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Different XJ bikes

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by efigalaxie, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. efigalaxie

    efigalaxie New Member

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    Salem, VA
    What are the pros and cons of the various XJ bikes? I would like a comprehensive answer. I know it won't be completely objective, but I am still interested.
    I have a '82 XJ650 maxim. I know this series was made in displacements from 400 to 1100cc and in different styles -ie maxim/seca etc.
  2. RiderXJ

    RiderXJ Member

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    I guess it all depends on what you like. I have owned a 550 Seca that was blast to ride. Handled great no matter which way you wanted to twist it. It had a small storage compartment under the seat in the back fender area.That was handy for gloves glasses or whatever you could stuff in there.

    I traded it for a '81 650 Maxim. I like it because I like the cruiser style bike better. I gave up the handling for comfort but it still had enough power for a 2-up ride. I liked the aftermarket backrest and luggage rack I was able to install for carrying whatever I needed to for that quick trip to the store or overnight bag. There are a lot of things you can do to customize the Maxim compared to the Seca IMHO.

    I sold the 650 to finish up an 1100 Maxim. This bike I'll keep forever. It has everything. Comfort and a ton of power. It is heavier than the 650 but it can be dressed out completely without looking overdressed. Adjustable air shocks and stiffness adjustment.
    Some 1100's have a known 2nd gear problem but can be fixed with a few hours and a dremel. Parts are probably the hardest to find for the 1100 as they only had it in the U.S. for one year '82

    If you want peppy and fun, the Seca is the bike by far. If you want comfort, the Maxim IMHO has it.
  3. Fongdingo

    Fongdingo Member

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    well my 2 cent is that the 650 maxim is the best for me cause for a few reasons that its plain looking, and its very deceiving cause the cops just want to wave at me not clock me or care to really check my tags cause you look like an ordinary everyday bike. when i pull up to another kind of bike that may want to run me i can usually take them, on an older bike at that makes me giggle. the next is that its really nice to work on when you have to cause the thing just keeps on going and, if you do some carb work it runs even better. the parts are not hard to find and are not that expensive. the last is that it can be transformed in to what ever you can think of, and the following on this site is the best part on having one of these bikes its the best place for info about what to do to the bike. ive been to other sites helping my friends with there bikes and this site is the best reasons for having this bike.
  4. Ltdave

    Ltdave Member

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    as far east as you can get in michigan 43.027407,
    im not all that familiar with the 400 sized bikes but im certain the following is pretty comprehensive:

    400 seca
    550 seca and maxim
    650 seca and maxim
    750 seca and maxim
    900 seca
    1100 maxim

    these are 81-83 models

    there were the 700s that were imported sometime after that

    whats been said is right on about the maxims being more comfort and the secas more sport...

    MY problem is im a collector. mostly of nothing special but i would like to get a Seca in all of the displacements. im missing 3 (400, 550 and 650) and dont need the maxims although the seat on my 550 maxim is very comfortable so a 650 or 750 maxim would probably be a joy to ride...

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