to throw a rod or weaving in and out of traffic. It doesn't matter.. both are aggressive.
    Maybe you should just take the BUS.
  45. hammerheadx

    hammerheadx Member

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    A well thought out retort.
    Except i've never caused an accident. Never actually sped up to throw a rod out of my engine to keep anyone from passing, or anything close to the sort.
    In writing, it's called using the extreme to make a lesser point. That's part of what some call humor.
    I figured if i wrote it such that i'd throw a rod instead of letting you pass, people would pick up on the natural hyperbole of my writing.
    Guess that's the disadvantage of non-person-to-person communication. If you missed the tongue-in-cheek intent, that would leave room for misinterpretation and condemnation of a fellow rider you've never even MET, let alone ridden with.
    I thought if i spelled out that the over-the-top phrases in my post were meant to be HUMOROUS over-exaggeration, that would help everyone relax and put away their weapons.

    Apparently not.

    I still find it hilarious and hypocritical that the majority of those in this thread slamming me have actually copped to much more agregeous and aggressive behavior than my original post implied. And none of you have called THEM to the carpet for it. :lol:

    I have a disclaimer:
    I don't actually speed up to PREVENT someone from passing me. That's the one part of the post i wish i could re-write. In fact, i'm usually the fastest vehicle on the road at any given time and DOING the passing. And not by a differential of 100mph, like i'm sure most of you just assumed without asking. I run 10-12 mph over the posted limit which, around here, is faster than most other traffic. Except in residential areas where i generally obey the limit, cause i don't want to hit kids or dogs playing by the streets and am respectful of where you live.
    You guys apparently just ASSUMED i'm blasting along at 150+, cutting people off, tailgating, raping women and children and who knows what all.
    I get passed. I just don't like the feeling, deep inside.

    Just about every other day i read that someone else in here has tossed their bike down the road. I've been riding on the street for 31 years and the only mishap i've been a part of has been when a CAR hit ME while i was stopped at a red light. I'm not sure its ME you people need to be worrying about in here. :D

    Ask yourself this question: If you disagree with my premise and don't mind being passed, why do you get so upset IF someone you're about to pass speeds up so you no longer can? What inherent right do you think you have to that particular velocity at that particular time? Admit it. You're irked because you were planning on passing a fellow motorist and no longer can at your current speed. You'd rather be the passer. It was in your subconscious life plan. You counted on it. Now, it's been taken from you and you don't like it. It's not DANGEROUS. There's two lanes. you're still going the same direction. He hasn't cut you off. Maybe he didn't even realize you were there and just decided to increase velocity.
    You ASSUME the worst because your desire to pass has been thwarted.

    Resume introspection.

    PS. I'm thoroughly happy with my p3n1s size. So is my wife. Not sure what that has to do with my enjoying motorcyles and speed and freedom?
    But if that's how you measure everything...
    Life is good.
  46. tumbleweed_biff

    tumbleweed_biff Active Member

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    Gahanna Ohio

    You typify the types of people who like to say one thing out of one side of your face and then misqoute others you don't like.

    How sad that someone thinks that others should not only express approval of those who viloate the law and behave in a manner dangerous to themselves and others, but that others should assist them in this simply because they too ride a motorcycle as though being a rider adds some sort of obligation to assist others in doing so.
    You didn't merely state that you don't *like* to be passed, you stated that you hated it and would go to extreme measures to prevent it.

    You stated (and this *is* in context):
    Key notes: the only reasons I *WILL ALLOW* ... a clear statement of what you do as a practice. Unless you live in a theme park or limit your driving to the go cart course, that clearly indicates driving excessive speed in an aggressive manner.

    Second: "... scenarios under which i'll suffer ..."
    Another clear statement of aggressive driving. Considering how fast people out there *ARE* going and how aggressive others are, your statement says that you will *NOT* allow them to pass you, which means that you either have to block them (creating massive road rage) or race them (reckless driving over the speed limit).

    I am a former EMT. Dead bodies from aggressive driving ... recently here in the Columbus area, someone nearly took out a biker. The biker reached over and patted the fender of the offending SUV to warn the driver. The driver then began hunting the rider who was then trying to escape as the cage driver chased him. His friends (also on bikes) could do nothing but follow and watch as the driver of the SUV proceed to chase and subsequently *KILL* the bike rider.

    Yeah, people with the attitude like you described *are* extremely dangerous, *are* out there, and should be removed from society until they can control their behavior.

    As a second major point, you fail to give credit to statements that you had deliberately chosen not copy and paste to your most recent post with your comments about me. You fail to acknowledge the lead-in, that clearly states: "IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING".
    You had an agenda, so you trimmed what didn't fit your agenda in order to skew what I said and to speak slightingly of me.

    Likewise, regarding the wrench, you fail to notice the part where I say:
    "'course, what you are speaking of doing is as dangerous as heck and will result in criminal prosecution if you are caught." I suppose you don't see anything "tongue-in-cheek" about a response that starts with "Obviously, You aren't a big fan of westerns"

    Now, due to the nature of reading a typed post, I can certainly understand how you could have mis-understood the "You want to kill yourself, have a ball." However, there was an implied "If" at the beginning, and had I been speaking it, there would have been an increasing pitch on the "kill yourself", showing that to be a interrogative statement rather than an affirmative one. I should have been more clear and put a question mark after "yourself". I apologize for that.

    Finally, you fail to recognize that your post *WASN'T OBVIOUSLY*
    tongue-in-cheek. The very nature of the responses you deride are a clear indication that many intelligent people did not take it that way.

    Why would we fail to see it that way? Because we have seen and dealt with too many stupid (primarily young) jerks who *ARE* that way in reality and think *exactly* that way and you sounded precisely like one of them.

    So to clearly summarize my point: you are a disingenuous little twerp who likes to bait people and then use their words out of context in order to speak ill of them and attempt, rather pitifully, to humiliate them. On the other hand, I think you do fairly well at doing that to yourself.

    So perhaps you should remedy your cranial/rectal inversion and do a little *less* introspection.
  47. dawsoner

    dawsoner Member

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    Boulder, Colorado
    I like riding 55. I ride an XJ700 and that seems to be a really good place in my RPM range.
  48. hammerheadx

    hammerheadx Member

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    So humorous exaggeration and hyperbole is only in your pervue and disallowed in mine?

    When you use it, you're dispensing sage advice and when i do it i'm being a disingenuous little twerp?

    Now i know all i need to know about you, too.

    You know enough about me from a post i've now said TWICE was meant tongue-in-cheek to STILL declare that i should be "Removed from society", except you coyly phrased it so you can weasel out of the accusation. Except you clearly are placing every word of my first post directly on me and my "attitude".

    "Removed from Society". Really? How exactly? What about those wives and kids you were so worried about earlier?

    People with the attitudes like YOU'VE described are the REALLY dangerous ones.

    I'm just having a little PROVEN harmless fun. You're acting like prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner. Very dangerous.

  49. hammerheadx

    hammerheadx Member

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    Binghamton, NY
    I totally respect that view!
  50. Wyldman

    Wyldman Member

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    Me too! :) No matter what bike I'm riding, I tend to tool around at 55.
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